- Acts of U.S. Congress:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (P.L. 480), 52, 654–655, 812
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 29
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1954, 812
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 29
- Mutual Security Act of 1954, 183, 213–214, 223, 340, 856, 935
- Mutual Security Act of 1956, 169n
- National Industrial Reserve Act of 1948, 848–849
- Sugar Act Extension of 1951, 792
- Sugar Acts of 1948 and 1956. SeeSugar legislation, U.S., revision of.
- Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955, 12, 767
- Adams, Sherman, 730, 779–780, 803–808
- AEC. See Atomic Energy Commission.
- AFL–CIO, 50, 196, 203, 597
- Agriculture Department, U.S. See under Sugar legislation, U.S., revision of.
- Air Force, U.S., 237, 902, 905, 922, 930
- Alemán Valdes, Miguel, 712
- Alkmin, José Maria, 529n, 545–546
- Aluminum Corporation of America (ALCOA), 883, 897
- Alvarez Restrepo, Antonio, 524–525, 545–546
- American Presidents Meeting (Panama, 1956):
- Eisenhower’s assessment of, 452–453
- Eisenhower–Batista meeting, 832–835
- Eisenhower–Magloire meeting, 945–946
- Hemisphere solidarity declaration, 440–441, 443–444, 452
- the Meeting, 450–451
- OAS economic activities review proposal (see also Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives), 444–449, 451
- Text of, 445–446
- Pre–conference activities, 440–443, 450
- Proposal of, 438–439
- Amorós, 664, 679, 691, 734
- Andersen, Herman C., 808
- Anderson, Dillon, 14, 90, 735–736
- Anderson, Robert B., 227
- Arab Union Bank, 436
- Aramburu, Maj. Gen. Pedro Eugenio, 241, 284, 355, 532
- Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo, 212, 623
- Arévalo Bermejo, Juan José, 212, 624
- Arey, Hawthorne, 360–362, 501
- Argentina:
- Atomic research programs, 7
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 540, 542, 551, 562
- Communism in, 25, 49–50, 87, 355
- Economic situation, 10, 21, 31, 33–34, 52, 419–420, 532
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 361, 363, 374
- Falkland Islands issue, 158
- Hemisphere defense, 95, 221–222, 254
- IBRD loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 481
- Oil field development, 3–4, 174
- Political situation, 18, 22–23, 30, 195, 203, 284–285
- Social trends, 20
- Soviet bloc:
- United States, agreements with, 11, 173, 229, 273
- United States, relations with, 56, 355
- U.S. economic assistance, 3, 137, 208, 430
- U.S. information programs, 53–54
- U.S. military assistance, 95, 130, 221–222, 225, 254
- U.S. technical assistance, 389
- U.S. trade policies re, 9, 34–35, 51, 165
- Arias Espinosa, Ricardo M., 439, 442, 615
- Armour, Norman, 928–929
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 378, 379
- Armstrong, Willis C., 525n, 557n, 793n
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 844
- Asian Nuclear Research Center, 473
- ATLAS (labor organization), 50
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 459–460
- Atomic energy development:
- A.T.&T., 668
- Atwood, Rollin S., 213n, 335–338, 345–346, 402–405, 501–502, 507, 528n
- Austin, Vice Adm. Bernard L., 295, 297n
- Barbados, 157
- Barium Steel Corporation, 897
- Barnes, Robert G., 233, 257n, 269n, 391, 406, 748, 879–880, 918–920
- Barquin, Col. Ramón, 843, 867
- Barreto Martínez, Fidel, 883
- Barringer, J. Paul, 698–699, 949n, 952n, 967
- Batista y Zaldivar, Fulgencio:
- Constitutional guarantees, suspension of, 868
- Coup against, possible, 843–844
- Dominican Republic, attitude toward, 837
- Eisenhower, meeting with, 832–835
- Elections, 866, 871
- Haiti, relations with, 839n
- Political control, 633–634, 831
- Press opposition to, 840
- Prío, U.S. investgation of, 864
- Telephone rates, 839
- Trade situation, 834
- U.S. military assistance, 853–855
- U.S. restoration of normalcy program, 875–876
- U.S. technical assistance, 832–835
- Beaulac, Willard L., 527, 529–530, 537–538, 546–552, 556, 844n
- Beckmann, Conrado Carlos, 539
- Belize. See British Honduras.
- Belmont, Alan, 861
- Bencosme, Donato, 903
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 313, 777–781, 791, 804, 807
- Berle, Adolph A., Jr., 609–611
- Bermúdez, Antonio, 675, 682, 691–692, 745
- Bermúdez, Washington P., 537
- Bernbaum, Maurice M., 257n, 339n, 441, 444
- Betancourt, Romulo, 624
- Beynon, Ira, 850n
- Billings, Jack L., 896–898
- Bishop, Max W., 310n, 324n
- Boggs, Hale, 627, 778, 815n
- Bogota Conference, 966
- Bolivar, Simon, 438
- Bolivia:
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 535, 538, 540, 542, 552
- Communism in, 8, 50–51, 87
- Economic situation, 4, 10, 22, 29, 35–36, 53, 336, 420
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 374, 331n
- Friendship, commerce and navigation treaties, 173
- IBRD loans, 207, 331n
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 23–24, 30, 57, 195
- Social trends, 20
- U.S. economic assistance, 35–36 [Page 971]
- U.S. information programs, 53
- U.S. military assistance, 130, 202–203, 253
- U.S. political policies, 148
- U.S. technical assistance, 9, 404
- U.S. trade policies re, 165
- Bonnelly, Rafael F., 885
- Bourgerie, Elmer H., 749
- Bowie, Robert R., 60, 220
- Braddock, Daniel M., 847, 865n
- Brand, Vance, 882n, 943
- Braun, Horace, 675
- Brazil:
- Armed forces, 134, 291
- Atomic research programs, 7
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 528, 536, 541–542, 547, 551, 553
- Communism in, 8, 25–27, 31, 49–50, 85–86
- Development planning, 336
- Economic situation, 10, 12, 21–22, 31, 36–38,53, 420
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 360–361, 363, 372
- Hemisphere defense, 95, 181–182, 222
- IBRD loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 481
- Joint Brazil–United States Military Commission, 101, 128, 288
- Oil field development, 3–4, 174
- Political situation, 12, 14–15, 18, 23–24, 30
- Social trends, 20
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 29, 87–88, 197
- Trade situation, 37–38
- United States, military agreements with, 268–269, 291
- U.S. economic assistance, 3, 37–38, 53, 170, 202, 208, 300–301, 344, 348
- U.S. information programs, 53–54
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 95, 130, 132, 181–182, 193, 222, 229
- U.S. military bases in, 189, 199, 204, 229, 255, 263, 274–275, 284
- U.S. trade policies re, 165–166
- Briggs, Ellis O., 403
- British Guiana, 157, 338
- British Honduras (Belize), 157–159, 642, 763
- Broger, John, 292, 293
- Brown and Roots Company, 946
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 858–862, 877–879, 911
- Brundage, Percival F., 313, 469
- Buchanan, Walter C., 700–701, 704–708, 729
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 106, 313, 357, 926
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference (1957) (see also under specific countries):
- Agenda for, 503n, 504–505
- Ambassadors reception, 537
- Anderson’s address to, 525
- Anderson’s report on, 531–532
- Coordination committee, 536
- Date of, 499–500
- Dulles’ attendance at, 510
- Economic Declaration of Buenos Aires, 556
- Economic development issues (see also Inter–American Bank proposal below), 526
- Eisenhower statement on, 557
- Future conferences:
- General Economic Agreement proposal (see
Economic Declaration of Buenos Aires
above), 526
- Brazilian position, 529, 533–534, 539, 544–545
- Brazilian–Mexican draft, 539, 544
- Country positions, 523–525, 529, 532–535, 554–555
- Failure of agreement, possible problems from, 529–530, 534
- Final draft, 554–556
- Form of, 498, 506, 512, 532–535, 554–555
- Heads of delegations meeting re, 546
- History of, 533
- Mexican position, 526, 533, 539, 544–546, 555, 560–561, 565
- Post–conference negotiations, 574–577
- Pre–conference negotiations, 512
- Revision process, 530
- Summary of activities, 564–566, 573–574
- U.S. position, 502–508, 514–516, 518, 528, 533–534, 539, 544–545, 574–578, 749
- U.S. Senate ratification, possible, 504, 506–507
- U.S.–Latin American discussions, 517
- Vote on, 528
- IBRD resolution, 535, 540, 548, 570
- U.S. position, 560
- IFC loans and, 507–510
- Immigration issues, 538, 552
- Inter–American Bank proposal:
- Press conference for delegates, 555
- Private sources of capital, U.S. focus on, 567, 571–573, 578–580
- Regional trade market proposal, 526, 538
- Style Committee, 556
- Technical assistance issues, 536
- Termination date, 537, 539
- Trade issues (see also Regional trade market proposal above), 526, 537–538
- Transportation issues, 536, 542, 571
- U.S. assessments of, 557–573
- U.S. position papers, development of, 498
- U.S. preparation for, 352
- U.S. representatives, 511–513, 527
- U.S. Steering Committee meetings, 498–502, 505–508, 528, 534–546, 554–556
- U.S. Sub–committee for, 360, 497–498
- Bulganin, Nikolay Alexandrovich, 46, 55
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 399, 414–416, 503, 505, 511, 664, 678, 716n, 717, 738
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 243, 285, 294
- Butz, Earl, 459
- CAB. See Civil Aeronautics Board.
