549. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the President and the Acting Secretary of State, Washington, November 7, 1956, 5:30 p.m.1
Questioned whether he had consulted Secy. Dulles in the text of proposed message for Ben-Gurion—Mr. Hoover replied No.
The President’s concern was on the phrase “Impair the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.” The sentence was corrected to read “to impair the friendly cooperation …”2
[Page 1063]Mr. Hoover asked if President had seen Ben-Gurion’s statement.3 The President said yes, & thinks it is terrible.
The Ambassador is coming to see Mr. Hoover at 6. Here, Mr. Hoover read to the President what he intends to say to him—which included 3 points about Israel, & her compliance with UN resolution.4
The President said he has no objection.
Mr. Hoover said they also have short Press Release.5 They would like to get over to the Arabs … in order to make little change with them. Can’t ignore them.
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Eisenhower Diaries. Prepared in the Office of the President. The source text does not indicate who placed the call.↩
- All ellipses in this document are in the source text. The text of a “Suggested Letter” to Ben Gurion, which bears Eisenhower’s handwritten corrections, is ibid., International File. The original version of the sentence in question reads: “It would be a matter of the greatest regret to all my countrymen if Israeli policy on a matter of such vital concern to the world should in any way impair the friendship and cooperation between our two countries.” For text of the message as sent to Ben Gurion, see infra.↩
- Reference is to Ben Gurion’s statement to the Knesset on November 7; see Document 534.↩
- See Document 551.↩
- Not further identified.↩