- Abdul Ilah, Crown Prince, 425n
- Achilles, Theodore C., 159, 184
- Adair, Charles W., 159, 177n, 266n, 269n, 283n, 286n
- Adams, Sherman, 32n, 156, 175, 572n, 573n
- Adenauer, Konrad, 50, 63, 65, 71, 127, 132, 275
- Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 459
- Afghanistan, 388, 401, 409, 537
- Africa, 54, 359, 372, 379, 518
- Agricultural surpluses. See under Strategic resources and international commodities; Trade and commercial policy.
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 105, 137, 255–256, 266, 299, 301, 307
- Aircraft engines, 193
- Algeria (see also North Africa), 439, 492, 614, 678
- Allyn, C.S., 14, 23
- Aluminum, 31–32, 41, 444, 621, 752
- American Cyanimid of Canada, 722
- Amory, Derick Heathcoat. See Heathcoat Amory, Derick.
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 12see also North Africa), 439, 492, 614, 56, 729n, 732n, 752
- Anderson, Jack Z., 168–170, 175, 419, 424–425, 427–428
- Anderson, Robert B., 59, 95n, 188, 206n, 249n, 255, 277n, 539n, 607, 661n
- Cuba, 782
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 30, 142–147, 281, 395, 528
- international commodity agreements, 563–564
- International Development Association, 322–323, 346–348, 352n, 359–361, 372, 382–383, 391, 393–394
- international economic development, 315–316
- international financial and monetary policy, 76–78, 86, 88n, 97–99, 101
- less-developed countries, 303–304, 307, 321, 354–359, 442, 473
- Mutual Security Program, 126, 447, 455–457, 528–532, 534–536, 540–541
- oil, 552, 553, 555, 562n, 574, 593, 608, 640–644, 648, 655, 663
- Soviet Union, 1–2, 23, 31, 38, 474, 655, 663, 751, 770n, 780–781
- taxation of foreign investment, 317–320
- trade controls, 710, 755–757, 763
- United Kingdom, 121–122
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem, 44, 50–52, 55–56, 115n, 124, 134–135, 137–139, 147–151, 210–211, 361–364
- U.S. economic situation, 28, 30, 453–454
- world economic situation, 24, 26–28
- Arab League Second Petroleum Congress, Beirut, Oct. 1960, 659–660, 673
- Arab Oil Congress, Cairo, Apr. 1959,594
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 678
- Arabian American Oil Co. (ARAMCO), 631–632, 676n, 678
- Areeda, Phillip, 196–198, 204n
- Arends, Leslie C., 421, 446
- Arey, Hawthorne, 327, 375
- Argentina, 263, 382, 399, 567, 643, 659
- Armstrong, Willis C., 697
- Asakai, Koichiro, 162–165, 266–267
- Asbestos, 736
- Asia, 546, 666–667, 670
- Asian-African Solidarity Conference, Cairo, 1957, 9–10, 20
- Aswan Dam, 663
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 528, 665n, 729–730, 733, 735n
- Australia, 83, 263, 314, 344, 388, 399
- Austria, 139, 219, 252–253, 254n, 257
- Ayub Khan, Mohammed, 537
- Azores, 470, 506
- Baghdad Pact, 21, 688n
- Bahrain, 659, 672
- Baird, Julian B., 11, 57, 76, 91n, 104–105, 107–108, 110, 128, 130, 293, 327
- Balance of payments, 50–57, 64, 67–70, 96, 102–103, 109–110, 115–121, 123–130, 132, 134–140, 147–151, 210–211, 214, 242, 526–530, 534, 536–537, 542, 545–546
- Baldridge, H. Malcolm, 623
- Barnes, Robert G., 308n, 429
- Barter, 120, 656
- Battelle Institute, 768
- Baumgartner, Wilfrid S., 144
- Beale, Wilson T.M., 16n, 76, 209, 214–221, 307, 617–620, 661
- Bechtel, Stephen D., 23
- Becker, Loftus E., 295–296, 445n, 553, 562, 574–575
- Beckner, Earl R., 648, 651
- Belgian Congo (see also Congo, Republic of), 182, 379
- Belgium, 98, 109, 171, 182, 314, 367, 400, 454
- Bell, John O., 44, 48, 405n, 458n, 513–514
- Bennett, Elmer F., 207–208
- Bennett, Wallace F., 628
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 1, 31, 50, 103, 152, 424, 593, 617n
- Berenson, Robert L., 89, 100
- Berlin crisis, 49, 444, 447
- Bermuda Conference, 683
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 2n, 562
- Betancourt, Romulo, 609
- Bilder, Richard B., 630n
- Birch, John A., 189n, 257n
- Bittermann, H.J., 125n
- Black, Eugene R., 125, 358, 431
- Black, Eugene R., Jr., 7n, 8, 27
- Black, Myron L., 697, 728n
- Blackman, H.N., 577n
- Blake, Richard W., 623
- Blau, Clarence I., 566–567
- Blessing, Karl, 66, 144, 276
- Bock, 253
- Boeschenstein, Harold, 14, 37–38, 191, 325
- Boeschenstein Report, 315, 317–318, 325
- Boggs, Marion W., 126, 472n, 493n, 504n, 521n, 587n, 610n, 633n, 638n, 640n, 689n, 770n, 777n, 933
- Bohlen, Charles E., 373n, 405n
- Bolivia, 41, 84, 171, 182, 216, 426, 641–643, 646–647
- Bolton, Frances P., 460
- Boster, David E., 315–316
- Bowie, Robert R., 69
- Bowles, Chester A., 53
- Brand, Vance, 55n, 353, 379, 389–390, 483–484
- Brandt, Karl, 64–66, 275–277
- Brayne-Nicholls, Capt., 680
- Brazil, 10, 84, 216, 264, 305, 313, 339, 374, 638, 656
- Brewster, Robert C, 204n, 206n, 257n, 771n
- Bricker, John, 445
- Bridges, Styles, 421, 460, 485, 491, 499–500, 516–518
- Bristol, William M., 89, 100
- British Commonwealth of Nations, 81
- British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 630–631, 675n
- Brodie, Henry, 68n
- Brook, Norman, 24
- Brown, Ben, 490
- Brown, Emerson M., 228n
- Brown, F.M., 249n
- Brown, Gen. George, 134
- Brownell, Herbert, 262
- Brundage, Percival, 12
- Budget, Bureau of the, 247, 249, 280, 299, 341, 510, 612, 620, 640n, 752
- Buffington, George N., Jr., 317
- Bureau of Yards and Docks, 502
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 779
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 654–655, 662–664
- Burma, 11n, 83, 339, 388, 411, 524
- Burns, Robert L., 513
- Business Advisory Council, 14–15, 32
- Butler, Frank P., 258n, 266n
- Button, Jack B., 616n
- Butz, Earl L., 549n
- Byrd, Harry F., 170, 183
- Byrnes, John W., 629, 491
- Byroade, Henry A., 497
- Caccia, Harold A., 24, 76, 192–193, 199–200, 203n, 322, 697
- Calhoun, John A., 192n
- Callanan, Paul E., 625n
- Cambodia, 11n, 339, 388, 410, 524
- Cameron, Turner C., 228n
- Campbell, Joseph, 464, 547–548
- Canada (see also Canada and Canadian subheadings under
other subjects), 41, 77–78, 109, 270, 314, 566, 674
- Chinese People’s Republic, trade with, 719, 722–723, 754–757
- international economic development, 119, 352, 367, 388, 399–400
- lead and zinc exports, 171–172, 179–180, 182, 216, 218, 245
- oil, 42, 218, 659
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, reorganization of, 59, 61–63, 71, 73–74
- United States, relations with, 117, 174, 257, 555, 562, 574, 777
- Cannon, Clarence, 424, 427–428, 446, 485
- Capehart, Homer, 383
- Caracas Declaration, 517
- Cargill Company, 722
- Carpenter, Donald F., 549n
- Carr, Robert M., 616n, 619n, 728n
- Carson, Capt. Matthew V., Jr., 553–554
- Casey, Richard G., 351
- Cass, Millard, 207, 209
- Castro, Fidel, 517, 546, 617–618, 624, 629, 637
- Cellular energy, 669n
- Central Africa (see also Belgian Congo; Congo, Republic of), 518
- Central America, 219
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 9n, 13n, 33n, 665n, 709, 729, 735n
- Ceylon, 10, 83, 388
- Chamberlain, Wingfield N., 619n
- Cherry, Vincent J., 225
- Chile, 84, 216, 257, 607, 705, 732
- Chilson, Hatfield, 553
- China, People’s Republic of, 10, 36, 46–47, 442, 475, 671, 678, 752
- China, Republic of, 83, 87, 306, 344, 379, 388, 399, 410, 484, 637
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 416, 460
- Chrome, 715, 736, 738
- Churchill, Winston L.S., 751
- Civil rights, 488
- Claxton, Philander P., 405n, 490
- Clifford, Clark M., 138
- Clough, Ralph, 680, 684
- Coal, 45
- Cobbold, Lord, 144–145
- Coffee, 29, 32, 216, 233, 565, 568n
- Collado, E.G., 648
- Colombia, 659
- Colombo Plan, 309
- Colt, Samuel Sloan, 80n
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 14–15, 158n, 266, 282, 298, 311, 317, 558
- Commission on Technical Assistance in Africa South of the Sahara, 401
- Committee on Government Organization, 5
- Committee for a National Trade Policy, 221
- Committee for Reciprocity Information, 257, 266
- Committee on World Economic Practices, 191
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 241, 265
- Commonwealth Economic Conference, Sept. 1958, 81
- Compagnie Francaise des Petroles, 631, 651
- Conference of Major Wheat Exporting Nations, Washington, May 1959, 195n
- Congo, Republic of (see also Belgian Congo), 401, 508, 510, 515, 516, 529
- Congress, U.S. (see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.), 180–181, 293, 311–312, 373, 473, 508–510
- acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), 11, 52, 54, 89–90, 120, 156, 158, 222–223, 255–256, 621
- Antidumping Act of 1921, 153
- Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 212
- Battle Act, 418–419, 689, 717, 722–723, 728–730, 733–734, 738
- Berry Amendment, 247–248
- Bretton Woods Agreement Act of 1945, 385, 717n
- Buy American Act of 1933, 119, 191, 207, 213, 220, 247–249, 277, 281, 555–557
- Connally Amendment, 445
- Cooley Amendment, 90, 105–106, 325, 327
- Department of Defense Appropriation Act of 1955, 248n
- Domestic Minerals Stabilization Act, 169
- Export Control Act of 1949, 153, 717
- Federal Reserve Act, 114
- Gold Reserve Act of 1934, 123
- International Development Association Act of 1960, 393
- Johnson Act of 1934, 717–718, 738, 750, 765
- King Bill, 163–164
- Mansfield Amendment, 486, 536
- Mutual Defense Control Act of 1951. See Battle Act above.
