50. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in India1
274. London tel 6992 repeated Karachi 38, New Delhi 7, USUN 4. Request Delhi and Karachi views desirability our approaching Nehru on arms limitation and also our pursuing matter with Noon. Subject could be raised as suggestion for making progress on package proposal. Fruitful bilateral discussion initially on this matter could ease tension and facilitate agreements Kashmir and Indus Waters.
Timing of approach particularly difficult in light Nehru’s reaction to Lebanon situation and composition summit meeting.3 We feel raising [Page 134] arms limitation or further pressing package proposal at this time unfavorable to package and our relations with Nehru but will appreciate Delhi’s comments.4
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91/7–3158. Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Robert W. Adams and approved by Bartlett. Also sent to Karachi and repeated to London and USUN.↩
- In telegram 699 from London, July 31, the Embassy reported that, during a discussion on that day, officials from the Commonwealth Relations Office revealed that Commonwealth Secretary Lord Home had spoken recently with Prime Minister Noon in London about the possibility of reaching an agreement with India on arms limitation. The officials expressed the hope that this issue could be weighed carefully in Washington with regard to the timing and manner of the planned U.S. approach to Nehru. “They strongly hope that US will find way to take approach they have made to Noon and move it forward slightly with Nehru.” (Ibid., 690D.91/7–3158)↩
- Reference is to the proposed summit conference relating to the Iraq and Lebanon crises.↩
- In telegram 294 from Karachi, August 4, the Embassy commented that an approach to Noon regarding arms limitation at that time would be “most unproductive.” The Embassy noted that the package approach was still most desirable from Pakistan’s point of view. (Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91/8–458) In telegram 304 from New Delhi, August 6, Ambassador Bunker expressed his agreement with the view presented in telegram 294 from Karachi. (Ibid., 611.90/8–658)↩