349. Telegram 1096 from Geneva1
Geneva, November 8, 1955, 9
1096. From Johnson. Reference Department telegram 1143.
Immediately following my return from Prague this afternoon I sent the following letter to Wang:
- 1.
- On my return from Prague this afternoon my attention was called to a newspaper story in the London Daily Worker of Monday, November 7, by Sam Russell from Geneva.
- 2.
- I was most seriously disturbed to note that this story contained a detailed and accurate report of the substance and even some of the exact wording of the proposal which you made to me in our meeting of October 27.
- 3.
- This very clear and explicit violation of the understanding that we have with respect to the privacy of our meetings cannot but cause my govt to have grave doubts concerning the intent of your govt with respect to our talks.
- 4.
- I would appreciate being promptly informed what action will be taken to rectify this situation which inevitably prejudices the hope for progress in our talks.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.93/11–855. Confidential; Priority.↩