381. Telegram 1289 to Geneva1
1289. For Johnson.
Chinese Communist propaganda during past week contained only one direct reference to Ambassadorial talks, and comment on Taiwan remained at low ebb. Major attention devoted Big Four talks and other issues.
Ambassadorial talks. Commentary by “Observer” in People’s Daily, November 18 charged that US is continuing delay progress of talks. Cited UP report November 9 quoting US officials in Washington to effect US would not be party to agreements until all Americans released from China; contrasted problem of remaining 14 Americans with situation Chinese nationals in US “long prevented from returning” to China. Concluded by saying talks at ambassadorial level cannot “be prolonged indefinitely,” and called on US to stop fabricating “pretexts” and “honestly sit down and negotiate.”
Taiwan. NCNA November 13 commented briefly on Far Eastern trip Air Force General Twining, alleging his discussions with Nationalist leaders concerned strengthening air defenses in Taiwan Strait. Special article People’s Daily November 12 commented on “aggressive maneuvering” US Seventh Fleet in Taiwan area. Broadcasts to Taiwan featured speech by ex-Nationalist official Li Ming-yang addressed to government leaders on Taiwan.
[Facsimile Page 2]Big Four Conference. NCNA commentary on closing of Foreign Ministers’ Conference sought to place blame for failure on Western powers. Accused US of “torpedoing European peace and poisoning international atmosphere.” Concluded “great deterrents still exist to relaxation [Typeset Page 526] of tensions,” but took position that failure Big Four Conference reach agreement did not rule out possibility of more fruitful talks in future.
East-West Contacts. Issue of enlarging East-West contacts continued receive considerable Peiping attention. NCNA November 17 stated main question is problem of developing normal economic relations, and cited “growing demand” for abolition trade controls. Alleged “certain circles” in West were unwilling give up Cold War policies, and viewed expansion cultural ties as opportunity for pursuing Cold War further.
Korea. People’s Daily November 18 endorsed Nam Il’s October 31 statement demanding North Korean representation UN GA discussions of Korean Question, and advocated general Far Eastern conference on Korean issue with “wide representation” for Asian countries. Editorial also raised issue of Chinese POWs, stating US had never given proper accounting.
Japan. Katayama mission to Peiping continued receive considerable attention. Joint Sino-Japanese communique issued November 16, based on interview between Chou and Katayama November 15, called for restoration diplomatic relations, and settlement all outstanding issues through peaceful negotiations. Meanwhile, Peiping continued berate Japanese Government for deportation Chinese nationals to Taiwan.
[Facsimile Page 3]Indonesia. Peiping radio November 17 commented favorably on Sukarno speeches of November 10 and 13, in which he charged connections between the Darul Islam movement and “foreign imperialism,” and called for vigilance against danger of “imperialist” efforts to subvert Indonesian Republic. NCNA pledged Chinese support for Indonesians in their struggle against imperialism, with specific reference to West Irian.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2155. Official Use Only. Drafted by Dawson; cleared in IAD and CA.↩