155. Telegram From the Commander of Special Task Group 81.8 (Clark) to the Commander in Chief, Atlantic (Dennison)0

192045Z. Exclusive for Dennison, Gray, Smith, OʼDonnell, McElroy from Clark. Bumpy Road.

Final report from CTU 81.8.3 “saw nothing to indicate any chance of evacuation. Beach appears completely held by light Castro forces.”
My destroyers are clear of beach and rejoining CEF ships.1
  1. Source: Naval Historical Center, Area Files, Bumpy Road Materials. Top Secret; Operational Immediate; Exclusive. Repeated to JCS, COMCARIBSEAFRON, COMKWESTFOR, and COMNAVBASE GTMO.
  2. At 3:20, Clark reported: “CTU 81.8.3 straddled by shore battery. Ordered withdrawal full speed.” (CTG 81.8 telegram 192020Z to CINCLANTFLT, April 19; ibid.)