394. Editorial Note
The White House Staff Notes for November 6 include the following item concerning developments in relations with Egypt:
“Egypt’s Envoy Talks to Nasser.—Egypt’s Ambassador to the US says he recently told Nasser that we are not ‘out to get’ Egypt or Nasser, but that we are forced to counter any Nasser moves which assist the USSR. He said he urged on Nasser a three-stage program of: (1) a propaganda ‘truce’ with the US, (2) a quick settlement with Canal Company shareholders, to make possible the unblocking of dollars, and (3) ‘deemphasis’ on Egyptian contacts with the Soviet bloc. Nasser reportedly responded only to ask whether we would accept trainees in various fields, including the military. His Ambassador could not answer, [Page 790] but suggested he try West Germany instead.” (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries; Eisenhower initialed the notes.)
The Embassy in Cairo conveyed reports received from Ambassador Hussein to the Department of State in telegram 1099 from Cairo, October 30, and in telegram 1125 from Cairo, November 3. (Department of State, Central Files, 611.74/10–3057 and 611.74/11–357, respectively)