317. Editorial Note
The Ministerial Council of the Baghdad Pact held its fifth meeting in London, July 27–28. On July 28, the Council issued a joint declaration in which the United States agreed to cooperate with the Baghdad Pact members in ensuring their defense and security against direct or indirect aggression. For text of the declaration, signed by Prime Ministers Noon of Pakistan, Manouchehr Eghbal of Iran, Adnan Menderes [Page 659] of Turkey, and Harold Macmillan of the United Kingdom as well as Secretary Dulles, see Department of State Bulletin, August 18, 1958, pages 272–273.
Pursuant to the London Declaration, the United States began the negotiation of bilateral defense agreements with Pakistan, Iran, and Turkey. Extensive documentation on this subject is scheduled for publication in volume XII. Documentation on the negotiations with Pakistan are in Department of State, Central File 790D.5. See also Documents 341 and 346.