- Mutual Security Act of 1954, 381n, 451, 486n
- Mutual Security Act of 1957, 289n
- Mutual Security Act of 1958, 420, 451
- Mutual Security Act of 1959, 309, 336, 381n, 464–465
- Mutual Security Act of 1960, 467, 501
- Mutual Security Act, 163, 309
- Mutual Security Appropriations Act of 1959, 429
- Mutual Security and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1961, 519
- Payne Amendment, 163, 175
- P.L. 316 (1934), 152
- P.L. 520 (1946), 622–623
- P.L. 85–128 (1957), 90n
- P.L. 85–931 (1958), 178
- P.L. 86–341 (1959), 230
- P.L. 86–48 (1959), 332
- P.L. 86–735 (1960), 544n
- Purtell Amendment, 179
- Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act, 19, 26, 43, 152, 161
- Second Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1959, 324
- Second Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1961, 520
- Smoot-Hawley Act. See Tariff Act of 1930 below.
- Sugar Act of 1948,616–619, 623–627, 637
- Sugar Act Extension of 1960, 616–618, 620, 623–624, 636–637
- Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1953, 106, 222
- Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1960, 393
- Tariff Act of 1930, 152–153, 196n, 208, 218, 717
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951, 716–717
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955, 553n, 575, 581, 585
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1958, 43, 152–155, 160–161, 177, 178n, 179, 189–190, 210, 232, 257, 554, 575–576
- Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, 720
- Development Loan Fund, 309–310
- gold reserves, reduction in, 92, 97, 114
- Mutual Security Program, 411–412, 429–430, 449–457, 459, 463, 469–471, 474, 503
- overseas travel expenditures by members of, 408
- acts of:
- Conover, Harry, 182n
- Consultative Group (CG). See Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM).
- Contraceptives, 439
- Cooley, Victor E., 627
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group (COCOM), 693, 694n, 726, 731, 746–747, 749, 772–773
- Copper, 216, 606–608, 689, 705, 732, 751
- Corporation for Economic and Industrial Research, Inc., 245
- Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, 502–503
- Corse, Carl, 274
- Costa Rica, 84, 637
- Cotton, 10, 202–203, 216, 233, 241–242, 266, 557, 559
- Corulla, Maj. Gen. L.E., 553
- Coughran, Tom B., 24, 86, 292, 304
- Council of Economic Advisers, 54, 209, 266, 282
- Council of Europe, 29
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy (CFEP), 90,
106, 156n, 262–263, 282, 297–298, 302, 563–565, 573
- documents:
- 554, 247–249, 280
- 554/2, 277
- 565/1, 297
- 565/2, 302
- 566, 694–695, 703, 705–706, 725, 727
- 570, 173–174
- 571/1, 166–168
- 571/2, 168n
- 571/3, 206
- 571/4, 206
- 572/5, 206
- 574/2, 170–173, 176
- 574/2, 185–188
- 577, 580, 585
- 579, 758–759
- 579/2, 764
- 581/1, 202
- 583, 222–223
- 584/2, 618
- 585/1, 337n
- 588, 231
- 592/1, 271 595/1, 249–254
- 595/3, 250n, 251n, 252n, 253n, 254n
- 596, 282
- lead and zinc, 176, 185, 187–188
- meetings:
- multilateral trade controls, 616, 618, 691–697, 714, 728–729, 754, 756–757, 782
- Soviet Union, 32, 764–767, 769
- Subcommittee on Soviet Economic Penetration, 3n
- documents:
- Couve de Murville, Maurice C., 227, 243
- Crawford, Frederick C., 549n
- Creole Oil Co., 649
- Cromer, Lord, 122
- Crosby, Edwin L., 549n
- Cuba, 83, 94, 516–517
- Culbert, William E., 728n
- Cullen, Lt. Col. Paul H., 6n, 7n, 9n, 38, 56, 89–90, 156n, 166n, 174, 176, 185n, 188, 223–224, 231, 232n, 298, 303, 565n, 573, 580–581, 585–586, 618n, 692, 694–697, 714n, 720n, 725n, 749n, 753n, 758–759, 766n
- Cultural exchanges, 7
- Cumming, Hugh S., Jr., 745n
- Current Economic Developments, issues:
- Curtis, Tom, 168–169
- Cutler, Robert, 12–13, 417, 563, 567, 568n, 569n, 690–693, 703–706, 708–714
- Cyprus, 494
- Czechoslovakia, 10–11, 65, 663, 689
- Dale, William N., 24
- Davis, John H., 99, 156–157
- Davis, Richard H., 283n
- de Gaulle, Charles, 63, 65, 71, 127, 129, 275, 357, 373n, 448
- de Laboulaye, 651
- de Metz, 651
- de Seynes, Philippe, 439–450
- Dean, Patrick, 24, 373
- Dearborn, Frederick M., Jr., 12–13, 295
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 56, 248, 464, 502, 537–538, 558, 743, 778
- DeLany, Adm. Walter S., 680, 728n, 760–762
- Denmark, 63, 171, 182, 229n, 251–252, 257, 314
- Deny, John A., 207, 209
- Development Assistance Group (DAG), 395–396, 400–403
- Development Loan Fund (DLF), 4, 7–9, 17, 100, 330, 339, 379–383, 385–390, 451, 473
- funding for, 25–26, 315, 421, 427, 448, 461–463, 465, 471, 486–487, 490, 547
- interest rates, 108, 340, 342–343
- investment and loan guarantees, 311, 326, 484
- long-term financing, 309–310, 324
- procurement from U.S. sources, 51–52, 118, 140
- supplementary budget requests, 444, 449–450
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem, 55, 57, 67
- Devine, John E., 44n
- Diamonds, 557, 559, 648
- Dickman, F.M., 658
- Diefenbaker, John, 718n Dillon, C. Douglas, 2n, 16n, 44n, 154–155, 159–161, 175, 189n, 228n, 266n, 277n, 449n, 517, 593n, 725n
- Austria, 253
- Development Loan Fund, 290–293, 324, 389
- economic defense, 779–782
- economic development aid, 8–9, 307, 314–315, 331–332, 354, 367, 473–476
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 126, 142–147, 281, 395
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 497, 502–503
- International Development Association, 296, 298, 322, 349–351, 352n, 373, 384
- international economic development, 314–315
- international financial and monetary policy, 76, 78
- investment, foreign, 312, 317, 319–320
- Japan-U.S. trade, 162, 165
- loans, 304, 321, 326, 342
- multilateral trade controls, 691–693, 694, 697–701, 709, 726, 728–734, 771–775
- Mutual Security Program, 408, 416, 432,
- budget, 1959, 418, 422, 424, 427
- budget, 1960, 444–445, 450
- budget, 1961, 461, 469–471, 490–491, 498, 500n, 501–502, 516
- budget, 1962, 378–381, 543–547
- Draper Report, 447, 451–452, 456, 458–463, 466
- long-range military planning, 521–530, 536, 538
- U.S. grant military aid to developed countries, 481, 483, 493, 495, 505
- oil (see also Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries below), 571–572, 579–580, 588, 608–609, 612–614, 639, 641–643, 651–652, 664
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 285, 406
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (see also oil above), 648, 650, 652, 661–662
- Soviet Union, 473–476, 651–652, 664, 750, 753, 768
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 750, 753, 768
- sugar, 617, 626
- trade and commercial policy, 166–168, 170–173, 187–188, 207–208, 246, 251, 265
- United Kingdom, 29–31, 42, 193n, 199, 203–204, 365–366
- United Nations, 347, 567
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem, 57, 68, 115n, 137, 211
- Western Europe, 63–64, 243, 364–365, 612–614, 639, 641–643
- Dirksen, Everett M., 383, 421, 445–446, 485, 491, 500, 516–517, 519, 628
- Dodge, Joseph M., 432, 447
- Dominican Republic, 83, 257, 637
- Douglas, James H., 130, 511
- Douglas, Lewis W., 37, 95
- Draper Committee. See under Mutual Security Program (MSP).
