Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957, Suez Crisis, July 26–December 31, 1956, Volume XVI

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957, Suez Crisis, July 26–December 31, 1956, Volume XVI
- Nina J. Noring
General Editor:
- John P. Glennon
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Sources
- List of Abbreviations
- List of Persons
- Suez Crisis (Documents 1–671)
- United States Response to Egyptian Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Company and Related Arab-Israeli Developments, July 27–October 29, 1956 (Documents 1–405)
- Initial U.S. Reaction to Egyptian Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Company, July 27–July 28 (Documents 1–19)
- The London Tripartite Conversations, July 29–August 2 (Documents 20–53)
- Continued U.S. Consideration of the Suez Situation; United States
Diplomatic Activity Prior to the Suez Canal Conference, August
3–15 (Documents 54–86)
- The Suez Canal Conference at London; Inception of the Anderson Mission
to Saudi Arabia, August 16–23 (Documents 87–127)
- U.S. Involvement in the Suez Committee; the Anderson Mission to Saudi
Arabia; the Menzies Mission to Egypt, August 24–September 9 (Documents 128–196)
- Secretary Dulles’ Proposal For
a Suez Canal Users’ Association, September 9–18 (Documents 197–228)
- The Second Suez Canal Conference at London; Continued Consideration of
the Users Association Proposal; Increasing Violence Along the
Israel–Jordan Border; the Macmillan Visit to Washington, September 19–October
4 (Documents 229–298)
- U.N. Security Council Debate On the
Suez Canal Question; the Iraqi Proposal to Move Troops Into Jordan;
Anglo-American Differences Over Scua; Israeli Mobilization; and U.S.
Diplomatic Activity Prior to the Outbreak of Hostilities, October
5–29 (Documents 299–405)
- Initial U.S. Reaction to Egyptian Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Company, July 27–July 28 (Documents 1–19)
- United States Diplomacy and the Sinai and Suez Campaigns, October
29–November 6, 1956 (Documents 406–533)
- The Israeli Invasion of Sinai and the Anglo-French Ultimatum, October
29–30 (Documents 406–438)
- Deadlock in the U.N. Security Council;
Convening of the First Emergency Session of the U.N. General Assembly; the Anglo-French Air Bombardment of
Egyptian Installations; Creation of a U.N. Emergency Force, October 30–November 5 (Documents 439–498)
- Anglo-French Assault On the Canal Zone; the Threat of Soviet
Intervention; Acceptance of a Cease-Fire, November 5–6 (Documents 499–533)
- The Israeli Invasion of Sinai and the Anglo-French Ultimatum, October
29–30 (Documents 406–438)
- United States Efforts to Obtain a British, French, and Israeli Withdrawal
from Occupied Territory, November 7–December 31, 1956 (Documents 534–671)
- Referral of the Middle East Item to the U.N. General Assembly; the European Oil Supply Problem and
the Activation of the Middle East Emergency Committee’s Plan;
Anglo-French Decision to Withdraw Forces from the Suez Canal Zone,
November 7–December 4 (Documents 534–636)
- U.S. Retrospection On the Anglo-French-Israeli Collusion; Nato Summit
Meeting at Paris; Continued U.S. Interest in General Assembly Action
Concerning the Palestine and Suez Questions; Agreement On Financial
Arrangements For Clearing the Suez Canal, December 5–31 (Documents 637–671)
- Referral of the Middle East Item to the U.N. General Assembly; the European Oil Supply Problem and
the Activation of the Middle East Emergency Committee’s Plan;
Anglo-French Decision to Withdraw Forces from the Suez Canal Zone,
November 7–December 4 (Documents 534–636)
- United States Response to Egyptian Nationalization of the Suez Canal
Company and Related Arab-Israeli Developments, July 27–October 29, 1956 (Documents 1–405)
- Index