123. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1

1617. Baghdad Pact—From Chief USDel.2 During discussions Counter-subversion Committee report and after I offered permanent observer Counter-subversion Permanent Working Committee Turkish Delegation suggested it would strengthen general Pact counter-subversion effort if the United States were a full member (as opposed to observer) of that Committee along lines which I had just announced re Economic Committee (Deptel 1866 of April 16).3 His suggestion was immediately seconded all delegations.

I said that I was authorized only offer observer. I stated I understood membership was precluded by the by-laws which limit membership to “high contracting parties”; Turk said if by-laws prevented US membership the Ministerial Council was competent to change by-laws and that this should be done forthwith. In this he was immediately seconded by heads all delegations.

I stated that I was authorized only to offer permanent observer who would participate fully. I continued that whether or not by-laws were changed this was as far as I could go. Chairman requested and I agreed refer question our membership Counter-subversion Committee to Washington for decision.

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Delegations agreed set-up subcommittee to meet this afternoon with view drafting amendment to by-laws which would permit US membership. Committee report will be considered before end current Tehran meeting.

Comment: Since objective of Counter-subversion Committee is integral part US foreign policy, and since, with limitations set forth Deptel 1866, we have become members Economic Committee, I believe it will be in US interest to accept membership on Counter-subversion Committee. Entire US representation here concurs.

I request favorable instructions prior 9 am Tehran time April 19.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/4–1756. Secret; Niact.
  2. Loy Henderson.
  3. Supra.
  4. In telegram 1873 to Tehran, April 17, the Department of State agreed that the United States should accept membership in the Committee. (Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/4–1756)