58. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq1

32. Our present position on Turk-Iraq pact as follows. Addressees may use this at their discretion in conversations with governments to clarify US views:

US supports, encourages, welcomes Turk-Iraqi Pact and Pakistan decision adhere.
Under existing circumstances US adherence not under consideration but we do not exclude possibility eventual adherence. It is not matter requiring immediate decision since we have already close relationship with members through NATO, Iraq MA agreement and SEATO.
We should concentrate at present on completion and strengthening, “northern tier”. While decision up to each state, we do not believe adherence by additional Arab states desirable at this time.
We feel Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi Arabian pact will serve no useful purpose since it does not contain necessary elements area defense.

FYI: Department considering public statement at time Pakistan formally adheres.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/7–1555. Secret. Drafted by Newsom and George V. Allen and approved by, Allen who signed for Hoover. Also sent to Beirut, Damascus, Ankara, Karachi, Tel Aviv, Jidda, Cairo, Amman, London, Paris, and Tripoli.