- Draper, Gen. William H., 431–432, 447–449, 452–456, 469
- Dulles, Allen W., 31, 33n, 126, 411, 594, 638, 655, 663, 709–710
- Dulles, John Foster, 24–26, 134, 170n, 191–193, 313, 415n, 440,
446, 718–719
- international commodity agreements, 563–564, 569–570
- international economic development, 307, 314–316
- multilateral trade controls, 691–693, 704–708, 710, 712, 746–747
- Mutual Security Program, 36–37, 411, 413, 420, 422, 429–430, 445
- oil, voluntary import controls, 553–555, 561–562, 574–575, 579
- Soviet bloc economic aid, 475, 477
- Soviet economic warfare, 1–4, 6–9, 14–15, 22, 31, 38
- Trade Agreements Act, renewal of, 152–153, 155, 160, 175
- U.S.-owned foreign subsidiaries, trade controls on, 754–757, 762–763
- Dumping, 24–26, 752
- Dux, Michael J., 278n
- East-West summit conference, proposed, 1960, 373n
- Eastland, James O., 446
- Eccles, David, 203–204
- Economic defense:
- British voyage and bunkering controls, 746–749
- foreign assets controls, U.S.-owned foreign subsidiaries, 719–725, 754–759, 762–763
- multilateral trade controls, 728–734, 777–783
- British proposal, 1958, 680–682, 684–689, 690–694, 696, 697–701, 703–704, 708, 711–712, 713n
- British proposal, 1959, 771–777
- China differential, 706, 710, 748
- China List, 688
- China, People’s Republic of, 683–684, 686–687, 743–745
- electronic gear, 774, 776–777
- embargoed items, quantity of, 694n, 713
- munitions, 690, 713n, 726, 728
- Soviet Union, 702–705, 707
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 735–742, 749–753, 764–771
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee (EDAC), 704, 711–712, 726, 758–761, 782
- Economic Intelligence Committee Working Group on Sino-Soviet Bloc Economic Activities, 6
- Economic penetration. See Soviet economic warfare under Foreign economic policy.
- Ecuador, 83, 399
- Egypt, 10–11, 31, 83, 216, 639, 663
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 35–36, 95n, 322n, 415n, 430n, 531, 702n, 758n
- agricultural surpluses, 157, 194–195, 230, 263
- antitrust laws, 262–263
- Buy American policy, 193, 196, 199, 353, 361
- Congressional travel expenditures, 408
- Cuba, 516–518
- defense funding levels, 416, 418, 433
- Development Loan Fund, 309–310, 324, 328–330, 353, 361, 368, 448, 484
- East-West summit conference, 373n
- import labels, 272
- Inter-American Bank, 473
- international commodities agreements, 563–564, 570
- International Cooperation Administration, 497, 502
- International Development Association, 346–348, 359–361, 372–373, 382–383
- international economic development, 58, 225, 303–304, 314–316, 321, 354, 367
- international financial and monetary policy:
- Japan, 245
- lead and zinc imports, 168–169, 170n, 182–184
- line-item veto power, 43
- multilateral trade controls, 693, 706–710, 732–734
- Mutual Security Program, 126, 368, 485–489, 516
- budget, 1959, 413, 418–425, 427–429
- budget, 1960, 36–37, 447, 449, 450n, 453–458, 459n, 460–461, 464–467
- budget, 1961, 457, 469–473, 490–493, 498–501, 515–516
- Draper Report, 252, 447–449, 455–457, 463–465
- Military Assistance Program, 429, 431, 433, 435–436, 438–443, 458, 459n, 463–464, 469–472
- Mutual Security funds cutoff, 547–548
- Mutual Security information program, 407, 409, 411–413, 445, 503–504
- U.S. grant military aid to developed countries, 478–482, 488, 493–496, 510–512, 539–540
- oil, 575, 613–615, 638–640, 642–644 [Page 793]
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 75
- population growth, 439
- Soviet bloc economic aid, 473–477
- Soviet Union:
- State visits:
- stockpiling policy, 573, 574n, 606–608, 621–622
- sugar, 617n, 625n, 628
- tariffs (see also trade and commercial policy below), 42, 241–242, 266
- taxes, 43, 534–535
- trade and commercial policy (see also tariffs above, 154, 232, 246, 288
- United Kingdom, 121
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem, 50, 52–55, 67, 124, 127, 134–140, 147n, 281, 526–528, 530–531, 534, 542
- U.S.-owned foreign subsidiaries, trade controls on, 755, 762–763
- Western Europe, 58, 63, 71, 354, 613–615, 638–640, 642–644
- Eisenhower, Col. John S.D., 134, 196, 233, 542
- Eisenhower, Milton S., 36–37
- El Salvador, 83
- el-Said, Nuri, 425
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 24, 562n
- Eliot, Theodore, 648n, 651n
- Ellender, Allen J., 628
- Elliott, Dr., 295
- Elrod, Warrick E., Jr., 76n, 204n, 225n
- Ente Nazional Idrocarburi (ENI), 649, 653–654
- Erhard, Ludwig, 44–50, 66, 144, 276, 277n, 344, 395–396
- Ethiopia, 83, 399, 425–426, 435, 641–642
- EURATOM, 74, 606, 612
- European Coal and Steel Community, 74
- European Economic Community (EEC), 26, 48–49, 74, 119, 221, 231, 288, 367
- agricultural policy, 65–66, 273, 275–277
- Development Assistance Group, 400
- European Free Trade Association, relations with, 58–64, 72, 242–244
- formation of, 154, 230
- France, 99, 109
- Germany, Federal Republic of, foreign economic aid from, 30
- United States, negotiations with, 159, 189–191, 232, 243, 283–284, 286–287
- European Free Trade Association (EFTA), 48, 81, 219, 231, 288
- European Investment Bank, 368
- European Monetary Agreement, 99
- European Payments Union (EPU), 30, 80, 99
- European Productivity Agency, 401
- Evans, John W., 365n, 744
- Export-Import Bank, 4, 7–9, 11, 17, 54, 87–88, 105, 123, 339–343
- Fairless, Benjamin, 430
- Faisal, King, 425n
- Far East, 426, 490, 602, 667, 670
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 665n, 735n
- Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 369, 376–378
- Federal Reserve, 70, 136, 307, 375
- Ferris, Josiah, 623
- Finger, Seymour M., 349, 383
- Finland, 39, 229n, 251, 257, 314, 399, 656, 662–664
- Fisk, Bradley, 326
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 378, 752
- Flemming, Arthur S., 50, 103, 621
- Flemming, Lamar, 37
- Floete, Franklin, 606
- Folsom, Marion B., 1, 31
- Food for Peace program, 120, 156–158, 158, 173–174, 194, 222, 233, 263, 265, 288
- Ford of Canada, 722
- Ford Motor Co., 410
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 144, 722
- Foreign economic policy:
- balance of power, 24
- commodity markets, 3, 7
- commodity prices, 40–41
- economic cooperation, 58–64, 68–75
- foreign economic aid totals, 11
- multilateral economic development aid, 58–64
- nationalization of foreign investments, 3, 7
- Soviet economic warfare, 2, 4–5, 9–11, 78, 152, 215, 293, 635
- U.S. economic situation, 28, 30
- world economic situation, 24–26
- Foreign Economic Policy of the Twentieth Century (Rockefeller Report), 172
- Foreign Petroleum Supply Committee, 603
- Formosa Strait. See Taiwan Strait.
