50. Note From the Soviet Mission at the United Nations to the United States Mission at the United Nations1

No. 556

The USSR Delegation to the UN presents its compliments to the US Mission to UN and has the honor to register a protest based on the assault by anti-Soviet hooligan elements on women employees of the Delegation, which took place on December 11th, at 7:30 in the evening, at the corner of Park Avenue and 69th Street. The circumstances of the assault were such that it evidently had been planned in advance, since, at the approach of the group of Soviet employees, one of the attackers stepped out of an automobile standing on the corner and at the same moment another one popped out from the corner of 69th Street.

The attackers attempted to do bodily injury to a Delegation employee who was accompanying the women, A. Nikolaev, and tore his outer clothing. In regard to the three women Delegation employees, the hooligans used abusive censurable expressions. The hooligans were not arrested by the police guarding the Delegation building.

In calling the attention of the US Mission to UN to these hostile and entirely inexcusable acts and to the fact that they went unpunished, the USSR Delegation to UN requests the Mission to take appropriate measures for the protection of Delegation employees and for the prevention of further similar attacks.

  1. Source: USUN Files, IO, Dels, USSR. Translation.