166. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

1331. Reference: A. Deptel 1213; B.Embtel 1297.2 Number of French military training personnel and cadres in Viet Nam in 1954 documented in Embassy despatch 420 of May 27, 1960.3 As indicated therein source is French Military Attaché who obtained the information for us from Paris.

Agree 3,500 figure not now particularly helpful in view present number US military personnel. Therefore would envisage arguing US right to introduction additional military personnel on ground that total number French military personnel in Viet Nam in 1954 far in excess of what we have and that, as Canadians stated in memorandum given Department March 15, 1962,4 basic purpose of Geneva accords was to “freeze” balance of military power in Viet Nam. From technical point of view justifying presence US military personnel under wording article 16, would not appear necessary relate US military personnel to either nationality or function foreign military forces in Viet Nam in 1954. Article 16 prohibits introduction of “any troop reinforcements and additional military personnel” except for rotations of units and groups of personnel, etc. without making distinction as to nationality or function of troops. Thus article 16 solely concerned with preserving military status quo in terms numbers of foreign military personnel. Would endeavor to avoid being drawn into discussion as to whether we seeking replace French “combat” troops by simply pointing out US military personnel in Viet Nam are training, advisory and support personnel, and not combat forces.

Believe we can best ascertain whether ICC prepared accept new figure as basis justification for US military personnel in Viet Nam by informal discussion with Canadians and subsequently with Indians along lines suggested reference B

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5/4-2062. Secret. Repeated to New Delhi, Ottawa, London, CINCPAC for Polad, and Moscow.
  2. Telegram 1213 to Saigon, April 16, asked whether the Embassy envisaged making the case to the ICC that the United States was entitled to replace French combat troops in Indochina in 1954 under Article 16 of the Geneva Accords. (Ibid., 751G.00/4-1262) Telegram 1297 from Saigon, April 12, recommended that the Department of State make the case with the Canadian and Indian representatives on the ICC that the United States was complying with the Geneva Accords by only replacing French troops that were present in Indochina in 1954. (Ibid., 751G.5/4-1262)
  3. Not printed. (Ibid., 751K.5-MSP/5-2760)
  4. Not printed.