628. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1

384. Re Delga 176.2 Re Palestine. You should inform Mrs. Meir that we believe Israel should comply with GA resolution and withdraw its forces from Egyptian territory and behind Armistice Line. In US view this should be accomplished without conditions and without delay. Questions such as blockade and build-up of Soviet arms while serious in themselves and requiring close attention should not affect Israel’s compliance with UN resolution. In addition you may [Page 1232] inform her we appreciate and will bear in mind concern of Israeli Government that Sinai, Tiran Straits islands, and Gaza not be permitted revert automatically to bases for Egyptian military action against Israel. You should make it clear to Mrs. Meir that US fully supports the position being taken by SYG regarding withdrawal of Israeli forces.

Memorandum WilcoxShiloah conversation Nov. 283 touching on above being pouched.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/11–2356. Confidential. Drafted by Gamon (IO/UNP), cleared by Rountree and Phleger, and approved by Wilcox who signed for Hoover.
  2. In Delga 176, Lodge reported that Meir and Eban had advised him that a complete Israeli withdrawal would only mean a renewal of the blockade and Israeli troops facing Egyptian troops on the old Armistice lines and a renewal of the buildup of Soviet war potential in the Sinai area. They said that if U.N. troops followed an Israeli withdrawal, that was another matter, but they had not received assurances from the United States that that was what was contemplated. Meir and Eban asked to be advised of the U.S. position. (Ibid.)
  3. Not printed. (Ibid., 684A.86/11–2856)