530. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

1457. Embtel 1350.2 You may in your discretion … convey message to Nasser along following lines:

For past five days UN with full US support has been making monumental effort achieve cease-fire, withdrawal of foreign forces now engaged in hostilities and formation UN force. Egypt’s cooperation has been helpful. UK and France today accepted cease-fire and Israel has also agreed. Cease-fire established for 2 a.m. November 7 Cairo time. Meeting of UNGA scheduled this evening to complete arrangements for UN force which we expect will be sent to Egypt with greatest speed.

Egypt must recognize Soviet “offer” motivated by considerations other than attainment peace. As announced by President yesterday US has categorically rejected Soviet proposal for US–USSR military operation. Injection other foreign forces outside context UN action would be clear violation UN Charter and it would be the duty of all UN members including the US to oppose any such effort. There is no question that Egypt’s interest and security can best be protected by looking to UN which is acting in most effective manner, and that Egypt should leave no doubt that it would not [Page 1033] welcome unilateral Soviet intervention, consequences of which would be unpredictable.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320.5780/11–856. Secret; Niact; Limited Distribution. Drafted by Rountree, cleared in substance by Phleger and Allen Dulles, and approved by Rountree.
  2. Document 526.
  3. In telegram 1376 from Cairo, November 7, Ambassador Hare informed the Department that its intent was already being implemented and that he felt it inadvisable to seek a special interview with Nasser to reiterate the same ideas. Hare also advised the Department that it could expect Egyptian requests for economic or other types of assistance to restore losses suffered during the attacks of last week. Hare asked the Department for guidance on how to respond to these requests when they occurred. (Department of State, Central Files, 320.5780/1–756)