302. Telegram From the Embassy in Greece to the Department of State0
1279. Paris also pass Ambassador Briggs1 and Thurston. Foreign Minister asked me call this evening and convey urgently GOG views regarding reports circulating here (Embassy telegram 1263, repeated Paris 68, Bonn 23)2 that US and Federal Republic had agreed to arrangement whereby latter would assume part of aid for Greece and Turkey. He emphasized government had instructed him state following as official GOG position.
Greece strongly preferred aid come from US in view long history of such assistance, satisfactory procedures and arrangements now existing, and above all politically disinterested motivation American aid (i.e., Greeks accept fact US not seeking narrow political domination which historically European powers have sought). German assumption US role would carry serious political implications within Greece and be psychologically bad.
In this connection he differentiated between purely economic aid by Federal Republic to less developed countries (which could be explained as being in nature of “reparations”) and military or defense support aid. Averoff assumed only defense support aid involved as he understood Secretary to say in NATO ministerial meeting that US would continue provide MAP equipment etc. to NATO countries unable purchase it themselves.
He added that if continuation US aid not possible GOG would possibly refuse such aid from Federal Republic. Averoff suggested that if some new method must be found from US viewpoint, GOG believed new mechanism should be created within NATO whereby countries other than Germany would also contribute perhaps nominal amounts to common pool for these purposes. This would take some of political curse off.
I told Foreign Minister we had no official information substantiating press reports nor in fact any new information from Washington or [Page 736] Paris on subject. I outlined substance Department telegram 1061,3 pointing out this was information given Embassy some two weeks ago, and assured him in accordance first paragraph Department telegram 1061 that before any changes in MAP relations were definitely proposed, US would of course consult with GOG. I also told him GOG views would be conveyed Washington immediately with request for information which could be furnished GOG.
There is no doubt GOG is genuinely concerned at domestic political implications of possible German assumption US aid role in Greece and that it considers carefully devised NATO cover would be minimum required to make concept palatable.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 781.5–MSP/12–2160. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to Bonn, Ankara, and Paris.↩
- Ambassador Briggs apparently remained in Paris after the December 16-18 NATO Ministerial Meeting.↩
- Telegram 1263, December 19, reported on unfavorable press reaction to a German story that the Federal Republic would take over part of the military aid program for Greece and Turkey. (Department of State, Central Files, 781.5–MSP/12–1960)↩
- Telegram 1061, December 5, reported that the United States and the Federal Republic were seeking a means to provide German financing for the supply of U.S. equipment under MAP. (Ibid., 781.5–MSP/12–560)↩