38. Editorial Note

On May 19, Prime Minister Macmillan sent letters to both Prime Minister Nehru and Prime Minister Noon, urging the two to enter into direct discussions in an effort to resolve the Kashmir dispute and other matters. In both letters, Macmillan mentioned Eisenhower’s recent communication and indicated his belief that the President’s initiative provided “an opportunity we dare not miss of turning from the unhappy and sterile controversies of the past ten years towards a settled future in which both India and Pakistan can work together for the prosperity and contentment of their peoples.” He urged the two to give a favorable reply to Eisenhower’s proposals. (Telegram 3012 from Karachi, May 29; Department of State, Central Files, 790D.91/5–2958; telegram 2947 from New Delhi, May 19; ibid., 690D.90/5–1958; and despatch 1086 from Karachi, May 27; ibid., 690D.90/5–2758)