424. Telegram From the Embassy in the Philippines to the Department of State1
839. Part 1. Last night (Sept 4) shortly following the conclusion of the NSC meeting General Nutter,2 CHJUSMAG, was called by office of Chief of Staff, AFP, and asked if he could meet with Chief of Staff Arellano at 9:00 this morning (Sept 5). General Nutter met as scheduled with Arellano with Vargas, Cabal3 and Santos4 present during parts of conference. Vargas and Arellano made the major presentation to Gen Nutter to the effect that during yesterday’s NSC session concerning Taiwan Strait situation the political leaders expressed apprehension over the defensive capability of the AFP. At the NSC meeting Gen Arellano had made a presentation as to the AFP’s capabilities to protect the Phils against external aggression with the material and equipment presently available; he also presented what could be expected from the US under MAP for the next two years; and he expressed the AFP idea of what was needed for full protection against [Page 895] aggression. As a result of this presentation and the expression of concern by the political leaders, Sec Vargas and Gen Arellano indicated their desire to speed up deliveries under the MAP and to expand US military aid to the Phils. During the course of the discussions it appeared to Gen Nutter that the Phils are thinking in terms of an army of one regular division, three stand-by divisions, five reserve divisions; ultimately an air force of three wings; and for the navy they mentioned destroyer, destroyer escorts and floating dry docks illustratively. The immediate concern however is to speed up deliveries which as a first priority would provide full equipment for the one regular division with anti-aircraft, tanks and 155mm guns in that order of priority. In addition they felt it necessary to have small arms and individual equipment adequate to meet the requirements of the three stand-by divisions so that all three are capable of being called up at the same time. The heavy equipment for these divisions could be provided at a somewhat later date. The principal emphasis was placed on getting the necessary small arms and individual equipment for training purposes. On the air force side their concern centered on receiving the remaining aircraft for the second squadron and the aircraft for the third squadron as soon as possible. Mention was also made of the need to have a sixty-day stockpile level of ammunition. While no mention was made of fund requirements or the budgetary capability of the Phils, they made reference, on several different occasions, of their ability to be able to supply only manpower.
Vargas and Arellano requested Gen Nutter to review their request with the Amb and to provide them with our reaction by Monday5 so that they might advise a group of forty Congressional leaders whom they are scheduled to brief on our position on this request. I suggested to Gen Nutter that he tell Vargas and Arellano that we are in no position to take action here on their request but that we have advised Washington of it and that it would receive the most serious consideration there. The General will also point out to them that we here are not aware of available aid funds as a result of recent Congressional action and that we have asked Washington to furnish us guidance concerning their request.
Part 2. Vargas also informed Gen Nutter that during the NSC meeting, Pres Garcia directed Sec Serrano, during his visit to the US, to seek an appointment with President Eisenhower, through Secretary Dulles, to discuss military aid for the Phils. Vargas indicated that Serrano would be accompanied by an officer of the AFP, probably Colonel Garcia,6 the AFP G–4 who will act as military advisor to Serrano. Gen Arellano stated that the question of increased military [Page 896] aid would be a subject he planned to discuss with Adm Felt7 during the latter’s visit to Manila next week.
Part 3. Arellano in relating events that transpired at the NSC meeting indicated that it took approximately one hour and ten minutes to develop the statement released by the President following the meeting. Arellano also indicated and Vargas reiterated that, although the statement did not state it explicitly, the Phils would be with us in the event of any US military action in connection with the Taiwan Strait situation. Arellano implied that there would be no problem about the use of the bases we have here for military operations. (Arellano’s statement of the attitude taken at the NSC on the question of the use of our bases here has not been confirmed by any other source and must be treated with great reserve. It may have been put forward by him as a move in connection with the request for aid.)
Part 4. During the discussions of ammunition and equipment for the stand-by division the question arose of establishing a stockpile here in the Phils. When queried as to where they envisaged the stockpile would be located they indicated that it would be on our bases or afloat on ships in the harbor, or storage facilities could be erected on their installations. It was pointed out to them that a stockpile of this type undoubtedly would be considered by the US as being available to meet regional requirements. They acknowledged that fact but felt that for domestic reasons it would have to have the appearance of being a Phils-US stockpile though they as military men realized that we might have to utilize it to meet regional requirements.
Part 5. Comment: We recognize that the request may be unrealistic and that, in large measure, it is by product of climate here resulting from Taiwan Strait situation. Nevertheless we feel that it should be given consideration and handled in manner that gives Phils feeling it has received attention of highest US authorities.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 796.5/9–658. Secret. Repeated to CINCPAC for POLAD, CINCPACFLT, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACAF, CINCPACREPPHIL, COMNAVPHIL, 13th AF, and CHJUSMAGPHIL.↩
- Major General William H. Nutter, Chief, Joint U.S.-Philippines Military Advisory Group.↩
- Brigadier General Cabal of the Philippine Army.↩
- Brigadier General Santos, Philippine Deputy Chief of Staff.↩
- September 8.↩
- Colonel Dominador Garcia.↩
- Admiral Harry D. Felt, Commander in Chief, Pacific.↩