343. Telegram From the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Felt), to the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Viet-Nam (McGarr)1

282245Z. Defoliant operations. A. CHMAAG Viet-Nam 160451Z. B. CHMAAG Viet-Nam 220359Z. C. CINCPAC 232135Z.2

In order to respond to decision made at SecDef meeting 16 Dec, a defoliant plan is required which clearly sets forth the objective of the operation and specific areas for the initial operation. Refs A and B contain basic data but are not selective enough. Our concept is that a defoliant operation should be developed with the following purposes in mind:
To assist the counter-insurgency operation by clearing lines of communication in support of current or projected campaigns.
To enhance capabilities for aerial observation of selected areas in Viet Cong controlled territory.
To assist in clearing fields of fire and to increase observation in order to decrease the likelihood of close-in ambushes.
The initial defoliant operation should be designed with above purposes in mind, but with limited specific objectives in order to provide us with an opportunity to evaluate its success and thereby to determine advisability of further operations.
With foregoing in mind, I have developed following plan for initial limited objective defoliating operations:
  • “1. Situation: The RVNAF is preparing to implement a campaign to eliminate the Viet Cong in specified provinces throughout South Vietnam. To assist these operations, action has been taken to provide for the initial employment of chemical defoliants to clear vegetation along key lines of communication (LOC) to be used in the counter-insurgency operations. This plan provides for the conduct of an initial defoliant operation.
  • 2. Mission: to clear vegetation to a distance of 200 meters on both sides of key LOC by means of aerial and ground spray operations in support of current AC projected counter-insurgency campaigns and to determine the success of such operations.
  • 3. Operations: (map ref: Indochina and Thailand 1:250,000 AMS series L-, sheets NC 48-3, 48-4, 48-7 and 48-8).
[Page 768]

A. Concept:

The operation will involve the systematic clearance of vegetation along key highways and access roads to be used as LOCS by SVN forces conducting counter-insurgency operations. Priority will be given to clearing vegetation along lines of communication (LOC) between seat of government and key cities to include roads peripheral to zone D. Defoliant operations will be conducted with both U.S. and SVN forces using ground and aerial spray equipment. Aerial spray operations will be conducted by U.S. aircraft, w/USAF markings, manned by U.S. personnel under PACAF control and with Vietnamese-manned H-34 helicopters equipped with Hidal spraying rig. Ground spray equipment will be manned and operated by RVANF personnel.
USAF transport aircraft with aerial spray equipment will operate from Tan Son Nhut. USAF aircraft will be crewed by USAF personnel except that Commander 2nd ADVON will ensure that crews are augmented with RVNAF personnel to assist in identification of target areas. Commander 2nd ADVON will control air defoliant operations conducted by U.S. aircraft and coordinate the SVN helicopter operations through K AOC established in the vicinity of Tan Son Nhut.
Specific missions, method of spraying and the time of execution will be determined by CHMAAG based upon the needs of Commanders responsible for the conduct of counterinsurgency operations. CHMAAG will submit air mission requirements to Commander 2nd ADVON who will determine the feasibility of the mission in view of available resources, weather and other limiting factors. CHMAAG will determine the feasibility and coordinate the execution of spraying operations conducted by the RVNAF with vehicle mounted spray equipment. Where feasible, target areas will be designated and adequately marked by GVN personnel using colored markers, balloons helicopters or other means that will be readily identified by forces, air or ground, conducting the defoliant operation. Vietnamese personnel will be utilized to the maximum extent possible in the handling of chemicals for the defoliant operation to include delivery of defoliants to the spray aircraft under control of Commander 2nd ADVON.
This phase of the operation will not include spraying of food crops, and action will be taken to ensure that such areas are avoided. In addition, cover [for] the deception operations designed to deny the Communists propaganda material will be conducted. These operations should provide for a logical explanation on the use of defoliant as a non-military venture for improvement and maintenance of transportation networks.

B. Conduct of operations when directed, defoliant operations will be conducted in the following areas in the priority indiceed [indicated]:

[Here follows a list of five areas as first priority and three areas as second priority.]”

  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 84, Saigon Embassy Files: FRC 68 A 5159, GVN Jan.-June 1962. Top Secret. Repeated to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, JACK AJCC, PACAF, and Navy GRNC.
  2. Reference C is printed as Document 337. References A and B have not been found.