349. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Wilcox) and the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Rountree) to the Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of State (Herter)1
- Detailed Review of the Palestine Refugee Problem
Pursuant to the Under Secretary’s request of May 13 [14],2 IO and NEA, in concert with other interested elements of the Department, have undertaken a detailed review of future United States policy regarding [Page 662] the Palestine refugee problem. The following memorandum contains (I) a brief background statement of the problem; (II) an analysis of the political, economic and social factors in the situation; and (III) recommendations. Attached are a series of detailed papers on which the recommendations are based.3
The study was made on two basic assumptions: that it is an overriding political necessity not to permit UNRWA’s operations to lapse and that conditions in the area are somewhat more favorable today for an initiative by the United States on the refugee problem.
I. Background (Tab A):4
During the nine years of the existence of the Palestine refugee problem, thinking as to the best means of solving it has followed a cyclic pattern between two positions: (a) the problem should be isolated from the main body of unresolved Palestine issues and attacked as a thing in itself (e.g. Clapp Mission report,5 UNRWA activities, Johnston Plan, etc.); (b) the problem can best be solved in the context of a general Arab-Israel settlement (e.g. your speech of August 26, 1955, and its aftermath).
At present we seem to be on the crest of a wave of opinion favoring a return to the first position. There is widespread feeling among the public and in Congress that something must be done about the Palestine refugees. There have been similar intimations from area leaders. Specific suggestions have been made to the Department, principal among them being:
Mr. Eric Johnston’s Memorandum of June 10 [7], 1957.6 Mr. Johnston proposes: (a) that the United States approach Iraq with an offer to underwrite the cost of resettling Arab refugees in Iraq and of developing [Page 663] other projects to benefit Iraq’s indigenous population; and (2) that the United States approach Jordan with a proposal to underwrite the cost of developing the Jordan River in Jordan.
The UN Secretary General’s Memorandum of June 17, 1957.7 Mr. Hammarskjold proposes that a quiet diplomatic effort be made to enlist Iraqi, Jordanian, Saudi and perhaps Egyptian support in a program aimed at resettling refugees from Jordan and Gaza in Iraq. The Secretary General feels that the first moves should be made about August 15 and suggests designation of an individual to carry on the negotiations.
Views of UNRWA Director. Mr. Harry Labouisse believes8 it essential that there be some element of choice as between repatriation and resettlement offered to the refugees. He also feels that territorial concessions by Israel may be necessary in order to win Arab acquiescence to a solution of the problem.
Israel Trial Balloon. In the course of the past few weeks, Israeli representatives have approached us with the “purely tentative” suggestion that advantage should be taken of the recent improvement of U.S. relations with Jordan. They suggest an approach to Hussein and the Iraqis to persuade them to facilitate the movement of refugees from Jordan to Iraq and mention the possibility of Israel’s willingness to pay compensation to refugees agreeing to make such a move.
Palestine Conciliation Commission. Another new element is about to enter into the situation. The work of the Palestine Conciliation Commission in identifying refugee property taken over by Israel will be completed and reported to the UNGA sometime during the autumn of this year. The completion of the evaluation phase of the project will follow.9 PCC now indicates that the total figure for the values of the property will be about $460 million.
II. Factors in the Situation (Tab A):
- 1.
- Political:
- A.
- The refugee problem remains the primary cause of tension between Israel and the Arab states, and the primary threat to internal stability in Jordan. It vastly complicates the territorial problem of the Gaza Strip but does not play a role in Egyptian domestic politics, in view of the geographical isolation of the refugees.
- B.
- There is general agreement that conditions in the area are somewhat more favorable than they have been in the past to make a constructive move on the refugee problem. The public position of the [Page 664] Arab leaders (including those friendly to the U.S. such as Hussein and Nuri) still militates against a solution of the refugee problem in any context other than a general political settlement which would severely truncate and greatly weaken Israel. Moreover, recent propaganda statements by the Egyptians alleging that unusual secret efforts are being made to solve the refugee problem introduce an additional complicating element. This means that only quiet efforts with minimal publicity have any chance of success.
- C.
- Recent developments in the area have tended to involve the United States more deeply than hitherto. This may have resulted in a decrease in U.S. area of maneuver in the problem. For example, a year ago we could have supported a policy of uniform pressure on the Arab host Governments. Today, two of those Governments are close friends Jordan and Lebanon), two are unfriendly (Syria and Egypt).
- 2.
- United Nations:
- A.
UNRWA. In the seven years of its existence, UNRWA has proved its worth as an efficient relief agency. Its programs of education and medical care have been equally successful. It has been useful in that it has to a large extent insulated the United States from the difficult consequences which would ensue if we were directly involved in a relief program.
