155. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State0
525. USUN for Lodge. Beam–Wang Talks.
79th meeting two hours and thirty minutes.1 Wang led off with categorical rejection US draft agreed announcement2 charging it was merely cover for US aggressive activities and intended legalize US “occupation of Taiwan” and permit realization of “US plot for two Chinas.” He followed with strong attack on US in harsh terms covering usual ground. I then proceeded to read and analyze our draft announcement by paragraphs. Wang refused to be drawn into discussion of text rejecting whole proposal outright as unacceptable basis for discussion. I nevertheless persisted with my presentation of proposal placing on record our effort enter into meaningful negotiation and contrasting our attitude with Communist demand for total surrender. I said we regretted flat rejection our proposal which appeared contradict PRC’s assertion its willingness negotiate peaceful settlement. Wang simply reiterated previous arguments and demand that US withdraw forces from Taiwan.
Wang proposed next meeting Tuesday.3 I countered with Friday, October 10, 3 p.m. which Wang accepted.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/10–458. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to USUN and priority to Taipei.↩
- Beam sent a detailed report of the meeting in telegram 526 from Warsaw, October 4. (Ibid.; see Supplement)↩
- Presented on September 30; for text, see Document 139.↩
- October 7↩