126. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1
536. For President only, pass White House directly, no other distribution whatever. Re your CAP 63516.2
- 1.
- If Secretary of Defense and General Taylor come to Viet-Nam, they will have to call on President Diem and I will have to accompany them. This will be taken here as a sign that we have decided to forgive and forget and will be regarded as marking the end of our period of disapproval of the oppressive measures which have been taken here since last May. It would certainly put a wet blanket on those working for a change of government. The family are only too anxious to promote the idea that everything is finished and cleared up, and we should now go ahead and win the war.
- 2.
- Believe, therefore, that Secretary of Defense and General Taylor should come with eyes open knowing that this is what the reaction will be. It is quite impossible at their level to distinguish between the political and military.
- 3.
- I have been observing a policy of silence which we have reason to believe is causing a certain amount of apprehension and may just be getting the family into the mood to make a few concessions. The effect of this will obviously be lost if we make such a dramatic demonstration as that of having the Secretary of Defense and General Taylor come out here.3
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 1 S VIET-US. Top Secret; Immediate; Eyes Only. Received at 7:58 a.m. and passed to the White House at 8:25 a.m.↩
- Document 125.↩
McGeorge Bundy called Rusk to discuss this message at 10:19 a.m. The transcription of the conversation began as follows:
“B said Pres asked B to check with Sec on the incoming. Sent it around for distribution to those present yesterday p.m. What he is thinking about is best message back and best way of structuring the mission so as not to have consequences Lodge is concerned about.”
The conversation concluded:
“Sec said last para is crucial to whole business. B replied this is Bob’s preference. Meet with Harkins in Hawaii but Pres thinks you have to look at it to see it. Sec hopes we will not announce anything until further communication with Lodge. B said nothing will be announced. Mentioned stop order to UAJ and Sec will talk to Harriman about it.” (Department of State, Rusk Files: Lot 72 D 192, Telephone Conversations) The last sentence is a reference to the question of including U. Alexis Johnson in the McNamara-Taylor party.