612. Memorandum of a Conference With the President, White House, Washington, November 25, 19561


  • Secretary Hoover
  • Mr. MacArthur
  • Mr. Hagerty
  • Colonel Goodpaster

[Here follows discussion of unrelated subjects.]

Mr. Hoover and Mr. MacArthur said they have information that the French are now ready to accept a proposal to give to the UN the power to determine when their forces should leave the Canal zone. They added that we are now hoping to get the UK to do the same.

Mr. Hoover next discussed the critical situation and pressures developing regarding Europe’s need for oil. He felt it was necessary to start the emergency committee in action very soon. The President recalled that we have held up this measure until the invading powers accepted immediate withdrawal of their troops. The President thought that, if the action is taken, there should be a careful statement bringing out that, with winter coming on, and in order to prevent widespread suffering in Europe, committees are being put into operation to see how fuel can be provided to relieve the situation. Mr. Hoover reaffirmed that he felt we should now go ahead with our actions on oil.2

Mr. Hoover said that, in his talks with Secretary Dulles, the latter had indicated that in the Middle East—Jordan, Syria, Iraq, etc.—he thought we must go the British and ask for an indication of their thinking as to what is now to be done. The President thought the British should say now that as soon as they have withdrawn from the Suez they are prepared to honor past commitments, participate in joint projects involving aid, etc. Mr. Hoover thought it might be necessary for us to approach the British and say that it looks as though they are “through” in the area, and ask if they want us to try to pick up their commitments. The President said we do not want to get in the position of automatically assuming a set of past patterns. He thought we should give the British every chance to [Page 1195] work their way back into a position of influence and respect in the Middle East.

[Here follows discussion of unrelated subjects.]

Colonel, CE, U S Army
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries. Secret. Drafted by Goodpaster on November 26. The record of the President’s Daily Appointments does not contain an entry for this meeting. (Ibid.) A memorandum for the record, dated November 25, by MacArthur summarizes the items discussed at this meeting. (Department of State, Central Files, 711.11–EI/11–2556)
  2. According to MacArthur’s memorandum, President Eisenhower and Hoover agreed that the Department of State should draw up a statement which would emphasize the European and world aspect of the oil situation rather than the aid that activation of the plan would provide to Great Britain and France.