119. Editorial Note
On March 8, the White House reported to President Eisenhower that the Department of State had “advised the Group of Four now meeting in Paris that the successor organization to the OEEC should: strengthen the OEEC practice of reviewing the economic and financial condition of its members; discuss trade policies during consultation on general economic policies but not infringe on GATT’s functions or support trade discrimination; emphasize world-wide trade liberalization; encourage bilateral aid to less developed areas by fostering coordination among those able to help; and continue some OEEC functions, particularly in the scientific and energy fields. State has not yet decided whether the organization should, like the OEEC, make decisions or be limited to recommendations. It is studying an OEEC-type formula with multiple escape clauses, but has pointed out that we could not participate in decisions on matters requiring legislative action.” (Staff Notes No. 732, March 8; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries)
On March 17, the President announced that the administration had developed a program to promote the growth of U.S. export trade. Expanding exports in the now highly competitive world markets, he observed, required “a more vigorous effort by both Government and business to improve our capacity for international competition.” Eisenhower outlined a number of steps toward this end, concluding: “With the support of the Congress, this Government can both facilitate and give continued impetus to the expansion of our exports as free world economic progress continues to enlarge the potential for international trade. The rising tide of productivity and prosperity in many nations creates a timely opportunity for mutual benefits from expanding world trade.” (American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1960, pages 799–801) Also on March 17, Under Secretary Dillon and Under Secretary of Commerce Philip A. Ray gave a press briefing on the President’s initiative; for texts of their remarks and a report by the Interagency Export Promotion Task Force, see Department of State Bulletin, April 11, 1960, pages 561–565.