425. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Philippines1

747. Eyes only for Ambassador. Embtel 822.2 After consultations with Defense officials we have following views regarding problem you raise in reftel.

Question use of bases in time even limited hostilities breaks into a) use of bases as steps in logistics and supply lines to combat zone, b) use bases for staging strikes directly against hostile territory or forces.

Unless you consider Philippines may take negative attitude, believe it proper for you casually to inform Filipinos in general terms regarding use we are making now of bases under a) above. Believe advisable for you take such steps in order lessen chances Philippines might not only raise question consultation on bases use but might also insist upon negotiating agreement for joint determination for bases use.

Regarding b) above you should not raise this point with Filipinos. If they raise you should inform them you have no knowledge of plans to use bases under present circumstances.

[2 paragraphs (14½ lines of source text) and footnote (6 lines of text) not declassified]

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 711.56396/9–458. Top Secret; Priority. Drafted by Brand; cleared in S/S, OSD, SPA, FE and L; and approved by Robertson.
  2. Document 423.