- Foster, William, 410–411
- Four-power meeting, Paris, 1959, 63, 71, 367, 492n
- Fowler, Henry H., 549n, 550
- Fowler, Ralph, 553
- France (see also France and French
subheadings under other subjects), 63,
98–99, 109, 125, 270, 305, 314, 518, 566, 777
- Algeria, relations with, 492, 678
- Chinese People’s Republic, trade with, 762
- economic situation, 48, 82–83, 96
- international economic development, 119, 359, 364, 367, 400
- military situation, 454
- oil, 602, 605, 649, 662, 669, 675n
- Soviet Union, trade relations with, 656
- United States, relations with, 198, 215, 227–228, 243, 251–252, 666, 678
- uranium purchases, 132
- U.S. grant military aid to, 467–468, 470, 481, 483, 487, 490, 494, 505, 525, 529, 541
- U.S.-West European trade relations, 65, 69, 275
- Francis, Clarence, 158
- Francis Committee, 255, 301
- Frank, Isaiah, 49, 189n, 203n, 206n, 207
- Franks, Oliver, 80–81
- Freers, Edward L., 768n Freitas-Valle, Cyro de, 374
- Fulbright, J. William, 344–345, 500, 769
- Furs, 715–717, 738, 776
- Furth, J. Herbert, 311
- Gabbert, Howard M., 194n
- Gaither, H. Rowan, Jr., 411
- Galbreath, C. Edward, 140, 159, 249n, 250n, 273–274
- GARIOA, 143, 481, 526, 530
- Garner, Robert L., 400
- Garran, Peter, 680, 684
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 130, 132–138, 493n, 643, 648, 778, 780
- General Accounting Office (GAO), 213
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) (see also
Trade and commercial policy), 65, 96, 153, 171, 180–182, 208, 244, 259
- articles:
- dollar discrimination, 109, 229–230
- Geneva Wool Fabrics Reservation, 196–198, 204–205, 279
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 49–50
- Japan, 200
- meetings:
- negotiations, 1960–1961, 189–190, 230–231
- oil imports, 574, 584–586
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, relations with, 269–270, 274
- quantitative import restrictions (see also dollar discrimination above), 250–253
- quotas, 205, 225–226
- tariffs, 197, 200–201, 287, 491
- General Services Administration (GSA), 556
- Geneva Summit, July 1955, 750
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
German subheadings under other subjects), 63, 126, 229n, 363, 399–400
- Chinese People’s Republic, trade with, 762
- Economic situation, 30, 45, 50, 77–80, 116
- international economic development, 17, 45–48, 119, 356–357, 364, 366, 367, 395–396, 444, 528
- International Monetary Fund, 94, 305–306, 311
- oil imports, 656, 669
- Reconstruction Loan Corporation, 357
- Soviet Union, trade with, 49, 656, 737, 752
- United States, relations with, 44, 129, 132–133, 215, 251–252, 544–545
- U.S.-West European trade relations, 65, 69, 275
- Ghana, 252
- Glassmann, Jay, 317
- Gleason, S. Everett, 15, 44, 209n, 330n, 416n, 434n, 563, 568n, 692n, 703n, 718n, 730n, 754n, 762n
- Gleeck, Lewis E., 184n, 225n, 228n
- Gold, 90–93, 95–97, 101–104, 110–115, 117, 122–123, 128–133, 150, 535, 545
- Gold, Ruth S., 373n, 403n, 405n
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 42, 58n, 127, 142, 189n, 194n, 196, 328, 430n, 483, 758n
- Gordon, Lester E., 379
- Gore-Booth, Paul Henry, 697–698, 700–701
- Government Assistance and Relief in Occupied Areas (GARIOA), 143, 481, 526, 530
- Grant, James P., 378, 381
- Gray, Gordon, 261, 521, 536–538, 549–552, 554, 556–559, 562, 573, 730
- Gray, Robert, 55
- Greece, 34, 47, 63, 107, 251–252, 308, 425, 506
- Green, Theodore F., 439
- Greene, Joseph N., Jr., 36
- Greers Ferry Dam, 191–193, 208, 217
- Gromyko, Andrei A., 11
- Gronchi, Giovanni, 364n
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 447, 453
- Guatemala, 83
- Guinea, 388
- Gulf Oil Corp., 630
- Haahr, James C, 68n
- Hadraba, Theodore J., 228n, 237n, 258n, 269n, 278n, 286n
- Hagar, Eric H., 630–632
- Hagerty, James C., 134, 347
- Haiti, 257, 637
- Hall, Robert, 76, 78–79
- Hallahan, William J., 369
- Halleck, Charles A., 446, 485, 491, 500, 519, 628–629
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 179n, 349–352, 383–384, 392
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 307
- Hansen, Victor R., 553–556
- Hardy, Porter, 548
- Hardy, Royce A., 231n, 559n
- Harlow, Bryce N., 308n, 324, 409–413, 424, 445, 450, 455, 485, 499–500, 516
- Harr, Karl G., Jr., 16n, 22–23
- Harr, Kenneth G., 622
- Hartman, Arthur A., 258n, 286n
- Hauge, Gabriel, 76, 572–573
- Hawaii, 616, 625, 637
- Hayden, Carl, 427, 485
- Hayter, William, 688–689
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 299, 307
- Heath, Edward, 661
- Heathcoat Amory, Derick, 80–81, 122, 364–366
- Henderson, Douglas, 728n
- Henderson, Loy W., 295–296
- Herter, Christian A., 179n, 225n, 493n, 562n, 628–629, 691n
- gold policy, 103
- international economic development, 58–59, 63, 70, 74–75, 295–296, 307–308, 347–348, 353, 393, 497
- Mutual Security Program, 126, 294–295, 417, 449–450, 469, 535, 538, 547n
- oil, 580, 588, 591–594, 648
- Soviet Union, 474, 655, 663
- stockpiling policy, 607, 619
- trade and commercial policy, 155, 227, 262–263, 272
- trade controls, 690, 728, 730, 775
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem, 50–52, 55–56, 127, 137, 362
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 307, 460
- Hoegh, Leo A.:
- Hoeven, Charles B., 518, 629
- Hoffman, Paul, 384
- Holman, Eugene, 23, 594
- Home, Lord, 661–662
- Honduras, 399
- Hong Kong, 65, 185, 234
- Hood, Lord, 24, 192n, 771, 774–775
- Hoover, Herbert C., Jr., 432, 553, 555
- Hosie, J., 680–682, 684
- Houghton, Amory, 227
- House of Representatives, U.S., 194
- Agriculture Committee, 629
- Appropriations Committee, 419, 464, 467,
500, 519
- Foreign Operations Subcommittee, 501
- Banking and Currency Committee, 321, 373
- Foreign Affairs Committee, 324, 418, 460, 486–487, 494n Pilcher subcommittee, 487
- Trade agreements extension, 159, 175, 178, 179n
- Ways and Means Committee, 155, 160–161, 320, 337,
- Foreign Trade Policy Subcommittee, 312
- Howe, Fisher, 429n, 430n
- Huertematte, Robert, 349, 352
- Humphrey, George M., 93n, 135, 412, 415, 449
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 155
- Iceland, 84, 314, 656, 662–664
- Iliff, W.A.B., 396–398
- India, 87, 306–308, 388, 397–399, 409, 414–415, 442
- Congress Party, 414
- economic situation, 46, 78, 83
- Pakistan, relations with, 438, 484, 537
- Soviet economic aid to, 11n, 21, 31, 331, 474, 488, 670
- Soviet oil sales to, 654, 656, 658, 662, 664, 670
- United States, investment guarantee agreement with, 366
- United States, relations with, 257, 742, 753
- U.S. economic aid to, 21, 32, 331–332, 379, 414, 474, 543
- Indonesia, 10–11, 31–41, 32, 216, 264, 308, 388, 481, 524
- Indus Waters project, 398, 461, 463n, 484
- Inflation, 30
- Information, free exchange of, 212, 466
- Ingalls-Taiwan Shipbuilding Co., 311
- Inland Steel Co., 410
- Institute for Defense Analysis, 431
- Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC), 33n
- Inter-American Development Bank, 343, 379, 393, 398, 473, 594
- Inter-American Development Board, 544
- Inter-Cabinet Committee on Crude Oil Imports, 553, 574–575
- Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal, 158
- Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements (TAC), 225–227, 283
- Interim Coordinating Committee for International Commodity Arrangements (ICCICA), 172
- Interior, U.S. Department of, 169, 176, 451, 571, 607, 610, 612, 640, 645
- Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs), 470, 491, 494–495, 506–507, 509, 533–534
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 405, 606
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 4, 7, 125, 440–441, 453–454
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 13n, 29, 158n, 255–256, 309, 311, 337–339, 415, 451, 571
- International Cotton Advisory Committee, 202
- International Court of Justice, 445n
- International Development Association (IDA), 256, 347, 355–356, 382, 393–394, 490
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), 89, 393, 399–400
- International financial and monetary policy:
- briefing for President-elect Kennedy, 147–151
- currency convertibility, 97–99, 108–111
- dollar discrimination, 108–110, 118–119, 124, 149
- export credit insurance, 119
- export prices, 101–103
- financing for U.S.-origin purchases, 139–140
- gold reserves, 90–93, 95–97, 101–104, 110–115, 117, 122–123, 128–133, 150, 535, 545
- International Monetary Fund investments in U.S. securities, 140–141
- local currency loans, 89–90, 99–101, 104–108, 322
- maintenance-of-value requirement. See local currency loans above.
