98. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the President in Thomasville, Georgia, and the Secretary of State in Washington, February 15, 1957, 3:49 p.m.1


The Sec said we have the Israeli reply2 and he is seeing Eban at 4. It is extremely unsatisfactory and seems completely to misapprehend the nature of our aide-mémoire. They say the suggestions are interesting and would be glad to negotiate and suggest sending a joint mission to Gaza and suggest what should be done and glad to negotiate re the Gulf of Aqaba. They assume we are acting for all the world and all they have to do is sit down and negotiate with us. We said what our attitude would be as a maritime power enjoying the rights of the G of A3 and our position in the UN discussion of these matters but everything is predicated on their getting out first but they want to settle down to a long negotiation about it. The Sec thought he would indicate to him and perhaps let it be known as a reaction after he leaves because the press will be pouring around we do feel there has been a misapprehension of the character of our proposal and we are disappointed in the situation as it stands and Lodge and the Sec are coming [Page 158] down to talk the situation over with the Pres. The Sec does not want to have it look as though this proposal was so good we are wondering whether or not to accept it. That will give the impression we are considering it and then if we turn out not to people will say if it was so close he had to discuss it with the Pres we could have strained a point and accepted it. The Pres said there will be speculation when you come and you can say Israeli answer seems so completely to misapprehend what we meant you are coming to see what we do next—this leaves it in a state of confusion. The Sec will definitely plan to come and will take the plane when they get through. The Sec will see the Pres tonight and in the morning. The Sec will probably want to see Eban tomorrow p.m. to make a definitive reply. The Pres said to make clear we are trying to be helpful and if they don’t want it we will have to go along and see what the UN does.

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, White House Telephone Conversations. Transcribed by Bernau.
  2. See infra.
  3. Gulf of Aqaba.