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 844
- Cabinet meetings, 312–313, 531–532
- Caire, Celia, 886, 890
- Cale, Edward G., 236–238, 339, 345–351, 777n, 793n, 815n, 819n, 822n, 825–827
- Callanan, Paul E., 777n, 778n, 786n, 788, 791n, 792, 793n, 798n, 801n, 803n, 805, 808n, 809n, 810, 811n, 827n, 842n
- Cambronne, Stuart, 952n
- Campa y Caraveda, Miguel Angel de la, 820, 838–839
- Canada, 274
- Cantave, Gen. Leon, 954
- Capehart, Homer E., 304, 370–371, 433
- Cardenas, Lazaro, 755
- Caribbean Legion, 632
- Carillo Flores, Antonio, 662, 665, 690
- Air transport agreement, 725, 729
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 749–750
- Export–Import Bank loans, 664–665, 677–679, 684, 725, 733–735, 738
- Government involvement in industry, 666–669
- Import restrictions, 669–671
- Lead and zinc exports, 750–751
- Mining industry, 669–670, 674
- PEMEX, 666, 683, 693
- Peso stabilization, 649–650, 685
- on Ruiz Cortines, 688
- Sabalo Company incident, 770
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 230
- Carrillo, Justo, 867n
- Carvajal, Angel, 690
- Castillo Armas, Col. Carlos, 585, 613, 618, 623, 629, 635–636
- Castro Ruz, Fidel:
- Castro Ruz, Raúl, 838n
- Ceniceros, José Angel, 690, 720–721
- Central American political situation, National Intelligence Estimate, 628–648
- Central American University, proposed, 626–627
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 905
- Chapultepec Conference (1945), 750
- Chavez, Dennis, 418
- Chavez, Eduardo, 665, 691
- Chile:
- Armed forces, 133–134
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 523, 536, 544, 565
- Communism in, 8, 25–27, 31, 49–50, 86–87, 89, 355
- Copper export controls, 162
- Economic situation, 21–22, 29, 31, 38–40, 420–421
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 360–361, 363, 372, 374
- Hemisphere defense, 95
- IBRD loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 481
- Labor movement, 50
- Political situation, 18, 23–24, 30, 285
- Social trends, 20
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 29, 197
- Territorial waters, 12
- Trade situation, 39–40
- United States, agreements with, 173–174, 269
- U.S. economic assistance, 52–53, 137, 170, 208, 336–337
- U.S. information programs, 10, 53, 203–204
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 95, 130, 132, 193
- U.S. technical assistance, 9, 348, 404
- China, People’s Republic of, 197–198
- Chiriboga Villagomez, Jos Ricardo, 293
- Church, Frank F., 528n
- Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), 676, 698–700, 703, 704n, 705, 729–730, 740
- Civil Aviation Agreements (see also under Mexico), 204
- Clark, Charles P., 878
- Coast Guard, U.S., 731–732, 736–737, 901
- Coffee (see also under Haiti), 12, 15, 57
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 407–409, 844
- Colombia:
- Armed forces, 134
- Atomic research programs, 7
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 524–525
- Communism in, 50, 85, 89
- Economic situation, 421
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 361, 363
- Hemisphere defense, 95, 221, 222
- IBRD loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Military equipment purchases, non–U.S. sources, 274
- Political situation, 23–24, 30, 203
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 197
- Soviet Union, relations with, 55–56
- United States, agreements with, 174, 269
- U.S. economic assistance, 170, 208, 337, 430
- U.S. information programs, 54, 201–202
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 95, 130, 193, 221, 222, 229–230, 238, 248, 253, 265, 275–276, 277
- U.S. technical assistance, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 165–166
- Commerce Department, U.S., 103–105, 204, 311, 313, 653–654
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 772, 828n
- Communism in Latin America (see also under
specific countries):
- Anti–Communist activities, 26–27, 49–50, 355
- U.S. direction of, 55–56, 65–66
- Capabilities of, 85–87
- Central American activities, 633–639, 642
- Gains by, 8
- General war and, 32–33
- International ties, 87–89
- Labor movement and, 25–26, 76–77, 82, 159–161, 638–639
- Nationalistic sentiments, exploitation of, 141–142
- OAS policies re, 65–66
- Objectives of, 64–65, 83–84
- Party membership, 25–27, 196–197
- Party organization, 85–86
- Propaganda activities, 93, 120, 196–197
- Soviet interest for, 17, 88
- Strategy and tactics, 26–27, 31, 84–85, 89–90
- Target groups of, 84
- U.S. attitudes toward, 4–5
- U.S. plan of operations re:
- Assistance dependent on anti–Communist policies, 67–68
- Communist meetings, discouragement of, 73, 155
- Counter–intelligence training, 81
- Cultural activities, 80
- Economic assistance, role of, 78–79
- Education activities, 71, 80
- Europeans, role of, 82
- Free enterprise, promotion of, 79
- Information activities, 10, 65, 67–68, 153–154
- Intelligence activities, 72–73
- International service groups, role of, 80
- Labor movement, focus on, 78–79, 82, 159–161
- Latin America Security Fund, 350–351
- Military assistance, role of, 78–79, 81
- OCB papers, 62–84, 139–195
- Outlawing of Communist parties, 69, 151–152
- Prevention of Communist–controlled governments, 68, 156
- Security measures, 70
- Solidarity with Latin American governments, 66
- Soviet military influence, prevention of, 74
- Soviet–Latin American relations, discouragement of, 70–71
- Technical assistance, role of, 79–80
- Trade with Soviets, discouragement of, 74–75
- Travel to Soviet bloc, discouragement of, 73–74, 155–156
- 1290–d program, 56, 267, 388
- Visits by officials to the U.S., 75
- Concheso, Aurelio F., 783–785
- Confederation of Latin American Workers (CTAL), 50, 758
- Congress, U.S. See Congressional subheadings under other subjects; Acts of U.S. Congress; House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
- Connett, William B., Jr., 619, 796n
- Conover, Harry, 432n
- Conrads, Robert A., 456n
- Continental Heads of Government meeting (Canada–Mexico–United States) (1956), 672n, 685–686, 701–702, 708–709
- Continental shelf and marine waters, 49
- Cooley, Harold D., 778, 812, 819n, 821–822
- Corbett, Jack C., 310n, 319–321, 334–335, 381, 405n, 677n, 738, 741
- Corliss, James C., 300n, 498, 539, 556, 573n
- Costa Rica (see also
Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict):
- Armed forces, 643
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 538, 542–543, 549–550
- Communism in, 622–624, 638–639
- Economic situation, 52, 421–422, 646–648
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Highway, 311
- Nicaragua, possible invasion of, 621–622
- Nixon’s visit, 587–588
- Political situation, 629, 631, 637, 642
- United States, agreements with, 173, 174, 325
- U.S. economic assistance, 209, 337
- U.S. military assistance, 130, 202–203, 294–295
- U.S. technical assistance, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 164–165
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict:
- Aircraft involved in, 581–584, 590, 594–595, 599–601
- CIO, role of, 597
- Nicaragua, U.S. message to, 593
- Nixon’s intervention, 612, 616
- OAS Investigating Committee, 8, 27, 583–584, 588, 590–595, 597–601, 604–605, 611–612, 619–620
- Post–conflict arrangements, 602–603, 606–607, 625–626
- Termination of hostilities, 7, 605–607, 608–612, 619–620
- U.S. assistance to Costa Rica, 581–584, 588–590, 597–599, 601–602
- U.S. position, 596–597
- Venezuelan involvement, 585–586, 590, 621
- Villa Quesada, attack on, 586–587, 588n, 594
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy (Dodge Council), 90, 497, 814
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 2n
- Crockett, Kennedy M., 733n, 746n, 747n, 748n
- Cruz Salazar, Col. José Luis, 211
- Cuba (see also
Sugar legislation, U.S., revision of):
- Armed forces, 134, 643–645
- Assassinations by police and army, 840–841
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 535, 547, 551
- Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activity (BRAC), 810–811
- Communism in, 8, 50, 87, 638n, 638–639, 642, 831–832, 839–840, 845
- Confederation of Cuban Workers, 836
- Cuban Sugar Stabilization Institute, 784
- Cuban–American Commission on economic and social development, proposed, 832–833, 835
- Dominican Republic, relations with, 883–884
- Economic situation, 422, 645–647
- Haiti, relations with, 839
- Hemisphere defense, 95, 222–223, 789–790
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 481
- Nickel plant, U.S. disposal of, 848–851
- Political situation (see also Revolutionary activities below), 24, 30, 195, 629
- Press opposition to Batista, 840
- Restoration of normalcy, U.S. program for, 865–876
- Revolutionary activities:
- by Castro, 633, 836, 838, 846–847, 866–867, 871
- Cienfuegos revolt, 845–846, 855
- Communist involvement, 831–832, 839–840, 845
- Coup attempt, possible (August 1957), 843–844
- Dominican involvement, 835, 837, 882, 887
- General strike, 836, 843
- Government countermeasures, 840–841, 867
- Groups involved in, 836, 841–842
- by Guevara, 847
- Junta de Liberación Cubaña, 872
- Military involvement, 831, 836–837, 867
- by Prío, 820, 831, 835, 837, 855, 859–860, 871
- Success, chances of, 836–837
- U.S. military equipment used in response to, 845–846, 854, 857
- Revolutionary Directorate Federation University Students, 836
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 197, 640–641
- Soviet Union, sugar sales to, 842–843
- Sugar exports, 617
- Sugar production, 783–784
- Telephone rates, 839
- Trade situation, 648, 834
- United States, agreements with:
- U.S. economic assistance, 337
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 130, 132, 193, 873
- U.S. technical assistance, 348, 832–835
- U.S. trade policies re, 165–166
- Current Economic Developments, 561–569
- Curtis, E. Glion, 853n, 870n
- CUTCH (labor organization), 50–51
- Cutler, Robert, 3
- Czechoslovakia, 251, 696, 764
- Davis, Vice Adm. Arthur C., 220, 221–224
- Davis, Roy Tasco, 936–937, 945n, 948, 951n, 952
- De La Maza, Octavio, 885–891, 898–899, 910n
- Defense Department, U.S. (see also
Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Argentina, 11–12, 229
- Brazil, 229
- Colombia, 229–230
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict, 591–592, 602–603
- Cuba, 790, 848–850, 852–854
- Dominican Republic, 879–880, 884, 917–920, 922, 924–926
- Force increases in Latin America, 225–227
- Guatemala, 223–224
- Hemisphere defense, 218–219, 253–254
- Mexico, 748, 769–770
- Military assistance policies, attitude toward, 227n, 228–232, 239–240, 244n–245n, 256
- Naval vessel loan program, 243–244, 262–264, 278–279
- Venezuela, 259
- Dejoie, Louis, 963
- Delgado, Hernando, 544
- Denize, Auguste, 968
- DeSapio, Carmine, 878
- Despradel, Arturo, 523–525
- Development Loan Fund, 198–199, 432–436
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 413, 432
- Dodge, Joseph M., 48n, 247, 257, 352, 497
- Dodge Council. See Council on Foreign Economic Policy.
