42. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

3059. Embtel sent Department 30662 info Lahore 434, Dacca 452, New Delhi 415. Department appreciates your basic analysis that Azad Kashmir situation not likely erupt or get out of hand. Believe USG position re adventurism of type planned by Ghulam Abbas and other Pakistanis is well known to GOP and especially its top leaders. However when and if in your opinion US position should be reemphasized to bolster GOP determination maintain law and order, you authorized at your discretion and in manner which appears most effective discuss officially Azad Kashmir and cease fire line situation with appropriate GOP officials.

We wish avoid any semblance of nagging or any indications we harbor any doubts as to GOP willingness or ability maintain law and order in Azad Kashmir. Therefore, if discussions materialize, base your remarks on USG gratitude for GOP firmness in dealing with a potentially serious internal situation which has international connotations. Use Noon’s remarks (Lahore tel sent Department 3483 info Karachi 436, Dacca 8, New Delhi 11) as basis your commendatory remarks supplemented by appropriate references to other officials. Emphasize USG recognition that considerable political courage has been necessary under present circumstances but imply that nothing less is expected by Pakistan’s friends. Express US trust that firmness will continue.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 690D.91/6–458. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Soulen and approved by Rountree. Repeated to Dacca, Lahore, and New Delhi.
  2. In telegram 3066, June 4, the Embassy reported that Azad Kashmir leader Ghulam Abbas and his followers had recently threatened publicly to move across the cease-fire line into Indian-occupied Kashmir. The Embassy pointed out that the U.S. position on aggression across the cease-fire line was well known, but requested authorization to reiterate this position with the Pakistani Government. (Ibid., 690D.91/6–458)
  3. Telegram 348 from Lahore, June 4, summarized a statement issued that day by Prime Minister Noon, rejecting the demands of the Azad Kashmir leaders. (Ibid., 690D.91/6–458)
  4. In telegram 3076 from Karachi, June 5, the Embassy reported that during a conversation the previous day with Amjad Ali, Ridgway Knight “emphasized vital importance Pakistan Government preventing any of current wild threats about Azad Kashmir moves into ‘Occupied Kashmir’ from being carried out.” Amjad Ali concurred. (Ibid., 690D.91/6–558)