- procurement from U.S. sources, 118, 129, 131, 139, 140
- U.S. dependents overseas, reduction in, 131–133, 135–139
- uranium as currency standard, 131
- world liquidity, 76–81, 83
- International Harvester Australia, 722
- International investment and economic development policy:
- Development Loan Fund, 289–293, 328, 353, 361–364
- dollar repayment for loans, 385–386
- Eisenhower-era overview, 406
- export credit guarantees and financing, 375–376
- interest rates, 340–343
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 304–306, 314–316, 321, 332
- International Development Association, 322–323, 333, 335–336, 344–347
- International Monetary Fund, funding for, 304–306, 314–316, 321, 332
- investment and loan guarantees, 311–312, 325–327
- less-developed countries, 307–310, 354–359, 369–370, 394
- multi-year aid, provision of, 331–332
- multilateral aid, U.N. Special Fund for Economic Development, 403–404
- private foreign investment, 309, 312
- savings and loan associations, foreign investment by, 369–370, 376–378
- taxation of foreign investments, 297–298, 302, 317–320, 337
- International Lead and Zinc Study Group, 188n
- International Milling Co., 722
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 40, 93, 109, 140–141, 250–253, 440–441
- International Petroleum Company, 650
- International Wheat Agreement of 1956, 166–168, 206
- Investment Guaranty Fund, 461
- Iran, 10, 49, 83, 308, 343, 388, 425, 634, 653
- Iranian Consortium, 652, 675
- Iraq, 83, 403, 425
- Iraq Petroleum Co. (IPC), 631, 660, 675n, 676
- Ireland, 83
- Irwin, John N., II, 143, 231n, 752
- Isham, Heyward, 373n
- Israel, 84, 257, 380, 388, 425, 639, 678
- Italy, 63, 125, 314, 400, 535, 674, 678
- Bank of Italy, 150
- Communist Party, 479
- export and import controls, 171, 182, 218, 235
- international economic development, 119, 367, 399
- International Monetary Fund, 94, 305
- less-developed countries, economic aid to, 356, 358–359, 364, 36
- military strength of, 514–515, 533–534
- Soviet oil, purchases of, 649, 656, 662–663
- United States, trade relations with, 198, 229n, 251–253, 254n, 260
- U.S. grant military aid to, 134, 468, 470, 479, 483, 505–508, 512, 522, 525–526, 529–531, 540n
- U.S.-Western European trade relations, 65, 68–69, 275
- Jackling, Roger N., 680, 685
- Jacobsson, Per, 27, 111, 395
- Japan, 69, 117,
216, 260, 264, 266–269, 388, 400, 580
- Chinese People’s Republic, trade with, 722–724, 774
- economic situation, 116, 148, 506, 508
- International Monetary Fund, 94, 305
- less-developed countries, economic aid to, 364, 366
- oil, 669, 670, 674, 678
- Soviet-U.S. trade, effect of, 736, 741–742
- Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security with the United States, 245, 481
- United States, relations with, 155, 162–165, 184–185, 198, 200–202, 234–235, 245, 251, 253, 257, 518, 545, 708–709
- U.S. grant aid to, 468, 481, 505–507, 512, 515, 525–527, 529–531, 539–541
- voluntary export controls, 218, 235, 241
- Jarvis, Francis G., 616n
- Javits, Jacob K., 139
- Johns Hopkins University, 768
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 138, 146, 175, 424, 427–428, 476, 485, 491–492, 516, 519
- Johnson, Robert H., 261n, 262, 520n, 622, 710n
- Johnston, Eric, 310, 407–413, 421, 430
- Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 417, 743, 754, 770
- Jones, G. Lewis, 630, 658
- Jones, John W., 680, 683
- Jordan, 388, 425–426, 668
- Joy Manufacturing of Canada, 722
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 554–556, 630–635
- Kallis, Selma G., 177n, 189n, 225n, 266n, 283n, 286n
- Kaplan, Jacob J., 378
- Kashmir, 484
- Kearns, Henry C., 44, 48, 52, 104–106, 159–160, 188, 231, 292, 341, 559n, 566, 577–579
- Kemp, Frank A., 623–624
- Kendall, David W., 130, 445
- Kennedy, John F., 65, 67, 127, 131, 137–138, 143–144, 146–151, 275, 516–517, 543n
- Kerr, Peyton, 378
- Kerr, Robert S., 174–175
- Key countries (see also France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, United Kingdom), 68–69
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 1, 6, 10, 348, 373n, 374, 488–489, 751
- Kirlin, Florence K., 177n, 283n, 616n
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 245
- Knoll, Jerry, 728n
- Knowland, William M., 146, 166, 418, 421–423, 427–428
- Kohler, Foy D., 44, 70–75, 347, 630n
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 419, 710, 713, 720, 746n
- Korea, Republic of, Communist threat to, 107, 339, 388, 409–410, 426, 460, 533, 536, 736, 741
- Korean war, 549, 722
- Kotschnig, Walter M., 373n, 383, 405n
- Kristensen, Thorkil, 400–401
- Kruisheer, J.C., 38
- Kuchel, Thomas, 372
- Kupinsky, Ruth H., 768n
- Kuss, Henry J., 513–515
- Kuwait, 594, 599, 631, 639, 649, 658, 668, 678
- Kuwait Oil Company, 631–632, 668, 675n
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 202, 299, 307, 451
- Lacey, John D., 745n
- Ladgham, Bahi, 364n
- Lambie, James M., 516n
- Laos, 388, 410, 421, 513–514, 518, 527
- Larsen, Gilbert E., 179n
- Laskey, Denis, 688
- Latin America, 171, 315, 379–381, 409, 565–568, 617–618, 705
- Latin American Free Trade Association (Montevideo Treaty), 259
- Lausche, Frank J., 383
- Lay, James S., Jr., 282n, 416n, 435n, 493n, 504n, 521n, 568n, 595n, 633n, 638n, 640n, 696, 703n, 728n, 729n, 754n, 762n, 770n, 777n
- Lead, 29, 32, 96, 159, 168–173, 176, 179–180, 182–188, 216, 218, 586
- League of Women Voters, 152
- Lebanon, 83, 388, 425, 668
- Lebel, Claude, 651
- Leddy, John M., 24, 194n, 203n, 228n, 258n, 269n, 349, 351, 367, 383
- Leffingwell, William M., 513
- Leishman, Frederick, 24
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, 130, 522–523, 527, 537, 545
- Lennartson, Nils A., 134
- Less-developed countries (see also individual
countries), 9–12, 19, 26,
39–40, 45, 58–62, 273, 337–339
- Development Assistance Group countries, relations with, 402–403
- economic growth in, 303, 307–310, 442
- long-term loans to, 395–396, 404
- multilateral aid to, 45–46
- private home ownership in, 369–370
- Soviet economic warfare, 6–7, 9–12, 17–22, 26, 31, 33–35, 38–41
- Western Europe, economic aid to, 58–62, 117–119, 126, 354–359, 476
- Leva, Marx, 447
- Leve, H.A., 393
- Levin, Harold A., 771
- Lewis, John L., 136
- Liberia, 343, 388
- Libya, 388, 425, 613–614, 645, 649, 659–660, 667
- Lincoln, Col. George A., 431, 447
- Lindsay, David A., 317–320
- Literacy, 415
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 42, 192–193, 199, 227, 322–323, 351, 688–690, 692–693
- Loans. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); International Cooperation Agency (ICA).
- Lodge, George C, 231n
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1, 144, 307, 373, 383–384, 414–415, 592, 752
- Long, Russell B., 446
- Lopez Mateos, Adolfo, 233
- Loudon, J.H., 652
- Lumber, 715, 736
- Luxembourg, 182, 468, 494, 505, 525
- Lyons, Gordon, 623
- Macmillan, Harold, 24–25, 30, 42–43, 63, 71, 129, 200–201, 227, 357, 373n
- Macomber, William B., 295–296
- Macy, Loring K., 566–568, 577n
- Macy, Robert M., 341, 345
- Malaria eradication, 427
- Malaya, 41, 94, 252, 399
- Malone, George W., 93n
- Manganese, 715, 736, 738, 742
- Mann, Thomas C., 184n, 192n, 203n, 213n, 228n, 296, 341–342, 580n, 624, 630n
- Mansfield, Mike, 307, 431
- Mansholt, S.L., 65, 275
- Marget, Arthur W., 76, 78–79
- Marshall, James, 623
- Marshall Plan, 294, 511
- Martin, Edwin M., 68n, 245, 269n, 278n, 283n, 373n, 405n
- Martin, Graham A., 378, 458n, 513
- Martin, Jack, 160n
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 166, 416, 419
- Martin, William McChesney, 50, 52, 112, 128, 311
- Matsu, 748
- Mattei, Enrico, 649
- Maudling, Reginald, 80–81, 279
- Maurer, Ely, 630n, 633
- McBride, Robert H., 728n
- McCloy, John J., 447–448, 453
- McCone, John A., 126, 213, 475, 495, 510, 535, 537, 614–615
- McCormack, Gen. James, 432
- McCormack, John W., 485
- McElroy, Neil H., 1, 50, 56, 103, 561, 719, 757
- McGhee, George C., 447
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 207–208
- McIntosh, Dempster, 291–292, 312, 327, 361, 437
- McLain, Marvin, 573
- McPhee, H. Roemer, 547–548
- Medical research, 466
- Meeker, Leonard C., 445n
- Mellen, Sydney L.W., 619n
- Menzies, Robert G., 184
- Merchant, Livingston T., 36, 285, 347, 373n, 634, 664, 768–769
- Merriam, Robert E., 431, 453, 483