- Dominican Republic (see also
disappearance case):
- Armed forces, 134, 643–645
- Batista’s attitude toward, 837
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 523–525
- Consul General in New York, exequatur for, 928–929
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict, involvement in, 585
- Cuba, relations with, 883–884
- Cuban revolutionary activities, involvement in, 835, 837, 882, 887
- Economic situation, 422, 647–648
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 882, 884–885, 897, 912
- Guatemala, intervention in, 211
- Hemisphere defense, 916–917
- IBRD loans, 207
- ICFTU committee visit, 929
- Illegal activities in the United States, 883–885, 889–890, 892–893, 902–904, 909
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 24, 30, 631, 634–635, 641
- United Kingdom, military equipment purchases from, 917
- United States, agreements with:
- U.S. businesses, government pressures on, 883–884, 902
- U.S. economic assistance, 336
- U.S. investments in, 897
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 95, 130, 133, 193
- U.S. military bases in, 901–902, 905–906, 930
- U.S. support of dictatorships issue, 195, 921, 922–923
- U.S. technical assistance, 348, 375, 404–405, 883–885
- Donahue, Ruth S., 555n
- Douglas, Paul, 545
- Draper, Gen., 774
- Dreier, John C., 870n, 956–957
- Drew, Gerald A., 952, 955, 959–961, 962n, 964–968
- Driscoll, Hilary A., 543
- Dulles, Allen W., 5, 595, 954
- Dulles, John Foster:
- American Presidents Meeting, 439, 441–444, 450–451
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 510, 517–518
- Communism in Latin America, 5
- Continental Heads of Government meeting, 708–709
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict, 593, 596–597
- Cuba (see also Sugar legislation, revision of below), 831, 833, 835, 840, 841n, 845
- Dominican Republic (see also Murphy–Galindez disappearance case below), 922, 927n, 928–929
- Economic assistance policies, 354n
- Export–Import Bank, 105, 327, 365, 371–372
- Haiti, 932, 945, 951n, 955
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 453n, 461, 465–466
- Inter–American Highway, 310n, 313, 321–323
- Mexico, 671, 672n, 680n, 697, 733, 745–746, 765–767
- Military assistance policies, 106–110, 221
- Sugar legislation, revision of, 779n, 782–783, 829
- Technical assistance programs, 357
- Trade policies, 103–104, 765–767
- Durfee, James R., 729–730
- Durón, Octavio Jacinto, 523–524
- Duvalier, François, 963–968
- Dworshak, Henry C., 778, 828n
- Echevarria, Jose Antonio, 836
- Economic assistance policies, U.S. (see
Export–Import Bank; Inter–American Highway; Technical assistance
programs, U.S.; U.S. economic assistance under
specific countries):
- Agriculture surplus disposal (see also P.L. 480 programs below), 98, 125, 177
- Amortization incentives, 416
- Communism, role in fight against, 77–78
- Development assistance program, 9, 52, 58, 136, 168, 347, 349–350, 357, 359–360, 389, 395–397
- Development Loan Fund, 198–199, 432–436
- Disaster relief, 378–380, 933–936, 941, 945
- Expenditures:
- Funding:
- Future planning re, 395–397
- General objectives, 97–98, 124–125, 304–310
- Grant assistance, 168–170, 356
- Guidelines for, 308, 316–317
- “Hard” loans, 333–334
- ICA loan programs, 331–333
- Investment guarantee programs, 324–325
- Latin American complaints re, 28–29, 92–93, 119–120, 142, 429–430
- Objectives of, 306
- OCB Plan of Operation, 167–178
- P.L. 480 programs, 52, 59, 136–137, 170, 175, 388, 430–431, 459, 944
- Private investment, 98, 125, 173–177, 302–303, 327–329, 393–394, 414–417
- Progress goals, 304–309
- Regional fund for Latin America, 198–199
- Smathers development fund, 136, 169, 198, 202, 293, 389–391
- Economic situation in Latin America (see
also Trade situation in Latin America under
specific countries), 17
- Central American trends, 645–648
- Development projects, 22, 197–198
- Foreign investment, 28–29, 52–53, 645–646
- Investment patterns, 21–22
- Nationalization of businesses, 9–10, 22
- Nixon’s report re, 616–617
- Trends in, 20–22, 30–31
- U.S. blamed for problems, 301–302
- U.S. private investment, 645–647
- U.S. trade policies, effects of, 617
- Ecuador:
- Armed forces, 134–135, 290
- Border dispute with Peru, 13, 48–49, 143–144, 272
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 546, 549, 554
- Communism in, 50, 85–86, 355
- Economic situation, 422–423
- Hemisphere defense, 223
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- “Militant Liberty” program, 292
- Military equipment purchases, non–U.S. sources, 274
- Political situation, 23, 30
- Territorial waters, 12
- United States, agreements with, 173, 269, 325
- U.S. economic assistance, 170, 208, 293, 337
- U.S. information programs, 54, 201–202
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 130, 132, 192–193, 223
- U.S. technical assistance, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 164–165
- Edgerton, Glen E., 327, 664, 678–679
- Educational Exchange Program, 10, 54, 179, 201–202
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.:
- American Presidents Meeting, 438–439, 444, 450–453, 832–835, 945–946
- Batista, meeting with, 832–835
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 517, 557
- Continental Heads of Government meeting, 708, 710–715
- Cuba (see also Sugar legislation, revision of below), 832–835
- Dictatorships in Latin America, 4–5
- Export–Import Bank, 105, 106, 117–118, 304, 368
- Haiti, 945–946, 949n, 951, 963n
- Information programs, 180n
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 453n, 468
- Inter–American Highway, 313, 321
- Latin America policy, 90–91, 119n
- Magloire, meeting with, 945–946
- Mexico, 650n, 671–672, 676, 680n, 735, 745
- Military assistance policies, 107–110, 112, 117–118
- Murphy–Galindez disappearance case, 877, 879
- Ruiz Cortines, meeting with, 710–715
- Ruiz Cortines’ attitude toward, 773
- Soviet–Latin American relations, 102
- Sugar legislation, revision of, 778, 780, 781–783, 786–787, 791, 800–801, 803, 806, 818
- Technical assistance programs, 340
- Trade policies, 103, 767
- Eisenhower, Milton, 230, 436
- El Salvador:
- Armed forces, 643
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 523–525
- Communism in, 636–637
- Economic situation, 423, 647
- Friendship, commerce and navigation treaties, 173
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 629, 637, 642
- Trade situation, 648
- U.S. economic assistance, 337
- U.S. military assistance, 130, 132, 203, 218, 790
- U.S. technical assistance, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 165
- Eliécer Gaitán, Jorge, 838n
- Ellender, Allen J., 778, 800, 805, 815n, 828n
- Ellis, Allen, 657
- Elmhurst Construction Company, 897
- Espaillat, Brig. Gen. Arturo, 886, 900, 901, 905–909, 911n, 913–916
- Esquivel Arguedas, Mario, 583–584, 596
- Esterline, Jacob D., 624
- Estrada, Orlando, 621
- Estrada, Pedro, 585–586
- Export–Import Bank (Eximbank) (see also under specific
- Branch offices, 363–364
- Capital equipment purchase assistance, 383–386
- Developmental loans, 329–330, 365–367, 673
- Exporter credits, 364, 373–375, 383–386
- Financial worth, 362–363, 364
- Foreign policy aspects of, 370–371, 718–720, 726
- “Hard” loans, 333–334
- as Independent agency, 364
- Intensification of activities:
- Inter–American Highway financing, 310–311
- Interest rates, 309, 317, 320
- Lending policy, 304–306, 309–310, 314–315, 319–321, 334–335
- Loan authorizations:
- Smathers development fund administration, 398–401, 405–406
- U.S. policy re, 8, 98, 104–105, 115, 125, 167, 309–310, 317–318, 328–331, 352, 353, 356, 363, 372
- Fábrega, José Isaac, 475
- Facio, Antonio, 583–584, 588–589
- Fairless, Benjamin F., 407
- Fairless Committee, 407–409
- Falkland Islands, 158
- Farland, Joseph S., 930n
- Farley, Philip J., 464n
- Fascell, Dante B., 627
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 878, 876, 891, 896, 900, 911
- Fignole, Daniel, 932, 954
- Figueres Ferrer, José, 597, 602, 605–610, 616, 620, 621–622, 624, 637, 851
- Fishburn, John T., 61n
- Fisher, John W., 620n
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 333–334, 345–346, 375–377, 391, 395–396
- Flemming, Arthur S., 4, 735
- Floete, Franklin G., 848
- Flores Muñoz, Gilberto, 746
- Folsom, Robert S., 619–620
- Foreign Operations Administration (FOA), 325–327, 331, 813–814, 934–935, 937
- Foster, Adm. Paul F., 459, 465n
- Fournier, Fernando, 588n, 621n
- Fourth Extraordinary Meeting of the Inter–American Economic and Social Council. See Rio Economic Conference.
