380. Telegram 1210 from Geneva1
Geneva, November 21, 1955, 6
1210. From Johnson. Re para 3 Deptel 1281.
- 1.
- I have no very firm thoughts on why Wang has not yet further brought up embargo.
- 2.
- However, it is possible they suspect trick of some kind lies behind our invitation present their views which obviously caught them by surprise. They may have been confused by our linking of renunciation of force with embargo and have not decided how it can best be handled. They may also suspect our mention CHICOM [CHINCOM] and UN resolution was solely to give basis for rejection any discussion these items as outside scope these talks.
- 3.
- Related to foregoing is possibility that having linked renunciation of force to their immediate major objective of FonMin meeting they do not wish to give us any basis for delay in bringing FonMin meeting to decision by diversionary discussion on secondary item of embargo.
- 4.
- They may also have been awaiting outcome trade discussion in Big Four FonMin meeting before making up mind whether press or how to handle embargo. Lack results Big Four meeting may discourage them from pressing at least for time being.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–2155. Secret; Limited Distribution.↩