278. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State Dulles and the Legal Adviser (Becker)0
The Sec said there was some discussion at Cabinet on the oil business1 and Weeks called re the postponing action until after the Canadian elections the 31st.2 B said they asked us to do it. The Sec said there is strong pressure to do something and the Pres was emphatic about it this morning. B is familiar with it and said after talking at the meeting there was so little sympathy he mentioned it to the geographic people and now that Texas is down to 8 days he does not think we can afford to do it. B will talk to the geographic boys and say the conclusion will be as indicated. The Sec said no final action taken this a.m. Weeks is seeing the Pres Monday.3 B will assume he will have 48 hours after that to talk with the Canadians and Venezuelans and the Sec said we would try to get it.4
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations. No classification marking. Transcribed by Phyllis D. Bernau. Initialed by Herter.↩
- See Document 277.↩
The transcript of Weeks’ call to Dulles, March 21, 11:16 a.m., reads as follows:
“The Sec returned the call and W referred to the fact that at some point he guesses Becker raised the question of our holding the oil thing until after the Canadian elections, which he thinks is March 31. Time is of the essence and W hopes to see the Pres tomorrow or Monday. The Sec said if there is any appreciable period of time he does not think we should hold it up. The Sec can call Weeks back.” (Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations)
↩- March 24.↩
- According to an attached note to Dulles from Bernau, which Dulles saw, Becker called the Secretary to say that he had talked with Anderson, Miller of Commerce, and Assistant Secretary of State C. Burke Elbrick, all of whom agreed that the President should announce within 48 hours his decision to make the changes in the voluntary oil importation program as recommended by the Special Committee To Investigate Crude Oil Imports. For Eisenhower’s announcement on March 25, see Public Papers of the President of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1958, p. 230.↩