- Fox, Lt. Gen. Alonzo P., 906
- France, 745–746
- Frank, John Joseph, 913, 916
- Freedman, Selma G., 300n
- Friendship, commerce and navigation (FCN) treaties, 173
- Fromer, Julian P., 881–885, 896–904, 912, 916–918, 946, 949n
- Fulbright agreements, 54, 201–202
- Gabbert, Howard M., 771–772
- Galindez, Jesus de. See Murphy–Galindez disappearance case.
- Garcia Robles, 544
- Garcia Trujillo, Lt. Gen. José, 882
- Gardner, Arthur, 810, 812, 835–837, 840–841
- Garner, Robert L., 509–510
- Garnett, Gwynn, 769
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 51, 164, 654, 826
- General Services Administration (GSA), 848–849, 850n
- General war, U.S.–Latin American cooperation in, 32–33
- George, Walter F., 391
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 29, 284
- Gleason, S. Everett, 13n, 90n, 101n, 114, 116n, 596n, 614n
- Gonzales Lopez, Luis Arturo, 210–211
- González, César, 475
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 438n, 746n, 945n
- Gordon, Nathan, 535
- Grace, J. Peter, Jr., 335n
- Gray, Gordon:
- Great Britain. See United Kingdom.
- Green, Joseph N., Jr., 510
- Guardia, Ernesto de la, 637
- Guatemala:
- Armed forces, 135, 643
- Communism in, 5, 49–50, 85, 637–638
- Dominican intervention in, 211
- Economic situation, 10, 22, 29, 40–41, 52, 423, 646–648
- Hemisphere defense, 218–219, 223
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Highway, 311, 313
- Labor movement, 8
- Mexico, relations with, 681, 688
- Political situation, 23, 24, 30, 195, 585, 629, 635–636, 641–642
- Rio Treaty ratification, 7
- Social trends, 20
- United States, agreements with, 173, 325, 269
- U.S. economic assistance, 168–169, 209, 331n
- U.S. information programs, 52–54
- U.S. military assistance, 7, 130, 132–133, 202, 218–219, 223, 226, 790
- U.S. political policies re, 144, 148, 158
- U.S. technical assistance, 9
- U.S. trade policies re, 164–165
- Guell, 829, 854, 868
- Guevara, Ernesto “Che”, 847
- Guizado, José Ramón, 585
- Guzman Cardenas, 747
- Haiti:
- Armed forces, 135, 643–645
- Artibonite dam and irrigation project:
- Coffee production, 933–935, 939–940, 942, 946–947
- Cuba, relations with, 839
- “Cuban Loan”, 968
- Economic situation, 423–424, 634, 645–647, 947
- Electric power company, 938–939
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 934, 936–938, 943–944, 953
- General strike, U.S. involvement in, 949–950
- IBRD loans, 207, 934, 936–937
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Cooperative Public Health Service (SCISP), 968
- Labor movement, 965
- Political situation, 195, 203, 629, 631
- Road projects, 934, 936–937
- SHADA loan, 941, 943
- Talamas murder, 964–968
- Trade situation, 648
- United States, agreements with:
- Double taxation treaties, 174
- Military agreements, 269, 932–933
- U.S. ambassador, appointment of, 952
- U.S. economic assistance, 209, 379, 423–424, 648, 935–936
- U.S. food shipments, 948
- U.S. military assistance, 7, 130, 192–193
- U.S. technical assistance, 337, 937
- Hanes, John W., 313n
- Hanford, Col. Thomas B., 242, 243
- Harrington, Julian F., 439
- Hauge, Gabriel, 528n
- Havana Convention of 1928, 860
- Healy, Harold, 860
- Hemisphere defense (see also under individual countries), 11, 96, 116, 123, 181–183, 219–220, 232, 254–255
- Henderson, Loy W., 310n
- Henry, Omer, 898
- Hensel, H. Struve, 217, 220, 789
- Hernandez Marquez, Felix, 903
- Herrera Báez, Porfirio, 888, 890n, 910n, 928–929
- Herrington, William C., 731n
- Herter, Christian A., 275, 278, 286, 911, 951–952, 954n
- Hill, John C., Jr., 613n
- Hill, Robert C., 359–360, 391–392, 768, 771, 773–776
- Hilton, Ralph, 300n, 441
- Hoghland, John S., II, 419
- Holland, Henry F.:
- American Presidents Meeting, 438–439, 440n, 441, 442n, 443, 450
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 497, 500–501
- Central America policy, 613
- Continental Heads of Government meeting, 708–709
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict, 593n
- Cuba (see also Sugar legislation, revision of below), 784–785, 820, 831–832
- Dominican Republic, 877n, 879
- Economic assistance policies, 393
- Export–Import Bank, 9n, 314–318, 319
- Foreign Operations Administration, 325–327
- Haiti, 931, 933–936, 938–942, 949n
- ICA loan program, 331–333
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 454n, 456n, 461n, 465n
- Inter–American Highway, 312–313
- Latin America policy, 60–61
- Mexico, 650, 656, 680n, 720, 722n
- Civil aviation agreement, 676n, 703–704, 722–726, 729
- Economic situation, 649–650
- Export–Import Bank loans, 673, 677, 715–716, 720n, 722–726, 733, 738–739
- Government involvement in industry, 662–663, 674
- Import restrictions, 659, 661–662
- Mining industry, 674–675
- Territorial waters and fishing rights, 736–737
- Military assistance policies, 217n, 220, 236, 261
- South America visit, report on, 354–356
- Sugar legislation, revision of, 777n, 778–779, 782n, 815–816, 822–825, 827
- Technical assistance programs, 347, 357–358, 387–389
- Holland, Spessard L., 828n
- Hollister, John B., 112, 326n, 331n, 333, 375, 397, 402, 409, 748, 814, 954
- Honduras:
- Armed forces, 135, 643
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 523–524, 528
- Communism in, 624, 638
- Economic situation, 424, 646–648
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 481
- Labor movement, 8
- Political situation, 195, 203, 585, 615, 629, 631, 636–637
- Trade situation, 648
- United States, agreements with, 173, 269
- U.S. economic assistance, 209, 337
- U.S. information programs, 54
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 130, 218
- U.S. technical assistance, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 164–165
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr.:
- Brazil, 14–15
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 497
- Cuba (see also Sugar legislation, revision of below), 835n, 837
- Dominican Republic, 877n
- Economic assistance policies, 112, 333n
- Export–Import Bank, 9n, 105, 304n, 314, 327, 352, 362, 365
- Foreign Operations Administration, 325
- Haiti, 940, 942n, 943–944
- ICA loan program, 331, 397
- Inter–American Highway, 311n
- Latin America policy, 46n–47n, 61n, 91
- Mexico:
- Military assistance policies, 227–228
- Sugar legislation, revision of, 777, 779–780, 793, 811–812, 816n, 817–818, 829
- Technical assistance programs, 359
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 877–878
- Hoover, John P., 968
- House of Representatives, U.S.:
- Howe, Fisher, 410, 438n
- Hoyt, Henry A., 792, 820n, 821–822, 829n, 870n, 877n, 878, 882n, 943n
- Hughes, John C., 407–408
- Hughes, Ruth Mason, 650–661, 672n, 677n, 733–735, 736
- Humphrey, George M.:
- Ibáñez del Campo, Gen. Carlos, 39, 86, 355, 452
- Immigration Service, U.S., 695
- Information programs, U.S., 10, 53–54, 98, 125, 129, 153–154, 178–181, 199, 201, 205
- Institute for Inter–American Affairs (IIAA), 326, 344–346
- Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC), 16
- Inter–American Association for Defense of Democracy, 877
- Inter–American Atomic Energy Symposium, 204
- Inter–American Bank, proposed (see also under Buenos Aires Economic Conference), 8, 367, 459
- Inter–American Commission on Nuclear Energy, proposed, 481
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives
(CPR) (see also under
individual countries):
- Agenda, 467n, 474–475, 478–479
- Benefits to the United States, 446–447
- Eisenhower address to, 467–468
- Eisenhower speech re, 451
- Final report, 485–496
- Interim Committee and Subcommittees, 475–482
- Meetings, 454–455, 465–467, 473–478, 485n
- Objections to, U.S., 448–449
- Proposal for, 436–439, 444–446
- Recommendations:
- Representatives selection, 455
- Terms of reference for, 453–454
- U.S. preparatory work, 456–465
- U.S.–Latin America economic problems, discussion of, 469–471, 477–478, 480
- Inter–American Council of Jurists, 49, 57
- Inter–American Defense Board (IADB), 25, 93, 120