- Metzger, Stanley D., 177n, 317
- Mexico, 83, 94, 305, 313, 388, 517, 637–638, 641
- Meyer, Armin H., 658–661
- Middle East, 427, 444, 555, 571–572, 599–600, 651, 665–677
- Mikoyan, Anastas I., 40, 702, 749–750, 768
- Miller, Clarence L., 44, 225, 231n, 562n
- Miller, Slator, 623
- Mills, Wilbur D., 159, 161, 170, 175, 183
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 1n, 31n, 50n, 103n, 372, 407n, 419, 420n, 444n, 446n, 451n, 459n, 466n, 490n, 559n, 561n, 591n, 606n, 620n, 627n
- Mitchell, James P., 1, 31, 50, 608, 621
- Mitsubishi, 722
- Mokaddem, Sadok, 364n
- Moline, Edwin G., 680, 697, 701
- Moncrieff, William A., 552
- Monroe Doctrine, 516–517
- Monroney, Mike, 294–295, 298, 345, 360, 382n
- Montevideo Treaty, 259
- Montgomery, Parker, 274
- Moore, William H., 80n
- Moos, Malcolm C., 58n
- Morgan, Gerald D., 455, 552, 608–609
- Morgan, John D., Jr., 549n
- Morgan, Thomas E., 421, 483, 485, 487
- Morocco, 425, 492
- Morris, Willie, 24
- Morse, True D., 86, 206, 627–629, 753
- Mossedegh, Mohammed, 634, 677
- Mueller, Frederick H., 50, 225n, 260, 285, 767n
- Mulliken, Jean H., 616n
- Multer, Abraham J., 382
- Murphy, Robert D., 44–45, 47–49, 347, 378, 381, 593–594
- Murray, James E., 546
- Mutual Security Program (MSP), 11, 126, 315,
415, 446, 485–486
- budget, 1959, 88, 413, 416, 418–429
- budget, 1960, 36–37, 444, 447, 449–457, 459–461, 463–467
- budget, 1961, 457, 461–463, 472, 477, 490–493, 498, 515–516, 516, 519–520
- budget, 1962, 508, 511, 537–538, 542–547
- Draper Committee, 225, 431–433, 435, 439, 444, 486, 521–522
- long-range military planning, 513–515, 520–538
- Military Assistance Program, 458–459, 463–464
- military and economic aid funding, separation of, 416, 474
- Mutual Security funds cutoff, 547–548
- Mutual Security information program, 407–413, 430, 457, 503–504
- Soviet-U.S. foreign aid comparisons, 475–477
- waste in, 421, 453, 487, 497
- world health, 314
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Affairs (NAC), 94, 140–141, 291, 303, 382, 641–644, 779
- National Conference of Organizations on International Trade Policy, 155
- National Export Expansion Committee, 285
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):
- National security, trade policy, effects of, 209–221
- National Security Council (NSC), 243, 271, 494–495, 643, 696, 728, 759, 764
- actions:
- No. 692, 633
- No. 697, 633
- No. 766, 633
- No. 868, 633
- No. 875, 633
- No. 891, 633
- No. 947, 633
- No. 1015, 633
- No. 1021, 633
- No. 1356, 261
- No. 1554, 583n
- No. 1780, 690, 692
- No. 1828, 416–417
- No. 1854, 690, 692
- No. 1857, 693, 696, 703, 709
- No. 1865, 709–710, 725, 727, 729–731, 733–734, 758, 762, 770
- No. 1903, 568, 570
- No. 1908, 417–418, 434n, 436
- No. 1926, 570
- No. 1944, 719, 754, 762–763
- No. 1964, 587
- No. 1969, 734
- No. 1999, 595, 610
- No. 2010, 436
- No. 2012, 443
- No. 2017, 590
- No. 2025, 589
- No. 2032, 758, 762
- No. 2042, 763, 770
- No. 2071, 771
- No. 2080, 615, 638–640, 645–646
- No. 2094, 332
- No. 2096, 213–214
- No. 2121, 478, 482, 493, 504
- No. 2149, 520, 521
- No. 2155, 622
- No. 2156, 477
- No. 2157, 477
- No. 2158, 482, 493, 495–496, 504, 507, 514–515, 520, 521n
- No. 2166, 777
- No. 2185, 493, 504
- No. 2187, 496, 504
- No. 2233, 635
- No. 2266, 261–262
- No. 2275, 512, 520–522, 526, 536, 538, 540–542
- No. 2302, 639
- No. 2303, 638n, 644
- No. 2304, 782
- No. 2326, 538
- documents:
- NSC 97/6, 582, 583n, 590
- NSC 138/1, 633
- NSC 5612/1, 7
- NSC 5613/1, 7
- NSC 5701, 7
- NSC 5704/1, 703, 710
- NSC 5704/3, 690, 692, 703, 709–711, 718, 730, 754, 758–760, 762–763, 770, 777, 780–783
- NSC 5706, 761
- NSC 5707/8, 6n
- NSC 5724, 411
- NSC 5726/1, 761
- NSC 5801/1, 761
- NSC 5810, 15, 563–564, 713–714, 714, 761
- NSC 5810/1, 15, 308, 443, 568–569, 590, 714
- NSC 5811, 761
- NSC 5819, 437
- NSC 5820/1, 611, 603n, 610
- NSC 5822, 581n, 587–590
- NSC 5822/1, 603
- NSC 5906/1, 478, 493, 504, 622, 640, 663
- NSC 5912, 472, 477
- NSC 5916, 467–468, 478–480, 482, 493
- NSC 6011, 638
- NSC 6014, 538
- meetings:
- 140th, 262
- 353d, Jan. 30, 1958, 689–690
- 354th, Feb. 6, 1958, 692–693
- 356th, Feb. 27, 1958, 703–710
- 364th, May 1, 1958, 15, 563–564, 713–714
- 365th, May 8, 1958, 416–417
- 368th, June 19, 1958, 568–570
- 371st, July 3, 1958, 718–719
- 377th, Aug. 21, 1958, 730–734
- 388th, Dec. 3, 1958, 434–443
- 392d, Dec. 23, 1958, 587–590
- 393d, Jan. 15, 1959, 754–758
- 395th, Jan. 29, 1959, 762–763
- 404th, Apr. 30, 1959, 770–771
- 406th, May 13, 1959, 610–616
- 408th, May 28, 1959, 330–332
- 409th, June 4, 1959, 44, 209–214422d, Oct. 29, 1959, 622
- 427th, Dec. 3, 1959, 472–482
- 435th, Feb. 18, 1960, 493–496
- 439th, Apr. 1, 1960, 126
- 444th, May 9, 1960, 633–636
- 451st, July 15, 1960, 261–262
- 454th, Aug. 1, 1960, 504–512
- 458th, Sept. 7, 1960, 272
- 460th, Sept. 21, 1960, 638–645, 777–783
- 465th, Oct. 31, 1960, 520–540
- actions:
- Nationalist China. See China, Republic of.
- Natural gas, 605, 641, 669n
- Neal, Arthur, 680
- Nepal, 331, 388, 395
- Netherlands, 11, 38–41, 63, 98, 119, 384, 400, 566, 637
- Neutral Zone, 674, 677
- New Zealand, 84, 251–252, 257, 263–264, 314, 388
- Nicaragua, 84, 257, 637
- Nichols, Clarence W., 179n, 619n, 633, 680
- Nigeria, 395, 654
- Nitze, Paul H., 146, 151
- Nixon, Richard M., 50, 103, 144, 439–440, 475, 518, 614, 629
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 138
- North Africa (see also individual countries; under Oil), 597–599, 601, 604–605, 640–641, 663, 669
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 41, 56, 117n, 252, 374, 524–525, 539
- Norway, 94, 229n, 251–252, 257, 314, 399
- Nuclear energy, 7, 605–606, 646, 669n
- Nuclear war, 207, 550, 621–622, 681, 684, 686–687, 705, 711
- Nuclear weapons, 212, 448, 590
- Nunley, William T., 373n
- Oasis Oil Co., 649
- O’Connell, James T., 103
- Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization (OCDM), 178, 271–272, 282, 619, 620n, 638n
- Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM), 558, 571, 714
- Office of Oil and Gas, 596n
- Offshore procurement. See Procurement, domestic.
- Oil:
- Afghanistan, resources in, 415
- alternate energy sources, 605–606
- Canada, 42, 218, 582, 584–585, 609, 653, 659
- import controls:
- Middle East, 580–581, 583, 585–586, 594–604, 610–616
- North Africa, 597–599, 601, 604–605, 640–641, 663, 669
- Venezuela, 42, 216, 638, 639, 658, 662, 667, 674, 677
- Western Europe, 31, 595–606, 610–616, 638–646, 666–671, 675–676, 678–679
- Okinawa, 145, 165
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 5, 13
- Organization of American States (OAS), 401, 628
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 65, 69–75, 269–270, 272, 274, 285, 288, 406
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 29, 48, 109, 155, 250, 355, 600, 603–604
- Conference, Paris, May 1959, 112
- Conference on the Reorganization of the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, July 1960, 269–270
- Economic Policy Committee, 69
- less-developed countries, aid to, 29
- meetings, ministerial:
- reorganization of, 59–64, 68–69, 71–74, 398
- Steering Board for Trade, 244
- U.S. membership in, 58–64, 69, 246
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 639–640, 648–650, 652, 658–662, 673–674
- Organization for Trade Cooperation, 153
- Organization for Trade Cooperation Agreement, 180–181
- Ormsby–Gore, David, 351, 747
- Osborne, Melville, 233
- Otis Elevator Company, 722
- Overseas Internal Security Program (OISP), 442–443
- Owen, David, 384
- Owen, Henry, 16n
- Owen, Richard B., 623
- Paarlberg, Don S., 56–57, 120n, 130, 166–168, 255, 315, 559n, 608–609, 626, 752
- Packard, Bob, 664
- Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza Shah, 420–421
- Pakistan, 19, 83, 308, 388, 397–398, 399
- Palmer, Gen., 469, 483
- Panama, 637
- Panama Canal Company, 248
- Pappano, Alfred E., 180
- Parker, Chauncey, 383
- Parsons, J. Graham, 177, 184n, 630n
- Passman, Otto E., 324, 421, 428, 445–446, 470, 498–500
- Patterson, John T., 224, 559n, 642–643, 753
- Pella, Giuseppe, 78, 346, 364n
- Pella Plan, 29
- Perez Alfonso, Juan, 651, 659
- Perkins, James, 431
- Perry, Hart, 379
- Persons, Gen. Wilton B., 128, 133, 138, 142, 145–146, 151, 347, 433, 560
- Peru, 257, 263, 607, 637
- Petroleum. See Oil.
