610. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Syria1

973. Department has received convincing evidence Egyptian officials and groups under them have been responsible for certain terroristic acts and sabotage. Libya has publicly accused and expelled Egyptian Military Attaché for acts against Libyan security carried out by his private armed commandos. Lebanese security forces have during past few days discovered that Egyptian Military Attaché and Commercial Counselor unmistakably implicated in recent dynamitings Beirut buildings. Six Egyptian school teachers arrested Tyre in connection with local acts sabotage.

Lebanese Government appears undecided to what extent Egypt should officially be held accountable. American correspondents Beirut have not been permitted file true story Egyptian complicity Beirut dynamitings. According Lebanese Minister of Defense, Egyptian Ambassador who first heard story on BBC threatened President Chamoun Egypt would break relations with Lebanon if two attachés declared persona non grata.

We understand Egyptian Military Attaché Damascus has autonomous paramilitary organization which at present in collusion Syrian G–2 defies Syrian sovereignty and by its existence constitutes continued threat oil installations in Syria and neighboring Arab states as well as lives Syrian and other Arab personalities. Iraq has been aware of menace for some time and has kept Egyptians under surveillance reducing threat to minimum. Terrorists have not yet been active in Jordan or Saudi Arabia, but experience in Lebanon where they became activated only after government took position not desired by Egypt suggests potential threat all Arab states.

It is clear these Egyptian activities are actual threat to life and property in some Arab states and potential threat in others to those who may in future disagree with Egyptian policies. At same time, Egyptian activities have not apparently become public knowledge and there is tendency leaders not to face up to full implications Egyptian penetration. You are authorized at your discretion orally to inform high-level officials of governments to which you are accredited of substance these Egyptian activities. Your account should [Page 1192] contain only information which you consider it desirable impart based on your assessment of receptivity.

In addition following posts may in their discretion wish to make further suggestions as indicated below:

Beirut might suggest that if GOL desires bring facts into open may wish consider informing UN by letter to SYG re recent Egyptian activities in Lebanon. Subversive Syrian activities could also be mentioned.

Tripoli might suggest account of affair of Egyptian Military Attaché be circulated to other Arab Governments for their information.

Jidda may wish to inform King Saud in detail to provide graphic picture of what could happen in Saudi Arabia.

Amman may wish to stress way in which Egypt has also interfered in Jordan through radio broadcasts.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/11–2456. Secret. Drafted by Eagleton (NEA/NE), Wilkins, and Rockwell; cleared by Wilcox; and approved by Rountree who signed for Hoover. Also sent to Beirut, Baghdad, Jidda, Amman, Tripoli, and Khartoum, and repeated to Cairo.