- Inter–American Economic and Social Council (IA–ECOSOC) (see
Rio Economic Conference), 496
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 497,
- Agenda approval, 503n
- Economic Declaration of Buenos Aires, 556, 561
- Economic development issues, 546–547, 569–571
- Future conferences, 536
- General Economic Agreement proposal, 498, 503, 506–507, 512, 517, 519, 533, 573–574
- Immigration issues, 552
- Technical cooperation issues, 553–554
- Trade issues, 538, 543, 549–550, 558, 562–563, 567–568
- Transportation issues, 570–571
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 497,
- Inter–American Federation of Mineworkers, 203
- Inter–American Highway, 542
- Inter–American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 481
- Inter–American Nuclear Energy Commission, proposed, 478, 494–495
- Inter–American Press Association, 877
- Inter–American Regional Organization of Workers (ORIT), 8, 13, 51, 159, 197
- Inter–American School Service, 179
- Inter–American Specialized Conference on Conservation of the Natural Resources of the Continental Shelf and Oceanic Waters (1956), 495
- Inter–American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (Rio Treaty), 7, 249, 280, 583–586, 601, 607, 763, 857
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (see also under individual countries):
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), 197, 929
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 50, 326
- International Development Advisory Board (IDAB), 335
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), 507–510
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 428, 535, 953n, 954
- International Sugar Agreement, 823–824
- Irwin, John N., II, 295–297, 298–299
- Jackson, William H., 101–113, 116–118
- Jamaica, 157
- Jamison, Edward A., 213n, 217n, 225–227, 583–584, 608n
- Jimenez Ballard, Carlos, 620
- Johnson, Charles E., 138n
- Johnson, Charles F., 300n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 736
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Jones, Arnold R., 106
- Jumelle, Clement, 939
- Justice Department, U.S., 884
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 46n, 269n, 352n, 413n, 698, 746, 766, 787, 939–940
- Karydakis, Mabel, 586n, 588n, 599n
- Kearns, Henry, 528n
- Kebreau, Gen. Antoine, 954–955, 959–960, 964, 966
- Kelly, Ralph, 860
- Kendall, David W., 732n
- Kenny, 501, 505
- Kimball, Frank C., 335
- King, Spencer M., 137–138, 286n, 621–622, 905–906, 912n, 913n, 914n
- Kirlin, Florence, 825–827
- Kittredge, Cmdr., 387–389
- Klein, Julius, 336
- Knowles, 506–508
- Krieg, William L., 293n, 300n, 324n, 464n, 480n, 928n
- Krieger Vasena, Adalbert, 543, 545–546
- Kubitschek de Oliveira, Juscelino, 14–15, 26, 38, 50, 52, 86–87, 361, 452
- Labor Department, U.S., 571–573, 695
- Labor movement in Latin America (see also under individual countries), 8–9
- Landreth, Rodney, 961
- Latham, Dana, 703
- Latin America. See Communism in Latin America; Economic situation in Latin America; Labor movement in Latin America; Political situation in Latin America; and individual countries.
- Latin America policy, U.S. (NSC
5432/1 and 5613 series) (see also
Outline Plan of Operations for Latin America; U.S. plan of operations
Communism in Latin America):
- Central American policy, 613
- Cooperation with Latin American governments, 27–30, 31–33, 120–121, 145–146, 190–191, 195, 200
- Draft statement (August 1956), 91–100
- Intervention, avoidance of, 148–149, 195
- NSC 5613/1, text, 119–137
- NSC 5432/1, Progress Reports, 6–13, 46–59
- NSC meetings re, 2–5, 13–15, 90–91, 101–113, 116–118
- Official visits, promotion of, 147
- Revision process, 60–61, 114–116
- United Nations, role of, 27, 31, 145–146, 611
- Latin America Security Fund, 350–351
- Latin American Confederation of Labor (CTAL), 639
- Lay, James S., Jr., 91n, 101n, 119n, 124n, 194n, 200n
- Lazo, Carlos, 656, 691, 706–707
- Lead and zinc, U.S. import restrictions on, 12, 413–414, 429–430, 526, 654–655, 682, 750–751, 762, 766–767
- Leddy, John M., 511, 528n, 534, 539, 544, 555
- Leddy, Raymond C., 585n, 771
- Lee, Muna, 300n
- Leffingwell, William M., 880n, 918
- Léger, Jacques, 936
- Lemus, Carlos, 622–624
- Lemus, Lt. Col. Jose Maria, 637
- Leonhardy, Terrance G., 831n, 838n, 842–843, 850n, 860n, 863n, 864n, 870n
- Levelt, Gen. Antoine, 947
- L’Herisson, Camille, 968
- Litsey, Weldon, 853n, 856n, 924–926
- Little, Edward S., 864n
- Llaverias, Federico, 929
- Lock Joint Pipe Company, 883, 897, 902
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 230, 615
- Lodwick, William G., 746, 769
- Lofton, Harry M., 881n
- Lombardo Toledano, Vicente, 695–696, 757
- Long, Russell, 828n
- Longoria, O.L., Jr., 652
- Lopez Castro, Amadeo, 783–785, 821
- Lopez Mateos, 775
- Loyo, Gilberto, 651, 674, 689, 690
- Lozano Díaz, Julio, 203, 615, 620n
- Luboeansky, Earl H., 473n, 474n, 480n
- Lyon, Cecil B., 46n, 61n, 403, 621
- McConnell, James A., 786, 791–792, 798–810
- McCoy, Cmdr. Ralph C., 918
- McDonald, John W., 409
- McGinnis, Edgar L., Jr., 378n
- McGrory, Elizabeth, 650n, 733n
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 241, 242n, 243, 254, 259, 262
- McIlvaine, Robinson, 300n
- Macomber, William B., 832n
- Macy, Robert M., 280–283, 456–458
- Magloire, Paul E., 634, 931–932, 936–940
- Manas, Arturo, 783–785, 821
- Mann, Gerald, 674
- Mann, Thomas C., 626
- Mansfield, Mike, 627
- Marcy, Carl, 505–508
- Martinez Ostos, 690
- Masferrer, Rolando, 847
- Matson, 669, 674
- Matthews, Herbert, 841
- Mattison, Louis C., 300n
- Maura, Ambassador, 528
- Meany, George, 203, 929
- Melbourne, Roy M., 46n, 194n, 201n
- Memminger, Robert B., 441, 450n
- Merchant, Livingston, 708–709
- Metzger, Stanley D., 535–536, 555, 559–563
- Mexico:
- Agriculture policies, 759–760
- Armed forces, 764–765
- Asociacion de Empresarios Mexicanos, 652
- Bracero Agreement. See under United States, agreements with below.
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 536, 538, 548, 553, 570, 749–750
- Camara Nacional de la Industria de Transformacion, 651
- Cananea Consolidated Copper Company, 674
- Chamizal ownership issue, 721, 722n, 769–770
- Civil aviation agreement with the United States:
- Airlines, consultation with, 727–728
- Conclusion of, 745
- Congressional interest in, 698–699, 727–728, 740
- Exchange of notes, 729–730, 740, 743
- Export–Import Bank loans connected to, 722–726, 730, 738
- Mexican position, 681–682, 686, 689–690, 700–701, 704–708, 714, 743–744
- Negotiations, history of, 656–657, 698–700, 739–741
- Provisions of, 740–741
- U.S. policy, 676, 703–704, 714–715
- U.S. Show Cause order, 738
- Communism in, 8, 50, 85–86, 88, 681, 695–697, 711–712, 720–721, 753, 757–758, 764
- Compania Mexicana de Aviacion, 656, 676, 703
- Corn purchases (P.L. 480) from the United States, 655, 746–747, 751–752, 766, 768–772, 775–776
- Cotton production and sales, 713
- Diesel Nacional, S. A., 653, 658
- Economic situation, 21, 41–43, 424, 650–651, 693–694, 759–762
- Electric power industry, 662–663, 669, 675, 679, 689
- Export–Import Bank loans, 208, 361, 664–665, 692
- Civil aviation agreement connected to, 722–726, 730, 738
- Delays in, 715–720, 722–724
- Fundidora steel mill, 715–717, 719, 721, 723–726
- Irrigation project, 665, 673
- National Railways credit, 664–665, 673, 677–679, 716, 720n, 724–726, 733–735, 738–739, 741–742
- Power companies, 679, 684
- Fishing rights. See Territorial waters below.
- Foreign investment, 651–652, 657–658, 663, 668, 674, 710–711, 718–719, 774
- Foreign Relations documents publication, concerns re, 661
- Government role in industry, 42, 657, 662–663, 666–669, 674–675, 680
- Guatemala, relations with, 681, 688
- Guest Aerovias Mexico, 676, 706
- Hemisphere defense (see also under U.S. military assistance below), 753, 763
- IADB General Military Plan, 7
- IBRD loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Import restrictions. See Trade restrictions below.
- Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), 751–752
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 481
- Labor movement, 755–756, 759
- Latin American countries, relations with, 763
- Mexican Electricity Commission, 662–663
- Migratory labor issue, 680, 686, 694–695, 697–698, 713, 715, 763
- Mining industry, 657, 669, 674–675, 694
- Montecatini organization, 657, 668–669
- National Action Party (PAN), 756–757
- National Intelligence Estimate on, 752–765
- Oil industry. See PEMEX below.
- Oil production, 735–736, 761–762
- PEMEX, 561, 671, 760
- Political situation (see also Communism in above), 18, 23–24, 30, 687–691, 752–759
- Radio broadcasting issue, 659–660
- Railway system, 691
- Revolution of 1911, 754–755
- Ruiz Cortines’ visit to the United States, 671–672, 685–686, 701–702, 708–715
- Sabalo Company incident, 702, 721, 770
- Social trends, 20, 754–755
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 672, 695–696, 753, 762–764
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 197
- Strategic materials exports, 163
- Sugar quota, 655
- Territorial waters and fishing rights, 713–714, 721, 731–733, 736–737, 762, 770
- Trade restrictions, 652–655, 657–659, 661–662, 670–671, 673–674
- Trade situation, 42–43, 753, 761
- United States, agreements with (see also Civil aviation agreement with the United States above):
- U.S. economic assistance, 209, 332, 649–650, 697
- U.S. information programs, 10, 53
- U.S.–Mexican Joint Defense Commission, 100, 127, 199, 763
- U.S. military assistance, 130, 215, 294–295
- U.S. military bases in, 199
- U.S. relations with, 41–43, 680–686
- U.S. technical assistance, 345, 349–350, 684
- U.S. trade policies, 164–166
- Meyer, Charles A., 535
- Meyer, Joaquin, 821–822, 842–843, 844n
- Military assistance policies, U.S. (see
also under
Hemisphere defense; U.S. military assistance under individual countries):
- Aircraft, 238, 251, 260, 290–291
- Bilateral agreements, 229, 249
- Combat engineering battalions, 219, 224, 227, 230
- Communism, role in fight against, 78–79
- Defense Department attitude, 227n, 227–232, 239–241, 244n, 256, 299
- Dependence fostered by, 108
- Economic stability, effect on, 55, 99, 214, 247–249, 273–274
- Equipment:
- Credit terms for, 99, 185, 213–218, 220, 224, 230, 232, 238, 240–243, 260–261, 270–271, 388
- Deliveries, 237–238
- Non–U.S. supply, question of, 10–11, 29–30, 99–100, 108–109, 120–121, 186–187, 214, 234, 249, 250–252, 254–255, 277
- Standardization, 10–11, 29–30, 54–55, 119, 126–127, 142, 186, 214, 230, 234, 258
- Evaluation, need for, 230–231
- Expenditures:
- Extra–hemispheric capabilities, 11, 14, 254, 261
- Fairless Committee report re, 407–409
- Force requirements, 105–106, 133–136, 225–226, 242–243, 253, 259–260, 270, 286–289, 292–293, 294–298
- Force standardization along U.S. lines, 193
- Funding:
- General policy, 54–55, 98–100, 109–113, 115–118, 121–122, 125–127, 141–142, 182–187, 239, 244–246, 248–252, 258–259, 299
- General war, 32–33
- Hemisphere mapping program, 100, 128, 190
- Inter–American cooperation, 29–30, 32–33, 93, 120–121, 190–191, 200
- Internal security programs, 70, 99–100, 106, 188–189, 196, 202–203, 252–254, 259–260, 270, 271, 288, 351, 388–389
- Latin American complaints, 29–30, 142
- MAAG chiefs, role of, 271
- Naval vessel loan program:
- OCB Plan of Operations, 181–193
- Panama Canal Zone protection, 106, 110, 290
- Political v. military nature of, 239–240, 256, 286–287
- Radford’s visit to South America re, 272–275, 284–285, 289–293
- Reimbursable assistance program (see also Equipment above), 132–133, 242–243, 250–253, 259–260, 270, 271, 292, 921
- State–Defense working group, 228n, 242n
- Strategic materials acquisition, relation to, 256
- Training missions, 100, 127, 191–193, 249, 256
- 1290–d program, 56, 267, 388
- U.S. bases in Latin America, 100, 189–190, 199, 229, 255–256, 263, 274–275, 285–286
- Miller, Edward G., Jr., 324n
- Millikin, Eugene D., 778, 787, 818
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 312n, 531n, 817n
- Mission Directors Conference (1957), 409
- Moffat, Jay P., 844n
- Monge, Luis Alberto, 929
- Monsen, G. Richard, 441n
- Monsma, George N., 464n, 465n
- Montllor, Joseph J., 910–912
- Mora Otero, José Antonio, 49, 438–439, 452, 537
- Morgan, Gerald, 505–508, 676
- Morse, True D., 786–789, 791, 805–808, 825–827
- Morse, Wayne, 818, 896
- Morton, Thruston B., 819n, 827–828
- Moss, John E., Jr., 897–898
- Moya, Manuel de, 882n, 922
- Mujal Barniol, Eusebio, 836
- Mulliken, Jean H., 413n, 793n, 819n, 827n
- Munoz Marin, Luis, 903
- Murphree, Eger V., 906
- Murphy, Gerald Lester. See Murphy–Galindez disappearance case.
- Murphy, Robert D.:
- Continental Heads of Government meeting, 709
- Cuba, 864n
- Dominican Republic, 886, 907n
- Hemisphere defense, 218–221, 270
- Military assistance policies, 220,
- Aircraft, 260
- Combat engineering battalions, 219
- Defense Department attitude, 227n
- Equipment standardization, 257–258
- Extra–hemispheric capabilities, 261
- Force requirements, 270, 294–295, 297–298
- Internal security programs, 259–260
- Naval vessel loan program, 232–236, 243–244, 263–264, 280–283
- Political v. military nature, 286–289
- Reimbursable assistance programs, 259–260
- South Atlantic Defense Organization, proposed, 268n
- Murphy–Galindez
disappearance case, 197, 880–881, 883, 886–888, 894–896, 904–905, 909
- De La Maza suicide and, 885–891, 899–900, 910n
- Dominican investigation, 890–891, 899–900, 910–911
- Dominican position, 890–891, 910–911, 915–916
- Espaillat’s role in, 886, 900–902, 907–908, 911–916
- Export–Import Bank loan applications, suspension of, 900, 912
- FBI investigations, 878, 891–892, 896, 900, 911
- Justice Department investigations, 877–878, 911, 913–914, 916
- U.S. Congressional interest in, 896–898, 927
- U.S. courses of action, possible, 898–904, 907–908, 911–912
- U.S. position, 884–886, 888–895, 915–916
- U.S. public interest in, 885, 899–900
- Myers, Lawrence, 798–801, 803–808, 842–843
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 167, 182, 717, 748
- National Intelligence Estimates, 16n, 628n
- National Security Council (NSC):
- Nationalism, 92, 119, 141
- Naval vessel loan program. See under Military assistance policies, U.S.
- Neal, Jack D., 257n, 310n, 321n, 440n, 441, 619n, 656, 832n, 881, 898
- Nebot Velasco, Jaime, 355
- Newbegin, Robert, 213n, 619n, 656, 796–797, 931–932, 936, 938–940
- Newman, George S., 789n
- Nicaragua (see also
Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict):
- Armed forces, 135, 643–644
- Costa Rica, possible invasion by, 621–622
- Economic situation, 424–425, 647–648
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 629, 631, 636, 641
- Somoza assassination, 625
- United States, military agreements with, 269
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 131, 218
- U.S. technical assistance, 338, 348
- Nichols, Clarence W., 528n, 535, 541, 543, 559–563, 826
- Nixon, Richard M.:
- Nolan, Charles P., 310n, 321n, 536, 542
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 216, 233, 331n, 789–790, 933
- North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement (1950), 659
- Noto, Mario, 859–860
- Nufer, Albert F., 227
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 676n
- Odria y Amoretti, Manuel A., 364
- Office of Defense Mobilization, 849–850
- Ohly, John E., 387–389
- Ohmans, John L., 583n, 594n
- O’Mahoney, Joseph C., 778
- Olin–Mathieson Company, 657, 668, 674
- Otáñez, Col. Enrique, 211
- Oliva, Col. Juan Francisco, 210
- Olney, Warren, III, 913
- Operations Coordinating Board:
- Functioning of, 1–2
- Latin America policy review recommendation, 47–48, 60
- Military assistance policies, 257,
- Naval vessel loan program, 280
- Outline Plan of Operations Against Communism in Latin America, 61–89
- Outline Plan of Operations for Latin America, 138–194
- Progress reports on Latin America policy, 6–13, 46–59, 194–212
- Working Group on Latin America, 2, 5, 6n, 45, 46n, 61n, 137–138, 194n
- Organization of American States (see also
Inter–American Economic and Social Council; OAS Investigating
Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict):
- Atomic energy development, 459–460, 464–465, 472–473, 476–477, 481, 494–495
- Collective security activities, 27–28
- Communism in Latin America, policies re, 64–65
- Economic activities review. See Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives.
- Economic Conference. See Buenos Aires Economic Conference.
