95. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1
691. Refer circular 6812 re US position on Gulf of Aqaba and Gaza. You should make every effort with government and through USIS to explain US attitude along lines this circular. You should stress that US stands first and foremost for immediate Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and Straits Aqaba. Our efforts designed to achieve this and to do so urgently. We do not think Israel should gain advantages from its invasion or that Egypt should have to make fresh promises to Israel to assure Israeli withdrawal. After Israeli withdrawal we believe that rules of international law should apply to shipping of all nations in Gulf Aqaba. As to this we would consider any decision of International Court Justice to be binding, if such decision is involved. Thus we believe Israel would obtain no rights or privileges to which it is not entitled by international law.
Evening Feb 13 Department spokesman issued following statement:
“Inquiries have been made of Department of State as to whether Secretary Dulles stated to Israeli Ambassador Eban that Egypt had informed the Secretary General of the UN that it will allow Israeli shipping to pass through the Gulf of Aqaba if Israeli troops withdraw from Egyptian territory. The Department said that no such statement has been made by the Secretary.”
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/2–1457. Official Use Only; Priority. Drafted by Rockwell, cleared by Dulles, and approved by Rountree and Wilkins who signed for Dulles. Sent to Cairo, New Delhi, Tehran, Baghdad, Amman, Beirut, Tripoli, Rabat, Islamabad, Jidda, Madrid, Khartoum, Damascus, Tunis, and Ankara; repeated Priority to Tel Aviv; and pouched to Paris and London.↩
- Document 92.↩