139. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Poland0

352. USUN for Lodge. Beam-Wang Talks. Following is text proposed agreed announcement which you should submit to Wang at next meeting:

Verbatim text. “Ambassador Beam on behalf of the Government of the U.S. and Ambassador Wang on behalf of the Government of the PRC agree to announce that: [Page 294]

“Ambassador Beam, on behalf of the Government of the U.S., has noted:

  • “1. That the PRC claim that Taiwan and the Penghu Islands and the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands are territory of the PRC of which they are determined to possess themselves, if need be, by force. The Government of the PRC has in fact begun to take forcible measures to take possession of the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands. To that end, the Government of the PRC has demanded that the Government of the U.S. forthwith withdraw its forces from Taiwan and the Taiwan area.
  • “2. That the Government of the USSR supports the claims and actions of the PRC. It has a treaty of friendship, alliance and mutual assistance with the PRC and has declared if the U.S. does not withdraw its forces from Taiwan and the Taiwan Straits, ‘no other way will be left to the PRC except the expulsion of the armed forces hostile to it from its own territory’ and that the Government of the Soviet Union ‘will support their (PRC) policy’ and ‘will fulfill completely the obligations we (USSR) have assumed’.
  • “3. That the Government of the U.S. declares (a) that it disputes the above claim of the PRC, (b) that, by treaty with the Republic of China, it is committed to the collective defense, with the Republic of China, of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, and (c) that the Government of the USA will fulfill completely the obligations it has assumed and that the President of the United States is authorized and prepared to use armed forces of the U.S. for the defense of Taiwan and the Penghus and also of related positions, such as the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands, if he judges their defense to be appropriate for the defense of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands.
  • “4. There is thus an international dispute and threat of force which endangers international peace and security and which ought to be resolved by renunciation or force in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.

“Accordingly, Ambassador Beam, on behalf of the Government of the U.S.,

  • “1. Proposes that the Government of the PRC will promptly suspend hostilities now being directed against the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands, such suspension to be contingent on a concurrent reciprocal suspension of hostilities in defense of the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands.
  • “2. The Government of the U.S. declares that it is prepared to seek a solution of the above-mentioned dispute by negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement and notes that the Government of the PRC reciprocates this declaration.
  • “3. Proposes that pending such peaceful solution, provisional measures will be promptly taken by the Government of the PRC, to assure that, so far as they are concerned, there will be no harassments or provocations as between the mainland and island positions held by the Government of the PRC, and the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands, such measures to be contingent on concurrent reciprocal measures of restraint from harassment and provocations from the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands. Such measures may include reduction of forces and armaments.
[Page 295]

“Ambassador Wang, on behalf of the Government of the PRC, has noted:

  • “1. That the PRC claims that Taiwan and the Penghu Islands and the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands are territory of the PRC of which they are determined to possess themselves, if need be, by force. The Government of the PRC has in fact begun to take forcible measures to take possession of the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands. To that end, the Government of the PRC has demanded that the Government of the U.S. forthwith withdraw its forces from Taiwan and the Taiwan area.
  • “2. That the Government of the USSR supports the claims and actions of the PRC. It has a treaty of friendship, alliance and mutual assistance with the PRC and has declared if the U.S. does not withdraw its forces from Taiwan and the Taiwan Straits, ‘no other way will be left to the PRC except the expulsion of the armed forces hostile to it from its own territory’ and that the Government of the Soviet Union ‘will support their (PRC) policy’ and ‘will fulfill completely the obligations we (USSR) have assumed.’
  • “3. That the Government of the U.S. has declared (a) that it disputes the above claim of the PRC, (b) that, by treaty with the Republic of China, it is committed to the collective defense, with the Republic of China, of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands, and (c) that the Government of the USA will fulfill completely the obligations it has assumed and that the President of the United States is authorized and prepared to use armed forces of the U.S. for the defense of Taiwan and the Penghus and also of related positions, such as the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands, if he judges their defense to be appropriate for the defense of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands.
  • “4. There is thus an international dispute and threat of force which endangers international peace and security and which ought to be resolved by renunciation of force in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice are not endangered.

“Accordingly, Ambassador Wang, on behalf of the Government of the PRC,

  • “1. Declares that the Government of the PRC will promptly suspend hostilities now being directed against the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands, such suspension to be contingent on a concurrent reciprocal suspension of hostilities in defense of the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands.
  • “2. Takes note of the declaration made on behalf of the Government of the U.S. that it is prepared to seek a solution of the above-mentioned dispute by negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement and declares that it reciprocates this declaration.
  • “3. Declares that pending such peaceful solution, provisional measures will be promptly taken by the Government of the PRC, to assure that, so far as they are concerned, there will be no harassments or provocations as between the mainland and island positions held by the Government of the PRC and the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands, such measures to be contingent on concurrent reciprocal measures of restraint from harassment and provocations from the Quemoy Islands and the Matsu Islands. Such measures may include reduction of forces and armaments.

[Page 296]

“Ambassador Wang, on behalf of the Government of the PRC, and Ambassador Beam, on behalf of the Government of the USA, will continue conversations with a view to implementing the foregoing.”

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/9–2858. Secret; Priority; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Dulles, cleared in draft by Becker, and approved by Robertson. Repeated to USUN and priority to Taipei.