87. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations0

1007. USUN 1498.1 We aware advisability moving quickly assist pro-Western African states and, in addition Mali, have given authority our Embassies in Togo, Cameroun and Nigeria open negotiations TC bilaterals. Will send similar authority other new Embassies soon.

Our Mali aid effort based calculation that by responding rapidly to what Malians regard as crisis situation we can strengthen hand moderate elements and help create internal political atmosphere conducive maintenance important Western and French influence Mali. If we stand aside, danger exists leftists would gain undisputed ascendancy Mali internal politics and take hasty ill-considered actions which would push Mali irreversibly down path taken by Guinea. Dept cannot lightly contemplate possibility two West African states almost exclusively dependent Soviet Bloc for technical and advisory personnel, economic assistance, export markets. Pro-West Africans criticized us for moving slowly doing too little help Guinea in 1958 and Houphouet believes US aid program Mali desirable.

Over longer term, we also hope moderate Mali foreign policy behavior somewhat. Modibo Keita and other Malians followed generally moderate course prior dissolution Mali Federation (e.g. Keita, as Fonmin Mali Federation agreed opening GRC Embassy Dakar). Hence no reason believe present pattern Mali foreign policy necessarily immutable.

Over short term, do not wish allow Mali immoderation go unnoticed. Our Chargé Bamako has expressed concern Mali voting record UNGA (see Deptel 58 to Bamako, pouched USUN unnumbered).2 More recently Chargé on own initiative protested to Keita anti-American articles party newspaper with immediately favorable results. Dept intends continue watch Mali behavior carefully and register concern where appropriate.

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Re Mali UN delegate’s speech Nov 20 Congo credentials debate, which we presume prompted reftel, tentative review provisional verbatim record Aw’s speech fails reveal useful peg on which hang approach Mali govt even though general tone speech quite distasteful. Little likelihood US-Malian identity views African issues this kind and probable Mali sincerely misunderstands our motives Congo and believes we intend set up “Western puppet” govt there. Approach based Aw’s speech would probably involve our Chargé in detailed and probably fruitless discussion substance Congo issue. We should prefer register concern on unequivocally East-West issues.

If USUN does not concur foregoing, would welcome specific suggestions.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770.5–MSP/11–2360. Confidential. Drafted by Avra C. Floyd, Jr., of the Office of West African Affairs; cleared by Rene Tron of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs and Politico-Economic Adviser in the Bureau of African Affairs Oliver Troxel; and approved by Ferguson.
  2. In telegram 1498 from USUN, November 23, Representative at the United Nations James J. Wadsworth commented on the “unseemly haste with which we have provided economic assistance to Mali”, which had opposed the U.S. position in the debate on the Congo. Noting that several pro-Western African states had commented bitterly on this, he continued, “I feel it desirable point out once more we moving in direction, this time in new area, which discourages friends and at best incites them to belief blackmail may be best tactic where we concerned.” (Ibid.)
  3. Dated October 12. (Ibid., 793B.00/10–1160)
  4. Wadsworth replied in telegram 1611 from USUN, December 2, that he did not question the necessity of providing aid to Mali but wanted to stress the importance of responding to the needs of the pro-Western African states. (Ibid., 770.5–MSP/12–260)