25. Editorial Note
On January 16, Indian Representative Lall made available to the U.S. Delegation in New York the text of the most recent Afro-Asian draft resolution on Israeli troop withdrawal. Lall said that the draft, which recalled previous General Assembly resolutions and noted with regret Israel’s failure to comply with them, would be discussed at the Asian-African meeting late that afternoon and that he had reason to believe that the text would be acceptable to Egypt. (Delga 525 from USUN, January 16; Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/1–1657)
The Asian-African draft was discussed at the Secretary’s Staff Meeting on January 17: “Mr. Phillips said the Indians have presented a very moderate draft resolution, without sanctions, calling on Israel to withdraw behind the armistice lines and asking the Secretary-General to report back to the General Assembly within five days. He said that Ambassador Lodge has recommended that we vote for this resolution, and that balloting is expected today. The Under Secretary observed that the Secretary had talked with Ambassador Lodge last night on this matter and that careful coordination was necessary. Mr. Phleger suggested that in speeches regarding this resolution mention should also be made of the situation around the Gulf of Aqaba and the difficulties in connection with the Suez Canal itself. The Under Secretary asked Mr. Murphy to coordinate: 1) the refinement of the US position on the Indian resolution; and 2) the gathering of speech suggestions.” (Ibid., Secretary’s Staff Meetings: Lot 63 D 75) A memorandum of the telephone conversation between Dulles and Lodge, which began at 6:20 p.m. on January 16, is in the Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations.
Later on January 17 in New York, Ceylonese Representative R.S.S. Gunewardene tabled this draft resolution in the General Assembly (U.N. doc. A/3501/Rev.l) on behalf of 25 Asian and African nations. The matter was discussed at the 638th through the 642d meetings of the General Assembly and adopted on January 19 as Resolution 1123 (XI) by a vote of 74 in favor, 2 opposed (Israel and France), and 2 abstentions (Costa Rica and Cuba). For texts of General Assembly Resolution 1123 (XI) and of Lodge’s statement to the General Assembly on January 17, see Department of State Bulletin, February 18, 1957, pages 269–271, or United States Policy in the Middle East, September 1956–June 1957, pages 253–254.