337. Aide-Mémoire From the Department of State to the Embassy of the Union of South Africa1
The Government of the United States of America has given careful consideration to the Aide-Mémoire of the Embassy of the Union of South Africa, dated October 3, 1957, in which there are set forth the reasons which in the Union Government’s view justify the Union’s association with any organization or machinery which might be devised for the control and administration of Antarctica.
[Page 715]The Aide-Mémoire of the South African Embassy states that the Union Government, in view of its real interest in the area, would appreciate it most highly if they could be invited to participate in discussions about Antarctica between representatives of the United States and certain Commonwealth Governments. It is assumed that this suggestion relates to general or formal discussions of a multilateral character, and would not necessarily refer to informal conversations which representatives of the Government of the United States may have with the representatives of other Governments interested in the Antarctic area, particularly if the initiative for such informal conversations comes from another Government.
The Government of the United States of America welcomes the expression of views of the Union Government, and is glad to reiterate its willingness to consult with that Government at any time in regard to Antarctic problems, and to exchange information in this field of mutual interest to the fullest extent practicable. It is believed that this policy of consultation will serve the purposes of the two Governments without the necessity of either one participating in all informal talks which representatives of either Government may have with representatives of other Governments on this subject.
During the current International Geophysical Year a wide range of scientific activities are being carried on in the Antarctic area by a number of countries, as the Union Government is aware, and accordingly the Government of the United States of America feels that it will be particularly useful during this time to maintain close contact with the Government of the Union of South Africa in the hope that close cooperation between the two Governments will lead to satisfactory solutions of any problems that may be encountered.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 702.022/10–357. Secret. Drafted on October 8 by Daniels, who delivered it to the South African Embassy that day.↩