77. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (Hanes) to the Secretary of State1
Washington, July 26,
- Proposal to Establish a Permanent UN Corps for Observation, Patrol, and Related Functions
To consider whether the United States should sponsor a proposal for a permanent United Nations force.
- 1.
- Considerable interest has been expressed in Congress and elsewhere, in UNEF as the possible prototype or forerunner of a multi-national UN force to deal with political disputes, acts of aggression, armed conflicts, etc. A number of resolutions have been submitted in the House and Senate calling for the establishment of a permanent UN force for these purposes. The Carnegie Endowment is preparing a study on the prospects and possibilities of creating such a force. The Governments of Pakistan and Canada are reportedly developing proposals on the subject.
- 2.
- The existence of various situations where United Nations observation or patrol might either deter the outbreak of hostilities or facilitate the cessation of hostilities after they have broken out, suggests that the UNEF experience might now constructively be built upon to augment the available tools for dealing with international disputes, particularly those in the non-Communist world. I believe the Department should be prepared with a realistic and feasible plan for presentation at an auspicious time.
- 3.
- A proposal for a UN corps should be considered as an adjunct to UN procedures for the pacific settlement of disputes, rather than as a collective security-type fighting force designed to repel military aggression. Anything going beyond this limited role would not be likely to secure acceptance in the General Assembly at the present time.
- 4.
- We have developed some very preliminary ideas of a possible proposal which are merely illustrative and could constitute a starting point for tentative discussion with the Department of Defense. (Tab [Page 205] A)2 A draft resolution (Tab B)3 establishing a study committee to make recommendations to the General Assembly is also included. The suggested force might be called UN Corps for Observation and Patrol (UNCOP).
- 5.
- EUR and FE, while concurring in the proposal, are concerned at the possibility of participation in the corps by Soviet satellite states, and also possible proposals for utilization of the corps by the Assembly in situations where it might not be in this country’s interest. FE also further questions whether we could control the situation which could develop over this issue in the General Assembly. It is believed, however, that the overall advantages of the proposal outweigh these possible difficulties, which could be met by appropriate diplomatic leadership in concrete circumstances.
That you approve this paper as a basis for consultation with the Department of Defense with the objective of arriving at a United States Government position. Ambassador Lodge should then be consulted regarding his views as to appropriate timing. Thereafter, a decision could be reached in light of all available facts as to whether to take the initiative in the United Nations, and if so, when.
- Source: USUN Files, IO, Armed Forces. Confidential. The date on the source text is handwritten. A notation at the bottom of the source text reads: “Secty approved 8/6/57.”↩
- Presumably the same as the enclosure to Document 79.↩
- See Tab B to Document 63.↩