608. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices1
435. For Chiefs of Mission. Following for your info and guidance re US policy in current Near East crisis: Closure Suez Canal and severance IPC pipelines from Iraq to Mediterranean have brought about serious financial and economic problems in Western Europe and also in certain Afro-Asian countries. Impact of recent developments upon British position has been extremely great. Continuation this situation would seriously weaken those countries particularly in Western Europe whose strength is most important to common defense against Soviet menace. Among many reasons why US has exerted every effort bring about promptest possible settlement is our urgent desire reopen Canal and pipelines.
[Page 1188]We have considered it unwise pending understanding re withdrawal UK and French forces to make any move which would indicate that we are giving extraordinary support to British and French while they fail comply UN resolutions; nor do we wish lose influence which our adherence to principle in this problem has engendered. Effect has been that we could not render maximum assistance to other friendly countries suffering results present situation, but have had to rely almost entirely on companies to do what they could to provide oil markets. Western European countries should not be penalized for acts for which they not responsible. They are now being subjected great hardships as winter approaches.
We hope decision soon will be made and announced by British and French that they are withdrawing from Egypt in full compliance UN resolutions. If such a commitment is given and such withdrawal progresses satisfactorily it should be possible for US to undertake special measures to meet oil crisis. When forces fully withdrawn we plan all-out effort this regard. Moreover, it inevitable that financial aid to several Western European countries, including UK, will be required in order avert major catastrophe affecting interest entire free world.
We aware probable effort seize US departure from its present “hands-off” policy to claim that assistance to UK and France demonstrates that we “rewarding” aggressors and claim US duplicity in purporting to oppose British and French military activity in Egypt. It is of utmost importance that we avoid to greatest possible extent harmful effects of any such claims. Efforts should begin at once to prepare Arab leaders for our next moves following satisfactory commitment and implementation UK-French withdrawals. Simultaneously, efforts should be made in Afro-Asian countries, oil exporting as well as oil importing, to obtain full support for such moves and to elicit pressures, based upon recognition vital interest which they have in matter, for undertaking energetic measures to reopen Canal and pipelines.
Means of accomplishing this objective will vary widely in addressee countries and Chiefs of Mission will have to act largely on basis of their judgment as to most effective approach. Careful thought and planning should be given by each Mission to assure maximum effectiveness. Major consideration should be to avoid statements which would give rise to suspicion of US reversal of policy regardless of compliance by UK, France and Israel with UN resolution. If Chief of Mission feels local circumstances such that no approach should be made at this time he should so report to Department.
In addressee Arab States it might be emphasized to top Government officials in advance of any announcement concerning US [Page 1189] assistance that US has scrupulously avoided rendering assistance to British and French pending their compliance with UN resolutions. It has also given no assistance to Israel. No opportunity should be lost in playing up US peace role. US had endeavored in every feasible way to bring end to hostilities and effect departure of foreign forces from Egyptian territory. In order to avoid any hope or expectation on part of certain Arab States that US will continue this policy of denial assistance to our European Allies even after they withdraw forces, it might discreetly be said that our present policy will be continued until after commitment withdrawal in full compliance with UN resolutions. It should be made clear that our concern is not only for Western Europe but also for Afro-Asian countries which are directly affected by present situation. Effects upon them will increase greatly if situation should be prolonged.
It might be anticipated that questions will then be asked re our future intentions. It should be made clear that US attaches utmost importance to strength of Western European countries and to their continued capacity to contribute their substantial share to the security and the economic stability of the free world. Prolongation of adverse consequences of recent Near Eastern developments would seriously impair not only the interests of the European countries but those of all of us including Arab States. European and Afro-Asian consumers of Near Eastern oil and users of the Suez Canal should not be made indiscriminately to suffer for the action of the UK, France and Israel.
In oil producing countries of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran special emphasis might be placed upon their obvious interest in moving the greatest quantity of Near Eastern oil and thus avoiding insofar as possible institution of any new supply patterns which would have not only short term but long term effect upon their oil income. Maximum effort should be made to play up their self interest and to demonstrate that the US is continuing to do everything possible to minimize financial impact upon them. It is of course necessary to include British and French companies in over-all supply effort since those companies control large portions of shipping and marketing facilities. British and French implementation UN resolutions would remove obstacles to US and other oil producing countries permitting them to play their essential repeat essential role in supplying oil to world markets.
While financial aid to Western European countries (particularly to UK and France) need not be mentioned specifically at this juncture approaches should take into account likelihood that such assistance will be forthcoming in near future after compliance with UN resolutions is assured. One point which might be used discreetly particularly by addressees in Arab States is that unnecessary prolongation [Page 1190] of any policies by those countries seriously detrimental to economic interest of countries—particularly those which have no responsibility for the armed attacks on Egypt—relying upon Near Eastern oil or use of Suez Canal would inevitably create anti-Arab feeling which could jeopardize relations between Arab States and other free countries. Present world sympathies could rapidly shift and bring about new situation in which Arab States would have much to lose.
In implementing foregoing Wadsworth will of course relate to approach to Saud in accordance Deptel 182 to Dhahran,2 results of which not yet known to Department.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/11–2656. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Rountree; cleared by Murphy, Bowie, Henderson, Phleger, Sebald, and Elbrick; and approved by Rountree who signed for Hoover. Sent to 53 posts in Africa, Asia, and Europe.↩
- Document 586.↩