103. Telegram From the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State1

987. Attention invited to “report US observers to Baghdad Pact military planning conference,” which is being pouched to Department Army today.2 I believe Department will find it of great interest.

Summary of military observers conclusions recorded below:

Baghdad Pact military planning committing US to area defense concept without US participation in planning.
Initial studies exceedingly general in nature but may form foundation for future more realistic detailed planning.
Insistence on part Iranians re Elburz concept and UK refusal state force capabilities have resulted in unrealistic approach to defense planning.
Elburz concept acceptable as future goal, but interim planning must be made in light capabilities. These will not at present support Elburz concept.
Although progress in initial military planning slow, experience gained should prove helpful in future planning.
JCS informal comments on studies will help overcome prevailing pessimism among some pact members. US military observers feel these comments should stress importance of capabilities planning and include comments re nuclear aspects.
Present plans too general be of great value for US military aid planning, but US military observers feel our MDAP should eventually be programmed on basis Baghdad Pact military plans.
US interest in Baghdad Pact studies should be general in nature until such time as we decide participate more actively in work.
If in future US decides participate actively in pact military planning, US team should be thoroughly prepared assume leadership in order show how work may best be organized to produce results.
Apart from UK, Pakistani military planners were most experienced and qualified participate in such work.
Indigenous member states aware of UK military limitations and do not accept UK military leadership. Pakistanis in particular consider UK efforts directed at seeking influence military planning for benefit British political and commercial interests.
US military observers feel effective defense of Middle East cannot be developed unless US actively participates in Baghdad Pact military planning, supports it with military aid and commits at least token air forces [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] for defense of area.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/3–2056. Top Secret; Midmil.
  2. Not printed.