- Pettibone, Holman D., 549n
- Phelan, Harry M., 204n
- Philippines, 84, 264, 343, 388, 410, 617, 627, 637, 746
- Phillips, Christopher H., 307, 349, 351–352, 383
- Pick, Franz, 112
- Picknell, R.W., 393
- Pinay, Antoine, 243, 344
- Pitblado, D.B., 76
- P.L. 480. See Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 under Congress, U.S., Acts of.
- Plakias, John, 403n
- Plutonium, 131
- Poland, 11, 517, 751
- Population growth, 439
- Porter, Sylvia, 129
- Portugal, 63, 219, 251, 314, 367, 400
- Post Office Department, U.S., 556
- Potofsky, 268
- President’s Committee To Study the
- United States Military Assistance Program. See Draper Committee.
- President’s Contingency Fund, 418, 422, 426–427, 461, 465
- Procurement, domestic, 51–52, 118, 129, 131, 139, 140, 163, 211, 353
- Propps, Herbert F., 258n, 714n
- Protectionism, 48–49, 65–66, 215, 218, 276–277
- Puerto Rico, 616, 627–628, 637
- Qassim, Gen., 425
- Qatar, 658, 672
- Quaker Oats of Canada, 722
- Quarles, Donald A., 417, 444, 452, 456, 553–554, 556, 560, 588, 743–744
- Quemoy, 444, 748
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 447, 549n
- Rains, Edward F., 764
- Ramsbotham, Peter, 661
- Rand Corporation, 767–768, 782
- Rand, Joseph, 559n, 586
- Randall, Clarence B., 56–57, 170, 262–263, 273n, 282, 302n, 409–410, 725n, 728n
- economic defense, 760, 762n, 770–771
- international commodity agreements, 565n, 568n, 569–570, 577
- multilateral trade controls, 690, 691–692, 727, 731, 779–780
- oil, 585, 638
- Soviet economic warfare, 3n, 4, 6, 12, 31–32, 38
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 749–753, 764
- stockpiling policy, 557, 559n, 572
- taxation of foreign investments, 298
- trade agreements, extension of, 153, 154n, 159, 160n, 166
- trade liberalization, 213, 288
- U.S.-West European trade relations, 64, 275, 277n
- Randall Commission, 3, 158, 247
- Rathbone, 649
- Ray, Philip A., 57, 246
- Rayburn, Sam, 175, 419, 421, 427–428, 457, 463, 465, 485, 489, 498–499
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement Program, 288
- Reed, Daniel, 166
- Regional Export Expansion Committee, 285
- Reid, Ralph W.E., 86, 88, 104, 106–108, 247–249, 292, 326, 510, 752
- Reifman, Alfred, 714n
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 24, 688
- Renner, John, 269n
- Report of the Committee on World Economic Practices. See Boeschenstein Report.
- Rhee, Syngman, 466
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 252
- Riddleberger, James W., 44, 47, 378, 380, 483, 542
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 480
- Rio Conference, 517
- Ritchie, A.E., 593n, 680
- Roberts, R.H., 194n
- Robin Hood Flour Mills of Montreal, 722
- Robinson, Hamlin, 317
- Robinson, Joe, 204n
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 4–5, 497
- Rockefeller Report, 172
- Rogers, William P., 1, 31, 50, 103, 547n, 560, 591, 633–636
- Rooney, John J., 421
- Rootes, William, 80
- Ross, Emerson, 345
- Rouhani, Fuad, 649
- Rountree, William, 688
- Rowan, Leslie, 76–78
- Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, 652
- Royal Dutch-Shell, 630–631
- Rubber, 216, 621
- Rubottom, Roy R., Jr., 623–625, 630n
- Russell, Richard, 485, 491
- Russia. See Soviet Union.
- Ryss, Murray, 269n
- Saccio, Leonard J., 469
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 382, 421, 424, 427, 445–446, 452, 466, 491, 500, 517, 629
- Sanderhoff, Lubert O., 257n, 260–261, 680, 768n, 771
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C., 630n
- Saudi Arabia, 600, 631, 658, 668, 673, 678
- Saulnier, Raymond J., 50, 52–53, 57, 76, 207, 209, 607–608, 752
- Savings and loan associations, 369–370, 376–378
- Scandinavia, 219, 384, 742
- Schaefer, William E., Jr., 311
- Schaffner, Philip P., 104n
- Schwartz, 65, 275
- Scribner, Fred C., Jr., 317–318, 332, 495–496
- Seaton, Fred A., 1, 31, 50, 103, 169n, 587–588, 591, 607–608, 648
- Segni, Antonio, 346, 357, 364n
- Senate, U.S., 169, 768
- Shale oil, 605, 646, 669n
- Shell Petroleum Company, Ltd., 652
- Shields, Robert H., 623, 625
- Shuckburgh, Evelyn, 661
- Shuff, Charles H., 469
- Simpson, Richard, 165
- Singapore, 746
- Sino-Soviet bloc. See China, People’s Republic of; Soviet bloc; Soviet Union.
- Sladic, M.J., 660
- Smith, Dudley, 623
- Smith, Gerard C., 16n, 68–70, 429
- Smith, H. Alexander, 418, 422
- Smith, James H., Jr., 6–8, 38, 89n, 295–296, 311, 312, 411, 437, 439, 442
- Smith, Marshall M., 86, 88, 680, 683, 729n, 764n
- Smith, R.G.C., 680
- Smith, Sidney E., 718
- Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell, 549n
- Snow, William P., 182n
- Socony Mobil Oil Co., 630
- Solar energy, 669n
- South Africa, 84, 131, 251–252, 314, 388
- South America, 219, 427
- South Asia, 326, 330–332, 426
- Southard, Frank A., Jr., 79, 82–88, 93–95, 108–111, 140–141, 228n, 292, 304, 310–311
- Southeast Asia, 185, 752
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 746
- Southern Rhodesia, 689
- Soviet bloc (see also individual countries), 216, 473–477, 517, 566, 645, 740–741
- Soviet Union (see Soviet Union and Soviet
subheadings under other subjects), 24–25, 36,
40, 372, 418, 690, 702–703
- Chinese People’s Republic, trade with, 735, 744–749
- copper imports, 689, 707–708, 751
- economic situation, 48–49, 138–139
- foreign economic aid from, 9–12, 16–19, 441–442, 682–683
- International Cooperation Agency of, 7
- military situation, 12, 533–534
- oil, 641–642, 659
- United Kingdom, relations with, 737, 746–747
- United States, trade relations with, 157, 414–415, 714–718
- U.S. trade embargo, proposed, 751
- world economic conference proposal, 350
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 469, 478–480
- Spain, 62, 251, 257, 314, 339, 380, 388, 557, 559
- Sparkman, John, 685n
- Special Committee To Investigate Crude Oil Imports, 553n, 562n, 576, 585, 587–589
- Special Economic Committee, 63–64
- Special National Intelligence Estimates (see also National Intelligence Estimates), SNIE 100–8–58, 735–742, 761
- Special Stockpile Advisory Committee, 549–552, 557–558
- Special U.N. Fund for Economic Development (SUNFED), 40, 307, 313–314, 322, 374, 384, 391–392, 401, 403, 405
- Spigler, Donald S., 619n
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 6, 693n, 694, 727–728
- Sputnik, 410
- Square-D Company, 722
- Staats, Elmer B., 483
- Standard Oil Company of California, 630
- Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 630–631, 648–650
- Stanford Institute, 768
- Stanley, T.W., 758n
- Stans, Maurice H., 106, 130, 132, 280, 419, 475–476, 532–533, 535–537, 573, 606–607, 621, 648
- Stanton, Harker, 573
- Steel, 52–53
- Stevenson, Robert A., 616n
- Stibravy, William J., 299n
- Stimpson, Harry F., Jr., 294n, 296
- Stockholm Convention, 242, 258–259
- Strategic resources and international commodities:
- agricultural surpluses, 664
- cellular energy, 669n
- commodity agreements, 563–570, 577
- lead and zinc commodity meeting, Geneva, Nov. 1958, 586n
- natural gas, 605, 641, 669n
- nuclear energy, 605–606, 669n
- oil, 603–604
- Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 639–640, 648–650, 652, 658–662, 673–674
- shale oil, 605, 669n
- solar energy, 669n
- Soviet Union, 597–599, 601, 641–642, 649, 651–657, 659, 662–664, 666, 670–672
- stockpiling policy, 549–552
- Sugar Act extension, 616–619, 623–629
- tar sands, 605, 669n
- wind power, 669
- Straus, Ralph I., 89, 100, 261, 263, 317n, 325
- Strauss, Lewis L., 38, 101, 103, 211, 317–318, 322, 326, 607, 756–757
- Sudan, 10, 216, 339, 395, 399, 425
- Suez Canal, 598
- Suez crisis, 96
- Sugar, 216, 264, 616–619, 623–629, 637