On the debit side, UNRWA has been unable to carry out any major economic development project aimed at refugee resettlement. It is supported by voluntary contributions by United Nations members and the willingness of other countries to contribute is getting increasingly limited. Against this decline, UNRWA faces a constantly increasing relief and education budget as a result of the natural increase of the refugee population and UNRWA’s inability to prune existing ration rolls. The Agency now has reasonable assurance of funds to enable it to conduct a reduced level of operations only through January or February 1958 (Tab B).10 This situation will make it increasingly difficult to hold the United States contribution at 70 percent. The effective UNRWA relief program has also tended to insulate Arab politicians from awareness of the very real need for a permanent as opposed to a temporary solution to the refugee problem.
- B.
- PCC. The only activity of the Palestine Conciliation Commission, which was created as a mechanism for reaching a general settlement, for the past few years has been in the field of compensation as described above. There is serious doubt that the PCC could ever successfully be reactivated to resume its entire original task.
- 3.
- Economic and Social:
- A.
- The aftermath of the Palestine hostilities has not brought stagnation to the area. On the contrary the Arab States and Israel have passed through a period of unprecedented economic development. This rapid development has several implications: (1) it has demonstrated the area’s ability to absorb this population; (2) it has resulted in widespread “automatic resettlement” of skilled and semi-skilled refugees especially in Lebanon and Syria—a process which has largely been hidden in view of refugee refusal to turn in their UNRWA ration cards; (3) this “cream-skimming” process has meant that the bulk of refugees remaining to be resettled are unskilled peasants most of whom left little by way of property behind in Palestine.
- B.
- The resettlement of Arab refugees in Jordan poses the minimum problem of social adjustment (they are already Jordan citizens). By cruel circumstance, however, Jordan has the least economic capacity. Refugee “automatic reintegration” in Syria has proceeded to the point where international relief could be withdrawn from that country without undue personal hardship. Lebanon protests against settlement of Arab refugees in its territory on the grounds that it would upset the delicate Christian-Moslem balance. “Automatic reintegration” has gone forward, however, to a considerable degree. There is no point in considering the settlement of refugees in the already crowded Nile Valley, and there are no grounds for hope at this time that Egypt would make Nile water available to permit refugee settlement in Sinai Peninsula.
- C.
- Iraq presents the most tempting prospect for major resettlement. In addition to the political obstacles, other problems arise. Iraq will wish to adjust any influx of refugees to its ability to respond to the needs of the depressed classes in its own population. There are significant cultural and climatic differences between Iraq and the area where the refugees presently abide and a resulting problem of adjustment. Kuwait is worthy of mention as a remotely possible source of funds for refugee settlement.
- D.
- While a relationship can sometimes be drawn between rehabilitation projects and a specific number of refugees resettled, it is difficult, if at all possible, to predict the full extent or rate of resettlement that could be expected to result from a complex program such as the one envisaged in the present study. For the sake of planning, however, the following estimates might be of use:
If the entire Jordan Valley Plan were eventually to be carried out, Jordan could be expected to absorb up to 175,000 of its 513,000 refugees. It must be conservatively estimated that Mr. Johnston’s revised Plan could resettle something over half of the 175,000. The 90,000 refugees in Syria are virtually absorbed into the nation’s economy and do not enter into the program. The Gaza Strip is economically incapable [Page 666] of absorbing any of its 217,000 refugees. A large share of the 102,000 refugees in Lebanon could economically be absorbed there, and the remainder should not be considered for resettlement elsewhere until excess refugees in Jordan and Gaza are taken care of. Of the remaining refugees, it is probable that not over 100,000 would be repatriated to Israel and the balance of approximately 455,000 would be resettled elsewhere in the Middle East, predominately in Iraq.
III. Recommendations:
- 1.
- UNRWA (Tab
- A.
- The United States should be prepared to maintain at least its present level (70 percent) of support to UNRWA’s relief and rehabilitation programs for the remainder of the Agency’s mandate, until June 30, 1960. Anticipated appropriations for our fiscal year 1958 will permit contributions of up to $17,800,000 toward the Agency’s relief budget, and up to $7,628,000 toward its rehabilitation budget. While such contributions would not exceed 70 percent of the Agency’s budget, they would exceed 70 percent of total anticipated contributions to the Agency.
- B.
- We should offer bilateral assistance to Jordan so that Jordan can assume responsibility for some of the Agency’s rehabilitation programs which have direct bearing on reducing relief rolls and in which Jordan has expressed an interest, such as the program of individual loans or grants to refugees, projects for the construction of permanent homes for refugees in areas where greater self-support is possible, the continued operation of the vocational training center and instructors’ training unit at Kalandia and the construction of two other badly needed similar centers. This assistance would amount to approximately $5.6 million during fiscal year 1958. To the extent that Jordan was prepared to accept bilateral assistance in any or all of the rehabilitation programs mentioned above, part or all of the $5.6 million would be expected to come out of the $7,628,000 which it is anticipated will be available for contribution toward UNRWA’s rehabilitation budget.
