125. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1

1641. Paris for Wallner; Rome for Maffitt. Baghdad Pact from Chief U.S. Delegation. Although full account military meeting being transmitted through service channels, believe Department may be interested in following summary given us today by Admiral Cassady.

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Military meetings have been “satisfactory and give reason to hope for real achievements in coming months”. Admiral felt there had been 3 accomplishments:
Agreement establish small liaison planning group in Baghdad. Admiral believes by sending small staff headed by General or Flag Officer we will encourage BP members establish similar permanent liaison groups.
Committee agreed (after much urging and cajoling by U.S.) to work out a capabilities plan including determination of forces which would cover period between now and 1957. Admiral feels this will force everyone (including United Kingdom which so far has shown itself reluctant) to make force commitment upon which realistic planning can be based. Admiral fears however it will take energy on our part to make BP countries carry through this project on schedule (October) with view to consideration by Council in Karachi in January. Admiral was impressed by velleity with which members regard process of being realistic about capabilities planning compared with their enthusiasm for requirements planning.
Agreement on timetable for future planning. Admiral hopes our representative in Baghdad can keep planning on track.
Admiral employed audience with Shah April 18 with General McClure and Hedayat present to stress need for realistic short-term planning. Although General Hedayat had earlier refused consider anything but Elburz line, Shah seemed have full understanding need for capabilities planning and stated he had previously directed Hedayat to proceed along this line. He appeared surprised this had not been accomplished.
Admiral summarized by saying “much has been done but much more will have to be done between now and January Council meeting”.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/4–1956. Secret. Repeated to Baghdad, Ankara, Karachi, London, Paris, and Rome.