104. Editorial Note
On July 14, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Clarence L. Miller testified before the House Agriculture Committee on the administration’s proposals for P.L. 480. Miller suggested that the law be extended one year and that a provision be added making surplus agricultural commodities available to underdeveloped countries for the establishment of national food reserves. For text of the draft legislation submitted to the committee, see American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1959, pages 1498–1499. Assistant Secretary of State Mann appeared before the committee the following day; for text of his statement, see Department of State Bulletin, August 10, 1959, pages 212–215.
On July 23, President Eisenhower sent the Congress a report by the President’s Committee To Study the United States Military Assistance Program, the Draper Committee, entitled “Economic Assistance: Programs and Administration.” Part of the study addressed the use of agricultural surpluses in support of the Mutual Security Program. Regarding this report, see Document 245.