- C.
- If UNRWA’s finances preclude its undertaking the construction and equipment of two vocational training centers and an agricultural training center in Lebanon projected for 1958 at a cost of $790,500, we might wish to make these projects feasible through bilateral assistance to Lebanon.
- D.
- While no further legislation is required to implement the above three recommendations, we should consult with the appropriate Congressional committees on our plans in this regard.
- E.
- Between now and the terminal date of UNRWA in 1960, we should reaffirm, as appropriate, our strong desire for the earliest feasible transfer of administrative responsibility for the refugees to the Arab host governments, and should be prepared to assist any host government expressing a willingness to do this (See 6(C) below).
- F.
- Our plan should be based on the assumption of primary emphasis being given to permanent solution of the refugee problem so that it may be possible to achieve our objective of liquidating UNRWA when its mandate ends in 1960.
- 2.
- Repatriation (Tab D):12
- A.
- We should approach Israel quietly at an early date to secure its agreement to a feasible and equitable program for repatriation of refugees in the spirit of the recommendations of the General Assembly resolution of 194813 establishing a refugee’s right of a choice between repatriation or compensation. This would be clearly understood as a “pilot project” designed to demonstrate the good faith of Israel, the Arab states and the Arab refugees, and the feasibility of a repatriation program to other members of the United Nations.
- B.
- The elements of a repatriation program which appear
feasible and equitable include:
- (1)
- Israel would agree as the first step in orderly repatriation to admit on an annual quota basis a given number of Arab refugees. Repatriation would be subject to equitable arrangements being made for the care and shelter of refugees who were repatriated with due regard for internal security of Israel. Israel would, insofar as possible, work out arrangements for the restoration of former Arab holdings to repatriated owners and would assure full safety and protection of the refugees under Israeli law.
- (2)
- The Arab refugees would be made aware of the fact that they would be required to live under the laws of Israel, which probably would entail the acceptance of the obligations of citizenship. They would sign agreements indicating their acceptance of the conditions under which they were being repatriated.
- (3)
- A United Nations Agency would be established to ensure that the implementation of a repatriation program was equitable to Israel and the Arab refugees.
- (4)
- The repatriation program would be phased to ensure a satisfactory indoctrination for the refugee as to his rights under either repatriation or compensation, and to permit its being halted at any such time as Israel or the United Nations Agency was of the opinion that the repatriation program was not being carried out justly or peacefully.
- C.
- Israel would be expected to accept in principle the right of all refugees to repatriation subject to equitable arrangements which the Israeli Government could develop as qualifications for repatriation. [Page 668] The object of the equitable arrangements should be to discourage too wide option for repatriation by the refugees. It would be necessary to phase actual repatriation should it occur. Moreover, we would seek to make the alternative to repatriation, i.e. compensation, as attractive as possible.
- D.
- We should link favorable Israeli action on repatriation with the question of additional aid which Israel is seeking from the United States in its current foreign exchange difficulties.
- 3.
- Compensation (Tab E):14
- A.
- Concurrent with a proposal for repatriation and following Israeli announcement that it had accepted repatriation, the United States should announce its willingness to contribute initially as much as $100 million to an internationally financed fund, from which Israel could provide compensation to those refugees who decide not to return to Israel.
- B.
- We should seek to make compensation as attractive as possible to the individual refugee while at the same time minimizing possible economic dislocations which would occur from too sudden an influx of funds into the host governments. A fixed sum of money should be established as available to every refugee opting to accept compensation instead of repatriation. The compensation proposal should be used as inducement to Israel to accept repatriation in principle.
- C.
- A Compensation Board should be set up as a United Nations Agency to process all claims for compensations.
- 4.
Unified Development of the Jordan Valley (Tab F):15
The United States should approach Jordan with a proposal to underwrite the cost of developing the Jordan River in Jordan along lines described by Mr. Johnston in his memorandum. Israeli acquiescence in this would be necessary since it would involve a greater storage use of Lake Tiberias than previously discussed with the Israelis. Full cooperation from the Jordanian Government in substantial refugee resettlement on the developed land should remain part of any agreement on Jordan Valley development.
- 5.
Iraq (Tab F):
The United States should approach Iraq with a proposal to provide funds either through a grant or a loan for an expanded Iraqi development program, as described by Mr. Johnston and the Secretary General, on the understanding that extensive contracting for refugee labor would be involved.
- 6.
Action in the United Nations (Tab G):16
- A.
