200. Memorandum for the Files by Alfred Von Klemperer of the Department of the Treasury0
- Consultative Board—IDA and UN
A meeting was held today in the Secretary’s office where the following visitors met with the Secretary, Mr. Willis and myself:
- Ambassador Cabot Lodge
- Mr. Christopher Phillips, UN
- Mr. Finger, UN
- Mr. Chauncey Parker, UN
- Mr. John Leddy, State
- Mr. Walter Kotschnig, State
The purpose of the visit was to enlist the Secretary’s support in having Mr. Eugene Black, in his capacity as President of IDA, agree to join a consultative board composed of Mr. Hammarskjold, Secretary General [Page 384] of the UN, Mr. Paul Hoffman, Managing Director of its Special Fund and Mr. David Owen in charge of technical assistance at the UN. This Board would be established by an exchange of letters between Messrs. Hammarskjold and Black agreeing to meet informally from time to time to discuss in a general way the operations of IDA.
Ambassador Lodge indicated that the main argument for such a Board on the U.S. side was a political one inasmuch as it would create the image of a close relationship between the UN and IDA and thus help our delegation at the UN to beat back the SUNFED argument. Several countries, among them Holland and the Scandinavian Nations, would find this a convenient reason for dropping their former strong support for SUNFED, and in fact, such a Board would lay to rest any important SUNFED agitation. The second political argument in favor of such a Board would be that it will make the Western Nations show up favorably in relation to the Russians who are not members of IDA.
Ambassador Lodge has discussed this matter informally with Mr. Black and Mr. Dillon. The latter had indicated that he saw no difficulties provided Mr. Black approved.
For tactical reasons, the U.S. Delegation at UN would like to have Mr. Hammarskjold make announcement of this Board in Geneva on July 11. This would forestall those who intend to press for SUNFED during the Economic and Social Council Meeting in the Fall.
Ambassador Lodge will send us a letter outlining this plan and suggesting the wording for the terms of reference establishing the Board. Secretary Anderson will try to meet with Mr. Black during the week beginning June 13 to discuss the matter.2
- Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 56, Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, Robert B. Anderson, Subject Files, International Development Association. No classification marking.↩
- The meeting was held at the Department of the Treasury.↩
- Neither Lodge’s letter nor a record of Anderson’s conversation with Black has been found.↩