227. Telegram From the Department of State to the President’s Special Assistant (Richards), at Asmara1

65. For Richards from the Secretary. We have given careful thought to your future itinerary in light extremely complex considerations regarding Egypt, Jordan and Syria. For differing reasons, we have concluded that visit to none of these countries should take place in immediate future. Nor do we wish now to indicate that visits will not take place.

While Government of Egypt has expressed general desire have you come to Cairo, specific written invitation not extended and Egyptian Government has in fact suggested that visit not take place until after May 4. While King Hussein of Jordan no doubt anxious to receive your Mission, there nevertheless are important political reasons why visit at this time would be judged by him and by us to be unwise. On one hand he is badly in need of assurances regarding US assistance and support, but on other hand your presence in Jordan at this juncture might serve as rallying point of opposition elements inside and outside Jordan [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]. Previous communications have established agreement between us that situation in Syria not conducive to successful visit in present circumstances.

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In view possibility and indeed likelihood that visit to one or more these Arab States will later prove feasible, it would seem highly desirable that visit to Israel be postponed until decision regarding Arab States finalized. We hope that such visit can take place after visit to any neighboring Arab States to be included in itinerary.

We have thus considered what arrangements might make it feasible for you to proceed with visits to other capitals, allowing several weeks for situation in questionable countries to clarify. It occurs to us that most feasible plan would be to find justification for leaving area temporarily after which visits would be resumed, starting with Morocco and Tunisia, to be followed by Greece and Israel. Egypt, Jordan and even Syria could be added before Israel, depending upon later developments.

I plan attend NATO Council meeting in Bonn arriving May 2nd through 4th. Although extremely heavy schedule will in fact permit relatively little time for discussions, rearrangement of your itinerary might publicly be based upon decision on your part and mine that we should take opportunity afforded by my presence in Europe to consult. You and your colleagues might come to Bonn as convenient after May 1. Suggest your flight route be arranged so as to avoid transit through countries which you might later visit, e.g. Egypt.

I am deeply conscious of added burden which this will impose upon you. I would be reluctant to suggest it except for the extremely complicated situation which has developed in the area since your departure from Washington and because of the importance of moving at the right time. I will be grateful for your reactions.

With kindest personal regards, Foster.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 120.1580/4–2357. Secret. Drafted by Rountree and approved by Secretary Dulles.