- On the assumption that quiet negotiations with friendly Arab governments and Israel will be proceeding along the above lines, we shall want to have UNRWA matters handled in as non-controversial a manner as possible in the XIIth General Assembly, both during the pledging session of the Committee of the Whole and in the Assembly itself. During the Special Political Committee’s consideration on the UNRWA item we should propose a draft resolution which would take note of the Director’s Annual Report, approve the work performed by him and his staff and authorize its continuation, express appreciation of the help of private philanthropic organizations, and urge states to maintain or increase their contributions.
- B.
- Should there be sufficient progress, including the public acceptance by Israel of the principle of repatriation, the United States should take the lead in the General Assembly to set up an appropriate internationally financed fund to be used for payment of compensation by Israel.
- C.
- The United States should indicate that it would be willing to help any host government taking over administrative responsibilities for the refugees prior to June 30, I960. (Funds for this could come from the anticipated MSA appropriation for refugees for 1958.)
- 7.
Financial Implications to the United States (Tab H):17
In addition to bilateral assistance in undetermined amounts to Iraq (possibly in the form of a loan) and possibly to Israel, the program involved in the above recommendations would cost approximately $265,000,000 during fiscal year 1958. $75,000,000 of this would be in the form of an Export-Import Bank loan to Israel.
- 8.
Tactics and Timing (Tab I):18
At the end of the study there is a paper on proposed tentative timing of approaches in carrying out the above recommendations.
- 9.
- The foregoing recommendations are presented as possible courses of action. Additional inter-agency consultation and coordination, and consultation with appropriate Congressional Committees would be necessary before the United States could embark upon those courses of action regarding expenditure of US funds.
Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.51/7–257. Secret. Drafted by Ludlow, Bergus, Sisco, and Gamon.
During a meeting called to discuss this memorandum, Dulles appointed Herter’s special assistant, Henry S. Villard, to explore the Palestine refugee problem along the lines contained in the memorandum. (Memorandum from Howe to Macomber, July 29; ibid., 784.00/7–2957) Villard’s report, entitled “Palestine Refugee Problem, Villard Study, 1957–58”, comprises 58 documents pertaining to the refugee question which date from July 2, 1957 to May 7, 1958. The memorandum of July 2 and its nine attachments are item No. 1 of the report, which is ibid., 320.51/7–257.
↩- See Document 327.↩
- Attached to the source text is a detailed paper entitled “The Palestine Refugee Problem—Future United States Policy”, which is divided into nine seperate tabs, each containing a discussion of a seperate aspect of the subject.↩
- Not printed. Tab A contained a description of the nature of the problem in terms of its historical background and its various elements.↩
- Shortly after its creation, the Palestine Conciliation Commission (PCC) established an Economic Survey Mission under the direction of Gordon R. Clapp to examine the economic situation in the area and to make recommendations. The first interim report, or Clapp report, signed at Beirut on November 6, 1948, recommended a program under which direct relief would gradually be replaced by works projects, at a cost of $54,900,000 for the period January 1, 1950, to June 30, 1951. (G.A. 4th sess., Ad Hoc Political Committee, Annex, vol. I, pp. 16–29; for a summary, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. VI, pp. 1472–1476.) On December 8, 1949, the General Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 194 (III) approving the Mission’s recommendations and providing for a new agency, the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).↩
- Johnston handed his undated memorandum to Rountree during a conversation on June 7. The memorandum of conversation by Bennsky, with attached memorandum, is in Department of State, Central Files, 886.411/6–757. A copy of Johnston’s memorandum is attached to the source text as part of Tab F.↩
- A copy of the memorandum is attached to the source text as part of Tab F.↩
- Labouisse spoke with Secretary Dulles on June 19. The memorandum of conversation by Ludlow is in Department of State, Central Files, 886.411/6–1957.↩
- Documentation concerning U.S. interest in the PCC is ibid., 320.51.↩
- Not printed. The paper attached as Tab B posed the need for remedial steps to assure that UNRWA’s activities continue as effectively as possible for the immediate future and that the refugees present no greater problem for the security and stability of the area than they did currently. It also discussed the solution of UNRWA’s immediate financial difficulties as one such step.↩
- Not printed. The paper attached as Tab C contained a discussion of increased contributions to UNRWA and bilateral assistance to friendly Arab governments (particularly) Jordan as a second remedial step.↩
- Printed below.↩
- U.N. General Assembly Resolution 194 (III).↩
- Printed below.↩
- Not printed. The paper attached as Tab F contained a discussion of Johnston’s proposal of June 7 and Hammarskjöld’s paper of June 17 as remedial steps together with the texts of the papers themselves.↩
- Not printed. Tab G contained a discussion of possible U.S. action in the United Nations on the refugee question.↩
- Not printed. Tab H contained a chart listing estimated financial costs of the proposed program for Palestine refugees for fiscal year 1958.↩
- Printed below.↩
- Tabs B and C (neither printed) contained the first two parts of the discussion of remedial steps. See footnotes 10 and 11 above.↩