65. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Secretary of State0

2710. Eyes only Secretary. Gromyko called me in this afternoon and reading from paper made following statement. NSK would have liked personally to have talked with me and to have set forth certain considerations in connection with confidential letter from President Kennedy1 that I had transmitted to him in Novosibirsk. However he is leaving Moscow and expects return only by May 20. Soviet Govt and NSK deplore fact that discord has occurred of late between our two countries in connection with events regarding Cuba. He would not like to repeat what was said by Soviet Govt and NSK personally with regard to Cuba and US policies concerning that country. Position of Soviet Govt on this question was repeatedly outlined by NSK personally including occasion of his talk with me in Novosibirsk. SovGov regrets that the above-mentioned events have taken place and also regrets events in Laos as they have declared to USG in setting forth views of SovGov on Laotian problem. But if Soviet Union and US do not consider that there is an unbridgeable gulf between them, then both should draw appropriate conclusion from this, namely that we live on one planet and therefore ways should be found to settle appropriate questions and to build up our relations. In other words bridges have to be built which would link our countries. This viewpoint [Page 131] is held by SovGov. Initiative displayed in regard to a meeting by President Kennedy met with favorable attitude on part of SovGov and at present it would like to know whether or not proposal by President Kennedy on meeting and exchange of views remains valid or whether proposal made is being revised.SU still thinks above-mentioned initiative is useful for both countries.

Events that took place lately yet again confirm necessity of contacts between US and SU including contacts at highest level. Soviet Union owes debt in sense they have not yet replied by letter to confidential letter of President Kennedy in which was formulated proposal on meeting. Before sending reply they naturally would like to know how matters will take shape now. If President as hitherto favors meeting and exchange of views on relevant problems that is one thing. If for some reason he now holds different viewpoint that is quite another matter and Soviet Union would regret if that is so. Gromyko said he would be grateful if I could inform him on this matter whenever I am in position to do so.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.61/5-461. Secret; Priority.
  2. See Document 41.