- Ecuador–Peru border dispute, 48–49
- Funding for, 202
- General Secretary selection, 49, 438
- Police force, proposed, 290–292
- U.S. attitude re, 94, 144–145, 458–459
- Organization of Central American States, 203, 619, 625, 639
- Ortega Urbina, Alfonso, 595
- Ortiz Passarelli, Miguel, 210
- Outline Plan of Operations Against Communism in Latin America (OCB paper), 61–89
- Outline Plan of Operations for Latin America (OCB paper), 138–194
- Overby, Andrew N., 246, 257, 304n, 367–368, 399, 459–460, 499–500, 664–665, 678
- Pacheco Coto, Humberto, 621
- Padilla Nervo, Ruiz, 672n, 690, 698, 702, 745, 770, 774
- Pan American Airlines, 706–707, 740–741
- Pan American Congress, 438
- Pan American Sanitary Organization, 458, 481, 494–495
- Pan American Union, 468, 481, 488
- Panama (see also
Panama Canal Zone):
- American Presidents Meeting, 443
- Armed forces, 643
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 536
- Canal Zone control issue, 630, 640, 642–643
- Communism in, 638
- Economic situation, 425, 645–648
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 585, 615, 637, 642
- U.S. military assistance, 131
- U.S. radar sites in, 199
- U.S. technical assistance, 338, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 164–165
- Panama Canal Zone defense, 106, 110, 290
- Pappano, Albert E., 541–544
- Paraguay:
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 528, 542, 550
- Economic situation, 425–426
- Hemisphere defense, 219, 224
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 24
- United States, agreements with, 173, 201–202, 224
- U.S. economic assistance, 137, 170, 430
- U.S. military assistance, 132, 219, 224, 248–249
- U.S. technical assistance, 336, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 9, 51, 164–165
- Pawley, William D., 897, 902
- Paz Estenssoro, Victor, 35
- Pearson, Norman, 228n, 233
- PEMEX. See under Mexico.
- Pena Aybar, Alberto, 903
- Peralta Azurdia, Col. Enrique, 211
- Pérez Jiménez, Marcos, 5, 585n, 586
- Perón, Juan Domingo, 27, 31, 33, 203, 230, 241
- Peru:
- Armed forces, 135
- Border dispute with Ecuador, 13, 48–49, 143–144, 272
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 538, 544, 547, 551
- Communism in, 85
- Copper development, 309
- Economic situation, 22, 29, 31, 426
- Export–Import Bank loans, 207, 361–362
- Hemisphere defense, 95
- IBRD loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Military equipment purchases, non–U.S. sources, 274
- Political situation, 24, 30
- Territorial waters, 12
- United States, agreements with, 54, 173–174, 201–202, 269, 325
- U.S. economic assistance, 3, 170, 208–209
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 132–133, 192–193, 223
- U.S. technical assistance, 338, 348
- U.S. trade policies re, 12, 165–166, 413–414, 429, 532, 568, 824
- Pheiffer, William T., 880–881, 885, 895, 910n
- Philippines, 813
- Phillips, Richard I., 528n
- Pico, Rafael, 528n, 542
- Pierre–Louis, Joseph Nemours, 947, 949–950
- Pike, Thomas P., 880n, 918
- Pittman, Steuart L., 325
- P.L. 480 programs. See Corn purchases under Mexico and under Economic assistance policies, U.S.
- Poage, William R., 822n
- Point IV Program, 685, 833
- Poland, 640, 696, 763
- Political situation in Latin America (see also Communism in Latin America; under individual countries):
- Ponce Enríquez, Camilo, 575
- Porter, Charles O., 896–898, 922, 927–928
- Post, Albert, 419–427
- Prat Echaurren, Jorge, 355
- Prebisch, Raúl, 319, 355, 460, 501, 521–523
- President’s Citizen Advisers on the Mutual Security Program (Fairless Committee), 407–409
- Price–Mars, Jean, 949n
- Prio Soccaras, Carlos, 624, 633
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 257n, 352n, 372, 405–406
- Prosper, Col. Marcaisse, 947
- Public Roads, U.S. Bureau of, 6n, 310–311, 313
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 101n
- Radius, Walter A., 352n
- Rama Road, 97, 129, 170
- Ramirez Ulloa, 691
- Ramos, Gen. Matias, 736
- Randall, Clarence B., 327, 513
- Randall, Harold M., 444–449, 453n, 458, 480n, 783
- Ravndal, Christian M., 292–293
- Rayburn, Sam, 321
- Raymond, Col. John M., 914
- Regional trade market proposal. See under Buenos Aires Economic Conference.
- Remón Cantera, Col. Jose Antonio, 615, 620
- Republic Steel Company, 291
- Requena, Andres, 903
- Richards, Arthur L., 275n
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 220, 230
- Rio Economic Conference (1954), 8, 28, 305, 314–315, 366–368, 500–501, 503, 509, 519, 665
- Rio Protocol, 48, 143–144
- Rio Treaty. See Inter–American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance.
- Robinson, Hamlin, 412
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 4, 230, 304–305, 327–330, 596–597
- Rockefeller Foundation, 766
- Roderick, George H., 622n
- Rodrigo Gomez, 690
- Rodriguez Adame, 747
- Rogers, William P., 913
- Rojas, Rear Adm. Isaac Francisco, 241
- Rojas Pinilla, Gen. Gustavo, 203
- Romualdi, Serafino, 571–573, 578–580
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 878
- Rosenson, Alexander M., 373, 381, 525n, 557n
- Rothschild, Louis S., 311
- Roumain, Col., 960
- Rouse, Wallace, 851
- Rowntree, R. Henry, 360–362
- Rubottom, Roy R., Jr.,
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 510, 535, 543–544, 749–750
- Central American University proposal, 626–628
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict, 625–626
- Cuba, 838–840, 870
- Dominican Republic (see also Murphy–Galindez disappearance case below), 882n, 916, 924, 928, 930
- Economic assistance policies:
- Haiti, 947–951, 953–954, 956
- Inter–American Committee of Presidential Representatives, 444, 453n, 454n
- Latin America policy, 61
- Mexico, 741–742, 749–751, 766n
- Military assistance policies, 269n, 272–275, 284–285, 292n
- Murphy–Galindez disappearance case, 886–889, 895–896, 898, 905–910, 913–916
- Organization of American States, 291
- Somoza assassination, 625
- South Atlantic Defense Organization, proposed, 268n
- Trade policies, 413–414, 750–751
- Ruiz Cortines, Adolfo:
- Civil aviation agreement, 681–682, 686, 689–690, 700–708, 714, 722–724, 729
- Chamizal ownership issue, 721
- Communism in Mexico, 681, 695, 697, 710–711, 720–721
- Continental Heads of Government meeting, 708–709
- Cotton production and sales, 713
- Economic situation in Mexico, 712
- Eisenhower, meeting with, 710–715
- Export–Import Bank loans, 722–723, 738
- Foreign investment, 689, 719, 774–775
- Government involvement in industry, 657, 669
- Guatemala policy, 681, 688
- Loans to railroads, 721–723, 724, 738
- Migrant labor issue, 688, 713, 715
- PEMEX, 683, 689, 745
- Political situation in Mexico, 712, 753, 775
- Sabalo Company incident, 702, 721, 770
- Territorial waters and fishing rights, 713–714, 721
- United States, Mexican relations with, 681, 687–690, 773–776
- United States visit, 671–672, 685–686, 701–702, 708–715
- Ruiz Galindo, Antonio, 652
- Russell, Dr., 344–346, 403
- Russell, Gerald W., 418n
- Sage, DeWitt L., 333n, 335
- St. Laurent, Louis S., 672n, 702
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 4
- Salazar, Joaquín E., 879, 882n, 900, 908–910, 915–916
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 817–818
- Sanders, Terry B., Jr., 236n, 239n, 242n, 257n, 261n, 289n, 360n, 499n, 509n, 511n, 513n, 528n, 538n, 543n, 545n, 554n
- Santa Cruz, A., 521
- Sauer, Walter C., 373–375, 381, 665
- Sayre, Robert M., 61n, 233, 234n, 239–243, 252–256, 257n, 265n, 269n, 271n, 275n, 280n, 387–389, 395
- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 609n
- Schow, General, 844
- Scott, Walter K., 311n
- Senate, U.S.:
- Serrano Langlois, Antonio, 523–525
- Sevilla–Sacasa, Guillermo, 475, 625–626
- Shepherd, Gen. Lemuel, 220
- Shields, Robert H., 811, 815
- Silfa, Nicolas, 898, 913
- Simpson, Richard M., 682n
- Smathers, George A., 169n, 389–390, 828n
- Smathers development fund. See under Economic assistance policies, U.S.
