521. Airgram From the Embassy in Thailand to the Department of State1
Counselor Khoi, Vietnamese Embassy, Bangkok, arranged meeting with DCM2 and Tran Van Dinh, Vietnamese Consul General, Rangoon. As expected, purpose was to express serious concern over Thai decision have Thai and DRV Red Cross meet in Rangoon June 15 and effect this must have on Thai-South Vietnam relations. Both emphasized this particularly inopportune moment in view tensions over Laos situation and forthcoming South Vietnam elections. South Vietnam Govt will be attacked by opposition for failure to dissuade Thais from what amounts to recognition of DRV. Moreover, millions in DRV sympathetic to South will be confused by Thailand’s willingness treat with North. Tran Van Dinh said he must react in Rangoon when talks take place and will be difficult avoid criticism Thai Govt.
Khoi explained his concern primarily on grounds since his arrival here several months ago he has worked slowly to persuade Thai officials to reconsider present policy and agree to Thai-South Vietnam joint program, using agents from South Vietnam, which would reeducate bulk of Vietnamese refugees so that eventually their repatriation South Vietnam would be possible. He believes important Thais have seen force of his arguments and he might ultimately be successful were it not for scheduled Rangoon meeting which will so embitter atmosphere that he feels his Govt will no longer be willing undertake constructive joint program.
[Page 1078]Impression given by both men was that Thai-South Vietnam relations have been growing tenser, one evidence being blow-up of Korat incident (Embtel 3039, June 2)3 and that Rangoon meeting will precipitate real deterioration in relations. In addition everything else they feel Rangoon discussions cannot accomplish anything for Thais and many Thais realize this so that serious damage to South Vietnam relations being risked without promise any other benefits.
DCM acknowledged uncertainty any useful outcome Rangoon meeting and said Embassy had on past occasions pointed pitfalls out to Thai Govt. Thai Govt has obviously decided proceed with talks and he doubted they could be dissuaded now. Recognized South Vietnam concern but pointed out security problem facing Thai Govt and reminded them absence thus far any constructive alternative suggestions from South Vietnam. Said if South Vietnam Govt could now state in principle that after some kind of reorientation program, it prepared take substantial number refugees this would probably be constructive move. Expressed hope in any case that South Vietnam reaction would be restrained and not damage continuing good relations with Thai Govt.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 292.51G22/6–1259. Confidential. Repeated to Saigon, Rangoon, and Vientiane.↩
- Leonard Unger.↩
- In telegram 3039, the Embassy reported that it had been unable to identify an alleged incident involving the killing of 60 Vietnamese refugees by Thai military forces. It stated that the allegation was probably based on erroneous press stories relating to an entirely separate incident which had nothing to do with the refugees. (Department of State, Central Files, 292.51G22/6–259)↩