150. Telegram From the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State1
911. On evening of 21st Menderes asked me to call at Turkish Embassy. He told me that it had been hoped to finish talks between representatives of the 4 Moslem states on 20th but agreement on a communiqué could not be reached (Embtel 903, November 21).2 As soon as possible after the return to Baghdad of Mirza and Suhrawardy a meeting would take place and it was hoped that at that time agreement on a communiqué could be reached. One of his objectives Menderes explained was to word the communiqué in such terms that it might contribute toward easing popular pressure on Nuri and bolster his government. He hoped that when communiqué had been issued we would be able to make publicly some kind of supporting statement.
I told Menderes that any degree of support that we could give communiqué publicly naturally depended upon wording of communiqué. From the latest information which I had received from the Department it was clear that early adherence by US to BP was unlikely. Consequently any mention of the efforts in Baghdad of the representatives of the 4 governments to effect early adherence of the US ought to my mind be avoided. Menderes agreed.
Menderes then asked me whether I had received any reaction from Washington to proposed visit of Crown Prince. I answered him along lines of final paragraph of Department’s 872, November 20.3
Menderes said he still felt Crown Prince should visit Washington. Purpose of visit could be based on desire of 4 Moslem governments that Crown Prince as their spokesman give firsthand account of Baghdad talks to American officers. He felt that such a mission would be favorably received by Iraqi public, would diminish some of present pressure on Nuri and gain some time for Nuri Government. He hoped that on 22nd before final meeting he and others could meet with me again.
On the afternoon of 22nd Crown Prince, Nuri, Abdullah, Bakr, Menderes, Goksenin, and Birgi called on me at the Embassy. Nature of forthcoming communiqué was discussed at some length. Nuri wanted no reference to BP unless we could follow up communiqué with announcement of early adherence. When I said that early adherence was [Page 354] out of the question he said that since that was the case he hoped we would avoid making any more public statements that raised false hopes.
I expressed the view to the group that if there was to be some supporting statement made in Washington then it was best to avoid mentioning Pact or in any event refer to it only as an “indigenous” association of states. I also suggested that mention might be made of Iraq as host government, followed by reference to Iraq’s contribution to area defense.
Menderes then informed me that Turkish Government independently and quite aside deliberations that have been taking place in Baghdad would as a gesture of solidarity with Iraq withdraw its ambassador in Tel Aviv. This he said would not constitute breaking of diplomatic relations.
Before group broke up Crown Prince asked me what I had heard from Washington about his proposed visit and I told him that as we did not now contemplate joining Pact Washington thought the time for such a visit was not auspicious. He said he understood but would want to talk to me again about the nature of the proposed visit after the final meeting of representatives of the Moslem states.
Shortly after midnight I was again summoned to Qasr Al-Zuhur Palace. I found the same formidable group assembled there as 2 days previously (Embtel 889, November 20).4 This time Mirza was the spokesman. Agreement he said had been reached on a communiqué and he handed me a copy. Text follows in separate telegram.5
Mirza said that it was very much hoped by the group that some favorable comment on the communiqué could be made in Washington. I said that I would at once make their wish known to the Department.
I hope very much that we can make some favorable public statement. I think particularly paragraphs 4 and 5 of the communiqué give some scope for this.
On leaving Crown Prince said he would like to see me some time within the next few days.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/11–2356. Secret; Niact. Repeated Priority to London, Paris, Ankara, Karachi, and Tehran.↩
- Not printed. (Ibid., 780.5/11–2156)↩
- Document 146.↩
- Not printed. (Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/11–2056)↩
- Telegram 913 from Baghdad, November 23. (Ibid., 780.5/11–2356)↩