154. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Atlantic (Dennison)0

JCS 994409. Bumpy Road. Exclusive for Adm Dennison and Adm Clark from Gen Gray.

Based on report from CEF Commander ashore that he was destroying communications CIA has assumed he has taken to the woods.
CIA has ordered their shipping to disperse and proceed to various ports. Blagar and LCUʼs have been ordered to point CC. Request you assume operational control at CC and take action as feasible to salvage ships and cargo.1
  1. Source: Naval Historical Center, Area Files, Bumpy Road Materials. Top Secret; Operational Immediate; Limited Distribution; Exclusive. Repeated to CTG 81.8.
  2. At 7:27 p.m., the JCS amended this order to read: “Retain operational control of LCUʼs only.” The CIA had directed that the crews of the LCUs be transferred to the Caribe and remain under CIA control. (JCS telegram 994463 to CINCLANT, April 19; ibid.)