121. Circular Telegram From the Secretary of State to All Diplomatic Missions in the American Republics1

100. Following note should be presented soonest.


Under instructions from my Government I have the honor to inform Your Excellency with regard to the nature and terms of reference envisaged by President Eisenhower for the special committee whose formation and purpose he had the honor to suggest during the course of the recent Meeting of Presidents of the American Republics, in the Republic of Panamá.

I am instructed first to inform Your Excellency of the appreciation of President Eisenhower for the support extended by His Excellency (name) President (or President elect) of (country) to the proposal that such a committee be formed, and respectfully to request that both this expression of appreciation, and the recapitulation which this note contains of the thoughts of President Eisenhower on the implementation of the proposal, be transmitted to His Excellency.

As Your Excellency knows, President Eisenhower suggested at Panama that each President name a special representative to join in forming an ad hoc committee, and at that time stated that Dr. Milton Eisenhower would be his representative. It has been his feeling that the terms of reference for this committee should be the following:

To prepare concrete recommendations for making the Organization of American States a more effective instrument of cooperative effort in the economic, financial, social and technical fields.

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In this regard to give particular consideration to the more effective utilization of the Organization by the Member Governments.

Upon submitting its recommendations to the Presidents, the Committee will terminate its activities and dissolve.

I am likewise pleased to inform Your Excellency that it is the intention of the Government of the United States to invite the committee to convene in Washington. My Government will, in the near future, consult with Your Excellency’s Government with regard to a date for the meeting of the committee.

My Government would welcome any observations or suggestions which Your Excellency or His Excellency, President (or President-elect) (name) may wish to transmit with regard to the committee and its work. I shall, of course, likewise take occasion to inform Your Excellency of any additional suggestions my Government may have. I also respectfully request that Your Excellency inform me of the name of the person designated by your President (or President elect) to serve on the committee, once he has been appointed.

In closing, Your Excellency, I am instructed to add that, with a view to clarifying the nature and scope of this committee, my Government deems it desirable that the contents of this note be made public. It consequently invites Your Excellency’s Government to join it in simultaneous release to the public press and suggests that the release be made not before 12 noon Eastern Standard Time, August 13.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.”

When reporting name representative appointed please forward biographical data or indicate previous reports. Inform Department promptly any observations particularly re proposed date of press release.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 361/8–756. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Randall and approved by Rubottom. Dulles sent the draft of this telegram to the President for approval under cover of a memorandum of August 6, in which he wrote in part as follows: “The Department proposes to send the enclosed draft note to our Latin American Embassies for immediate presentation to the respective Governments. This will serve as the first step in implementation of the proposal made by you in Panama and will clarify the nature and the scope of the Committee whose formation you suggested. As no public expression of clarification can be made prior to informing the Governments, I feel it urgent that this note, if you agree, be sent as soon as possible.” Eisenhower approved and initialed this telegram on August 6. (Ibid., 362/8–656)