163. Editorial Note

In telegram 1998 to Moscow, March 1, 1962, the Department of State instructed Ambassador Thompson to make a further démarche to Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko on the issue of Berlin. The Department noted that “although your exchanges with Gromyko seem to have reached stage of formalistic ritual we believe that you should request further meeting with him to put our further comments on record and to link discussions with possible talks at Geneva” (where Gromyko and Secretary of State Rusk would be attending disarmament talks). Thompson was [Page 382] also to reinforce recent Three-Power protests over harassment of Western air traffic in Berlin corridors. In telegram 2350 to the Department of State, March 6, Thompson again reported that no progress had been made in his latest meeting with Gromyko, either on the general situation in Berlin or on the new issues he had raised. For text of both telegrams, see Foreign Relations, 1961–1963, volume XIV, pages 846849 and 859862.