- Sukarno, 440
- Sullivan, Charles A., 661
- Summerfield, Arthur E., 1, 31, 50, 103
- Sweden, 63, 215, 251–252, 257, 314, 399
- Swihart, James W., 203n
- Switzerland, 63, 65, 219, 252, 257
- Syria, 10–11, 31, 83, 639, 668
- Szymczak, M.S., 86, 104–105, 107, 291–292, 325, 341, 343
- Taber, John, 324, 421, 424, 427, 485, 487–488
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Taiwan Strait, 528, 743–744, 748
- Tanganyika, 399
- Tank, Martin M., 513
- Tar sands, 605, 669n
- Tariff Commission, 42, 161, 164–166, 197, 208, 249, 267, 271
- Tariki, Abdullah, 651, 659, 674
- Taxes, 19, 43, 455, 508–510, 532, 534–535, 580
- Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 196, 212–213
- Terrill, Robert P., 32n, 38, 41, 48
- Texaco, Inc., 630
- Textiles, 162–163, 184–185, 241–242, 252/1, 752
- Thailand, 79, 83, 314, 339, 379, 388, 399
- Thompson, Llewellyn, 347, 693n
- Thorold, Guy Frederick, 24, 76, 680–682, 685, 697
- Thorp, Capt. Wakeman B., 680, 764
- Thurmond, Strom, 174
- Tidewater Oil, 552
- Tillion, Germaine, 439
- Timberlake, Clare H., 510
- Timmons, B.E.L., 768n
- Tin, 32, 41, 216, 444, 648, 752
- Trade Agreements Committee, 233
- Trade and commercial policy (see also
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT):
- agricultural surpluses, 155–158, 194–195, 222–223, 225, 230, 263–265, 282
- antitrust laws, 261–263
- British position, 42–43
- Buy American policy, 191–194, 196–199, 206–209, 212–213, 216–218, 220, 224, 247–249, 277, 280–281, 322
- cotton, 202–203, 216, 233, 241, 266
- dollar discrimination, 211, 227–230, 236, 245, 250–252, 277
- Eisenhower-era overview, 288
- Food for Peace, 194, 222, 233, 263, 265, 288
- imports:
- Minerals Stabilization Plan, 171–172, 179, 182
- national security, 209–221, 271–272
- oil quotas, 216–218
- P.L. 480 loan repayments, 255–256
- protectionism, 215
- tariffs:
- Trade Agreements Act renewal, 152–155, 159–160, 165–166, 174–175, 177–178, 210
- trade liberalization, 65, 96, 155, 213, 249–254
- travel to the United States, 230, 237–240
- U.S. export promotions, 237–240, 246
- U.S. position, 42–43
- voluntary export controls, 218–219
- wheat agreement, extension of, 166–168, 206
- wool, 192, 196–198, 200–201, 204–206, 216, 225–226, 260, 268, 279
- Trade Policy Committee, 197–198, 220, 232
- Trans-Arabian Pipeline (TAPLINE), 676
- Treasury, U.S. Department of, 70, 91–93, 255–256, 299, 301, 311, 539–542, 719
- agricultural surpluses, 158n, 282, 558
- Development Loan Fund, 290–292, 310, 329, 336
- international commodities agreements, 563–565, 577
- lead and zinc, 176, 187–188
- oil, 609, 611–612, 638n, 639–640, 645
- Soviet-U.S. trade, 758, 759n, 765–767
- taxation of foreign investments, 297–298, 302, 317–320
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem, 55, 57
- Trueheart, William C., 661
- Truman, Harry S., 138, 633
- Tunisia, 257, 380, 425, 638
- Turkel, H.R., 623
- Turkey, 34, 62, 94, 314, 506, 776
- Turpin, William N., 651–652, 768n
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 434–436, 469, 690, 778
- Unemployment, 28, 30
- Union of South Africa. See South Africa.
- United Arab Republic (UAR) (see also Egypt; Syria; Yemen), 20, 339, 388, 656, 659, 668, 670
- United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom
and British subheadings under other subjects), 63, 97–98,
121, 219, 221, 314, 400, 454, 689
- Bank of England, 150
- Board of Trade, 699, 775
- Chinese People’s Republic, trade with, 706, 722–723, 762
- international commodity agreements, 566, 568n
- international economic development, 26, 119, 356, 358–359, 364, 367, 399, 444
- Kuwaiti investments in, 668
- monetary reserves of, 82, 96
- oil, 571–572, 640, 650, 662
- Soviet Union, relations with, 737, 746–747
- U.S. grant military aid to, 467–468, 470, 478, 483, 487, 490–491, 494, 505, 525, 541
- United States, relations with, 25–31, 545, 666, 678, 773
- United States, trade relations with, 109, 215, 243, 251–252, 257, 365–366
- U.S.-West European trade relations, 69
- world liquidity, 76–81
- U.N. General Assembly, 264, 299, 307–308, 313–314, 427
- United Nations (see also
U.N. General Assembly):
- Capital Development Fund, proposed, 403–404
- ECE, 769
- Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), 20, 334, 349–351, 392, 769
- Expanded Technical Assistance Program (ETAP), 374, 401, 403, 405
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 195, 301
- Food for Peace, role in, 265
- International Development Association, relations with, 349, 383–384, 391–392, 404
- International Labor Organization (ILO), 301
- lead and zinc, 172–173, 176, 186
- multilateral development aid, 60
- Special Fund for Economic Development (SUNFED), 40, 307, 313–314, 322, 374, 384, 391–392, 401, 403, 405
- Special Projects Fund for Undeveloped Regions, 415
- Technical Assistance Board, 391–392
- World Health Organization (WHO), 374
- U.S. balance-of-payments problem. See Balance of payments.
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 567
- U.S. Information Agency (USIA), 177, 488
- U.S. Intelligence Board, 735n
- U.S. military expenditures, 117
- U.S.-Canadian Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs, 245
- U.S. Rubber Company, 751
- Upton, T. Graydon, 44, 50–51, 52n, 115n, 124, 127, 231n, 255n, 340–342, 360, 390
- Uranium, 131, 192, 193n, 415
- Uruguay, 10, 83,
216, 257, 263, 567, 663
- Ancap (Oil Agency), 649
- Vallon, Edwin E., 623, 625n
- van den Perre, 651
- van Roijen, J.H., 38–41
- Venezuela, 78–79, 83, 388, 399
- Vettel, Thelma E., 162, 234n, 266n
- Vietnam, Democratic Republic of, 710, 713
- Vietnam, Republic of, 83, 339, 388, 399, 426, 460, 513–514, 527
- Vine, Richard D., 286n
- Virgin Islands, 623, 628
- Von Klemperer, Alfred H., 125n, 128, 133–134, 138, 383–384
- Voorhees, Tracy, 431, 447, 453, 469
- Vorys, John M., 416, 421
- Walker, Herman, Jr., 257n
- Wallich, Henry C., 101–103, 112–115
- Wallner, Woodruff, 403n, 405n
- Walsh, John P., 38
- Walsh, Lawrence E., 263, 553, 555
- Waugh, Samuel C., 56–57, 86–87, 104–106, 291, 325–327, 341–343, 345, 389–390, 431
- Weart, William G., 497n
- Webb, James E., 447, 549n
- Weber, George, 645n, 662–664
- Weeks, Sinclair, 1, 14, 152–153, 205n, 424
- Weinberg, Sidney J., 8, 14
- Weiss, Seymour, 283n, 286n
- Welch, Leo, 648, 650
- Western Europe, 31, 58–64, 117, 134, 148, 200, 211, 273, 742, 752
- Western Heads of State and Government meeting, Paris, Dec. 1959, 63, 71, 367, 492n
- Westfall, Virginia C., 405n
- Wheat Council, 166–168
- Whitman, Ann C., 168, 419, 424, 608
- Whitman, Walter G., 549n
- Whitney, John Hay, 42, 80–81, 136, 193, 203n, 746–749
- Wilcox, Francis O., 307, 373n, 567
- Wiley, Alexander, 418, 460, 485, 488
- Wilken, David, 405n
- Wilkinson, Bud, 294
- Wilkinson, H., 652–654
- Williams, Clyde, 549n
- Williams, John J., 628
- Williams, Walter, 690, 693n, 694, 706–708
- Willis, George H., 86n, 255–256, 264, 289, 313–314, 342, 345, 371
- Willoughby, Woodbury, 159, 177n, 260
- Willys, 722
- Wilson, Everett B., 623
- Wilson, James M., 378, 424n, 458n, 513
- Wind power, 669n
- Wood, C. Tyler, 337
- Wool, 192, 196–198, 200–201, 204–206, 216, 225–226, 260, 268, 279, 322
- World Court, 445n
- World Economic Conference of 1933, 65, 275
- World Health Organization, 374
- Wright, M.A., 648
- Wright, Robert B., 680, 764, 771n, 772
- Wright, Maj. Gen. W.H.S., 513
- Wyndham White, Eric, 244, 258, 269–270, 273–274
- Yemen, 32, 678
- Youde, E., 680
- Yugoslavia, 11, 31, 34, 39, 171, 182, 388, 395
- Zellerbach, James D., 252
- Zinc, 29, 32, 96, 159, 168–173, 176, 179–180, 182–188, 216, 218, 586
- Zulueta, Philip de, 24