- Smith, Bromley, 2n
- Smith, Earl E.T., 845–846, 853–855, 862
- Smith, Gerard C., 465n
- Smith, Marshall M., 456–461, 717
- Snow, William P., 294–295, 434, 525–526, 557–558, 765n, 768–771, 848n, 853n, 858–862, 863n, 927–928, 955
- Solorzano Thompson, Ernesto, 622
- Somoza de Bayle, Luis, 204, 621, 632–633
- Somoza García, Anastasio, 452, 585n, 586n, 593–596, 603–606, 610–611, 616, 620, 622, 625, 636
- South Atlantic defense organization, proposed, 268–269
- South Puerto Rican Sugar Company, 897, 902
- Soviet bloc:
- Communism in Latin America, funding for, 88
- Latin American activities, increase in, 17, 27, 55–56, 87–89, 196–197
- Latin American relations, U.S. policy re, 102
- Mexico, activities in, 695–696, 764
- Strategic materials from Latin America, 4, 162–164
- Trade with Latin America, 29, 34, 47, 74–75, 87–88, 197, 640–641
- Soviet Union:
- Spalding, Francis L., 910, 920–922, 930
- Sparks, Edward J., 213n, 216, 300n, 397, 611–612, 623, 796
- Spencer, George O., 213–217, 789n
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 278–279, 286n, 287, 297–298, 748, 919
- Staats, Elmer B., 138
- Stambaugh, Lynn U., 344–345
- Stassen, Harold E., 4, 14–15, 109, 312–313, 814–815, 935
- Stephansky, Ben S., 929
- Stephens, Richard H., 885, 909–910
- Stevens, Stoddard, 702
- Stewart, C. Allan, 584, 865n, 870n, 872n, 912n, 920, 922–923, 928–929
- Strategic materials:
- Strauss, Lewis L., 879
- Stroessner, Alfredo, 452
- Stuart, R. Douglas, 708–709
- Sturgill, Robert, 228n
- Sugar legislation, U.S., revision of, 9
- Administration position, 12, 803, 806–808, 817–819
- Agriculture–State coordination, need for, 779–780, 781
- Agriculture–State memorandum of understanding, 816–817
- Agriculture–State negotiations, 786–789, 791–792, 798–801, 809–810
- Agriculture–State–White House meetings, 801–808, 825–827
- Congressional actions, 805–806, 815n, 819–820, 822n, 925n, 827, 828n, 830–831
- Cuban economic situation, possible effects on, 809–811
- Cuban political situation, possible effects on, 792, 796–798, 823n, 810
- Cuban rice imports and, 784–785
- Cuban position, 783–785, 821–822, 829–830, 832, 843
- Cuban–U.S. negotiations, proposed, 806, 821–822
- Domestic producers, 777–778, 788, 792–794, 800, 808n
- Eisenhower–Congressional leaders meetings, 778–783, 786–787, 791, 817–819
- Foreign Operations Administration position, 814–815
- State position, 777–779, 782–783, 793–796, 811–812, 814–816, 822–825, 827–828, 830n
- Surinam, 157, 338
- Swing, Gen. J.M., 858–862
- Sylvain, Franck, 950–951
- Talamas, Shibly Jean, 964n
- Taylor, Col. H.W., 905–906
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell, 294–295, 736
- Technical assistance programs, U.S. (see
technical assistance issues
Buenos Aires Economic Conference; U.S. technical
assistance under individual countries), 97–98, 124–125
- Atomic energy development, promotion of, 171–172, 204, 351, 389
- Communism, role in fight against, 79–80
- Criticisms of, 342–343
- Development planning, 336–339
- Diversification of, 51–52
- Expenditures:
- Fairless Committee report, 407–409
- Funding:
- Latin America Security Fund, 350–351
- Military personnel used for, 111–112
- Objectives of, 177–178, 340, 347–348
- Plan for FY 1956, 345–346
- Plan for FY 1957, 346–351, 357–360, 402–405
- Plan for FY 1958, 387–389
- Political functions of, 157–158
- Servicio administration arrangements, 343, 375–376
- Tello Baurraud, Manuel J., 475, 655, 661–663, 684, 706, 736–737, 742–744, 748, 765–767
- Tenth Inter–American Conference, Caracas (1954), 27–28, 64–65, 365, 500, 680–681
- Territorial waters disputes, 12, 57
- Texas Eastern Company, 660
- Texas Gulf Sulphur Company, 657
- Thebaud, Fritz, 967
- Thomas, Norman, 877
- Tompkins, General, 863
- Topping, John L., 846n, 865n
- Trabanino, Jose Guillermo, 203, 619
- Trade policies, U.S. (see also
Sugar legislation, U.S., revision of; U.S. trade
policies under individual countries):
- Economic stability in Latin America, effect on, 616–617
- Goals of, 97, 124
- Import restrictions, 8–9, 51, 57, 88, 102–104, 166, 198
- Import restrictions by Latin American governments, discouragement of, 102–103, 164–165
- Most–favored–nation status for Latin American countries, 102–104
- Soviet bloc–Latin American trade, discouragement of, 4, 29, 34, 74–75, 87–88, 162–164, 197
- Trade missions, 204
- Trade unions. See individual names and Labor movement in Latin America.
- Treasury Department, U.S., 45, 46n, 503–505, 664–665
- Trinidad, 157
- Trujillo Molina, Generalissimo Rafael L., 585n, 617, 634–635, 887, 893–895, 930
- Trujillo Molina, Hector, 635
- Truman, Harry S., 685n
- Turkel, Harry R., 373–374, 381n, 393–394, 419, 444, 853n, 856n
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 294–295, 297–298
- United Fruit Company, 9, 41, 635, 646
- United Kingdom, 11, 30, 34, 158, 290–291, 917
- United Mine Workers of America, 203
- United Nations:
- U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA), 51, 305, 314–317, 319, 332, 449, 460
- U.N. Emergency Force, 775
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 50, 61n
- United States Information Service (USIS), 53
- United States Operations Missions (USOMs), 339–344
- Uruguay:
- Armed forces, 135–136
- Buenos Aires Economic Conference, 523–524, 528, 535–536, 547, 555, 565
- Communism in, 50, 85–86
- Economic situation, 10, 29, 426
- Hemisphere defense, 95, 268–269
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- IMF quotas and drawings, 428
- Political situation, 23, 30, 292
- Social trends, 20
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 87–88, 197
- United States, agreements with, 173, 269
- U.S. economic assistance, 170, 427
- U.S. military assistance, 59, 95, 131–133, 192–193, 217, 237–238, 265, 275
- U.S. technical assistance, 338, 348, 376–377
- Urzúa Merino, Eduardo, 523–525
- Valvule, Col. Adrien, 955n, 959
- Van Orman, Col. E.G., 843
- Vasconcellos, Amilcar, 523–525
- Venezuela:
- Armed forces, 290–291
- Atomic research programs, 7
- Communism in, 85
- Costa Rica–Nicaragua conflict, involvement in, 585–586, 590–591, 621
- Economic situation, 10, 21, 43–45, 52, 426–427
- Hemisphere defense, 95
- IADB General Military Plan, 7, 57
- IBRD–Eximbank loans, 207
- Political situation, 5, 24, 30–31
- Soviet bloc, trade with, 197
- Territorial ambitions, 293
- Trade restrictions, 9, 12, 51, 165–166
- United States, agreements with, 173, 174, 182, 204, 215, 285
- U.S. economic assistance, 427
- U.S. military assistance, 95, 131–133, 202, 215, 217, 234, 248, 259–260, 263, 264, 285, 292, 254
- U.S. technical assistance, 345, 348–349, 377
- Vicchi, Adolfo A., 476, 477n
- Viera, Gloria, 903
- Villaveces, Carlos, 355
- Wainhouse, David W., 465n
- Wallich, Henry C., 327, 329–330
- Walters, Lt. Col. Vernon, 710–715
- Wardlaw, Andrew B., 293n
- Warren, Fletcher, 585–586
- Watson, Col. L.H., Jr., 272
- Waugh, Samuel C., 319, 329n, 331n, 352n, 371–372, 400, 405–406, 456–461, 528n, 943–944
- Weeks, Sinclair, 117, 321, 327, 413
- Weiss, Leonard, 825–827
- Werts, Leo, 571–573, 578
- West Indies Sugar Corporation, 902
- Whelan, Thomas E., 586n, 593n
- White, Francis:
- Mexico, 669
- Chamizal ownership issue, 721, 722n
- Civil aviation agreement, 656, 676n, 681–682, 686, 689–690, 701, 703–708, 722–724, 729–730
- Communism in, 695–697, 720–721
- Double taxation agreement with the United States, 665
- Economic situation, 649, 693–694
- Electrical industry, 669
- Export–Import Bank loans, 664–665, 677–679, 684, 715–716, 722–724, 733–735, 738–739
- Foreign investment, 668
- Government involvement in industry, 666–669
- Import restrictions, 659, 670–671
- Migrant labor issue, 694–695, 697–698
- Mining industry, 669–670
- PEMEX, 666, 682–683, 691–693
- Political situation, report on, 687–699
- Sabalo Company incident, 702, 721, 770
- Territorial waters and fishing rights, 721
- U.S.–Mexican relations, report on, 680–686
- Ruiz Cortines’ visit to the United States, 685–686, 701–702, 709
- Mexico, 669
- Wieland, William A., 850–851, 853n, 860n, 863n, 865n, 870–876, 959
- Wilber, Edward B., 310n
- Williams, John J., 811
- Williams, Philip P., 339–346, 347n, 387n, 395, 406n, 536
- Williams, Walter, 103–105, 311
- Willis, George H., 405, 504, 507–508, 528n
- Wilson, Charles E., 4, 101n, 118, 219n, 222, 591, 848–850
- Wilson, Brig. Gen. James K., Jr., 242
- Windward and Leeward Islands, 157
- Wollam, Park F., 622
- Woodward, Robert F., 581–583, 586–588, 597–599, 606–608, 621
- World Bank. See International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
- World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), 639, 758
- World Labor Federation, 929
- Ydigoras Fuentes, Gen. Miguel, 211
- Young, Charles L., 537, 649n
- Zamor, Col. Emile, 955n, 959
- Zengotita, Juan de, 571
- Zéphirin, Mauclair, 932, 936, 946–948, 949n
- Zinc. See Lead and zinc, U.S. import restrictions on.