321. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

781. Joint State-Defense message. Task Force/VN. Subject: Defoliants. Defense prepared give go-ahead to first stage defoliant operations upon receipt from CINCPAC of plans and Washington approval for first stage of operation. Decision is that first operations undertaken will be clearance of jungle growth along roads and trails used by ARVN for tactical operations. SecDef has stated that he desires these operations commence as soon as plans receive Washington (Defense and State) approval.

In anticipation press inquiries re use defoliant for jungle road clearance, we propose reply following lines: Noting Communist guerrillas use roadside underbrush to ambush civilian buses, trucks, and passenger cars, making roads unsafe for daily travel by people of the country,GVN has asked U.S. for assistance in program of clearance of jungle growth along roads of Vietnam. U.S. equipment will be used. Road clearance will aid the ARVN in patrolling roads to protect people and will facilitate normal maintenance. Operation involves use of materials which are similar those used every day for weed clearance rights of way in the United States. As our people know from experience, these defoliants of the 2-4D variety are not harmful to humans, animals, or the soil. Since there are miles of jungle roads in Vietnam, U.S. planes and personnel are actively cooperating in this jungle growth clearance operation. C-123 type planes are being used. They are piloted by U.S. crews in uniform.

Your comments requested on above proposed statement which we suggest would also be used in Saigon by U.S. agencies in response to expected queries there.

Deptel 5562 and Airgram CA-6233 propose certain procedures for GVN. We would suggest that matter of informing South Vietnamese people be responsibility of the GVN.

Since defoliant is harmless to personnel and animals, we intend to play it in a low key although we feel it will make a definite [Page 736] contribution to counter-guerrilla operations. (on lines para A, 1 CA-623)4

We believe it important to emphasize that in this operation we are merely clearing jungle growth along the sides of roads, that we are not attacking any human targets, and that its primary purpose is to prevent the guerrilla forces from utilizing this jungle cover for ambushing Vietnamese forces.

We also anticipate that the ground work laid in connection with this jungle road clearance operation will establish a framework within which we can combat future Communist propaganda blasts for other phases of defoliant operations, i.e., tactical Zone D, border clearance and eventually food denial.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/12-1461. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Heinz and Wood, cleared with Cottrell, DOD/ISA, and USIA, and initialed by Harriman for the Acting Secretary. Also sent to CINCPAC for PolAd.
  2. Not found.
  3. Dated December 8, it contained the Viet-Nam Task Force’s suggestions regarding publicity in connection with the use of defoliants. (Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/12-861)
  4. This paragraph dealt with defoliation along roads. It reads “Action preceded by low key, provincial level announcement emphasizing this normal procedure keep road shoulders clear underbrush and tying action to road maintenance effort. Mimeographed announcement including statement that spray harmless to man, animals, and soil for distribution inhabited areas near roads. Before undertaking overall road clearance project large-scale trial run should be undertaken, after proper publicity, and popular reaction to trial run assessed”.